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Everything posted by ferretfixer

  1. As your Forum title suggests Lizzie. I agree with Richard, you served with THE Corps? I also like the RL, I had one until 3 years ago. Manufactured in 1953 & Saw action in the Suez 'Crisis'. Lovely vehicle to drive & work on. Which I also did was I was in the Corps myself! :-D Also owned three Ferrets as well, which you also like, you say? Welcome to the Friendly Forum! :yay:
  2. I once discovered a Japanese Sniper hiding in my salad bowl, in our Local Chinese Take Away you know :cheesy: Honest guv, it's a true as I'm riding this bike as I type!.......:cool2: Anyway, can they read up in Norwich?..... I heard they come out at night & stare at the Moon! :-D Just pulling your legs, you 'Na-rich-ers'.....LOL
  3. Robin, The 'T' at the beginning of this letter callsign. Would be a 'Tango' unit, IE: An Armoured (Tank) Regiment. A Ferret would have been utilised as a forward Recce Vehicle with them.
  4. I am assuming from the lack of replies. That most you good People are at one of the two major vehicle shows this weekend? If this is so, I really hope you are having a smashing time at either venue! Ok the pressure is on Me now! The seller of the vehicle I wish to acquire. Is asking when if I have any idea of when the Machine can be collected? I have not had an answer yet from anyone because obviously. It is VERY early days on my initial request here! But one of my Options failing anyone here being able to assist in transportation. Would be to contact a Polish Haulage Firm. The Town where the vehicle is situated, is right beside the Polish Border. And we are all aware that there is a LOT of Polish Artic's Etc. Coming & going to the UK on a weekly/ daily Basis. It would be a good deal for them to collect this vehicle as it would be at least on the outbound journey from Poland. & in theory, cheaper for me also? Anyone have any input or reservations on this idea at all? Or indeed, any other suggestions that might help Me on this Please? Many Thanks, & I hope you are all enjoying the lovely Weather! Mike.
  5. Hello Fellow Green Machine Enthusiasts! :cheesy: My question is in Two parts really. :red: I wish to import a used Ex Mil Vehicle from Germany to the UK. It is my understanding, that I do not have to pay VAT etc. As the vehicle was manufactured in 1974, is a sale from one private owner to similar. All I have to do is open a NOVA account, & notify HMRC via this medium.Of The importation within 14 Days? The vehicle is German TUV registered & tested. IE: German equivalent of Log book & MOT tested. When I come to register the vehicle for a log Book in the UK. Is it MOT & Road Tax exempt, due to it's age? FINALY Due to my Personal Situation. I am not able to drive to Germany & collect the vehicle myself. Which I would do under Normal circumstances. Sooooo......Can anyone point Me in the right direction. Of a Firm who would be able to collect the said vehicle from there. And deliver to my Personal Home Address in the UK Please? :thumbsup: IE:Anyone who can be recommended for a fair price for this job? The vehicle is small platformed variant. just like a beach buggy. so low & ONLY weigh's 0.61 of a Ton! it COULD be done with a small car trailer as well as a small flatbed truck. Perhaps a member of this forum, who is an established Firm member/owner. Of such a business, would like the job? Thank you all in advance. for your valued advice/ opinons. Kindest regards: Mike. :tup::
  6. Yep the good old No.2 Cooker! If kept clean & looked after, they are very reliable. As one of the MANY other tasks in the Armourers workshop. we were responsible for cooker repairs (& Kero Heaters!) & I have serviced & repaired many hundereds of these. Yours is an Improved model, with stainless steel diffuser & 'Key' operated flame control. The original models had a single jet in a steel funnel cup. & these used to get blocked quite frequently. These cookers had a single strand of wire mounted in an Ally handle. This was for clearing the jets when needed, which as I said previously. Was a common occurance. This was due to debris build up in the jet, from small/ tiny. Paint flakes, from filling from jerry cans. J/Cs were red led paint lined internally. This did in time flake off, & cause the blockages. Even the small mesh filter screen in the filling funnel. Did not stop the fine dust like particles from clogging the jets in usage! These are easy work on & keep going in the field. Which is a boon at shows! They are VERY efficient when up & running, & get your pans hot. VERY quickly!
  7. Don't be ridiculous!!! EVERYONE Knows it will have crated Jeeps on the flatcars! Tut!..........
  8. Indeed! Yes, the Signals wore headsets a LOT of the time, on exercises. & The Beret was de Rigeur for this application. it was also more comfortable on long periods of radio Stag! :-|
  9. Yep, when I started researching yesterday. I contacted the seller imidiately,as you would! Guess what? That advert is 3 years old, & VERY sadly for Me. Obviously sold!.....:embarrassed: I would have paid cash for that one!.... STILL looking, anyone got any leads. If not a machine for sale?....:red:
  10. Seeking a running & in decent condition, Faun Kraka. Cash Waiting. PM Me with what you have for sale Please.
  11. I purchased a trailer in Auction form Whithams, a few years back. It did come with the Military release certificate. So I would assume, it is standard practice for all Military vehicles upon being struck off Strength. To get a cert with each vehicle. As an aside, it does say on the cert. If you lose it, it is not possible to get a replacement.
  12. I, along with a lot of others. Enjoyed this years W&P. But I didn't attend as Living History this time, as I have had a Horrendous year. With my Domestic situation at Home, & simply wanted to 'Camp Out' & chill/ Rest/ Get my Head together! Which, with good Friends & Chatting with like minded enthusiasts. & did successfully. Took me 3 days to unwind, but when done. Really enjoyed the ambiance & Comradeship, that these sort of shows generate. Yes, there were a few gripes to go on about. But these have been mostly covered by others here. One of my own complaints is, that there were no plaques at all. For the vehicle entrants, dispite some of us having to pay to enter our pride & joys! It is Traditional & Indeed, expected.That the courtesy of a plaque be given, for your attendance at a show of this nature. It costs most of us a small fortune to get there. & after all, if you have no exhibits. You have no show! It was a common opinion, that the new owner is geared up purely to take Money off us all & has little interest in what we really want. I for one say, if he moans about the cost of having plaques made. The Money wasted on Fireworks on Saturday Evening, COULD have been better directed to pay for them perhaps?................ All in all, I got out of the show what I wanted & I am reasonably 'happy' for that. However......If the new owner dosent listen to us, & take action to correct the 'defects' mentioned to him. I feel this show will Die!........ Beltring is Back on as such & I feel personaly. This will grow & take over from W&P Sadly........
  13. The London Proof Master attended the show on the Saturday. & as He is a Personal Friend of mine, he naturally came & sat at my location for a chat. He was with the 'gaggle' of Police, Border force Etc People. He informed me they were all turning a blind eye to the 'New' unfair, unworkable & pointless EU directive on Deacts. (That is NOT to say, if you do something stupid. & 'Come to Notice' to them. That they will not prosecute!) It is unnessacry & extra pointless work for them. That will have NO effect on Career Criminal & Terrorists, & they KNOW this!..... I enquired, that when the Extraction process had been completed. For the UKs withdrawl from the EU. That we would have to start the fight all over again, to repeal these unfair laws relating to Deacts. & get them BACK to what they were prior to the EU 'Directive'. He is most unhappy about the wording of 'Defectively deactivated' if the FORMER Firearm is sold without the new EU Deact Cert. As I said, if it was legally deactivated & Certified prior to having to add. Say a pin in the mag well & a cut in the mag to clear this pin. How come it 'suddenly' became 'Dangerous', & gained a penalty for failing to comply? We both agreed, it needed some rich person to challenge this ruling in court. Because, if it was deactivated to new spec Etc prior to the into of the EU 'Spec'. Under Sec.8 of the firearms act, ir remains totally incaperble of 'Discharging any, shot, bullet or other missile. & to add to ACPOs guidelines. it is ALSO incaperble of being 'readily converted in 30 mins or less. With Normal workshop Hand tools. it would NOT fall in the category of a firearm! He added, He agreed with collectors & enthusiasts anger & dissatisfaction about the whole 'Mess' this has caused. Not to mention the pointless extra work for our over burdened police forces! He mentioned he was going to inject some input to the Home office about all this nonsense. As they do listen to him & act on his sensible guidance. He doubts very much we will succeed in repealing this law. As once in place, it is almost impossible to get rid of. he agrees we must at least TRY, & even MORE of us will NEED to add the 'voice' against this unfair Law on Deacts. He is going to suggest a compromise, that all Deacts PRIOR to the introduction of this EU Directive. REMAIN as they were for us in the UK. To be freely sold, traded. swapped Etc. to UK CITIZENS ONLY. & that if the deact were to be exported. Then it would HAVE to be brought upto EU spec & Re Certed with the 'New' EU deact Cert. Yes indeed!!! We could live with that one! a SENSIBLE compromise. & sadly would drive up the demand & prices for Pre EU spec deacts. but, if you have a reasonable collection, that is also your pension fund. as a lot of people have. Then this is good news perhaps? This will NOT affect anything 'fresh/ New' to the Market though. From now on, ALL Deacts MUST be cut to the EU Directive specification. PERIOD!.......
  14. Yes, I believe that Blackadder also heard via Baldrick. About some 'Splendid Times' with the senior service!..... 'I hear there is good money to be made down the docks. Doing favours for sailors my Lord'!........ LOL
  15. Please be VERY careful if you do this!!! Ammo store badly, can result in excessive breech pressures due to deterioration of the charge loading! Ensure your Firearm is up to the job of high pressure loads before you shoot it. DONT use it in a very old rifle, the metal structure also changes over many years. & can in some cases weaken! In certain cases, the pressures produced, can be near Proof round Chamber pressures! repeated firing like this, will eventually cause the steel to fail. With consequences you don't want to think about!.... I had the sad duty to investigate & do a report on a Mortar barrel that had failed in Service. The 'Incident' Killed the surrounding crew of three! The mess involved was something you also do not want to be involved with! The Proof house in London. Has many examples of small arms that have failed in proof. Illustrating the dangers & Results of incorrect loadings/ Breech pressures causing 'Failures' :embarrassed: I understand what you would be trying to achieve. But, PLEASE Be careful!......
  16. Yes, the 'Normal' issue when you draw your Sterling for an exercise, was. 6 x magazines. Along with a sling, Bayonet & Scabbard, & of course. A cleaning kit! Back in the day, I only drew my own SMG when going on Manouvres. As I already owned the other listed items! That meant if I lost anything, I wouldn't have to Pay for any replacements. & I could maintain my own equipment in my spare time. to the highest standard! It also meant that when you returned form Exercise, & had to return your Weapon the Company/ Squadron Armoury. It was the ONLY thing you had to clean prior to this. & MUCH quicker to sign in the ONE item. & get back to the Block for a MUCH needed/ Extremely welcomed Shower!...You sorted your Personal kit second!......Ah, Fond Memories of happy Days........They never seemed as bad when you recall things nowadays. as they actually were at the time!...:cool2:
  17. I think 'The right honourable Gentleman' may have something there!...............
  18. There should also be a Short, round, Stop Block used with these. Fit's in the Belt bracket on the LHS when you withdraw The Belt holding pawl Axis pin. from the first 'Open' section in the U bracket. Push the pin back in when the block is dropped On the feedway of the trunion Block. This Item is to PREVENT Ball Ammo being used with a BFA fitted. It HAS happened at night, where a 'user' has fed Ball ammo in a gun & wrecked it with a BFA fitted! This item prevents that scenario Happening. As Blank Rounds are shorter than Live ball Rounds. The block WILL stop the Feeding of Ball Rounds.
  19. Pandagun? I never knew Police cars had a tow hook fitted for them?.................:cool2:
  20. Jim, as I said. If you can get it to Me, I can GUARANTEE Ill Fix it!
  21. Jim, PM sent. On my thoughts on what is wrong internally. Expierience working on these in Service. & also rectifying similar Mechanical Problems, as a result of Poor deactivation. Has given me a good insight into what Might be causing this Problem you are having.
  22. Turn the gun upside down on a sturdy surface. Bang it firmly up & down on the top cover a couple of times. Turn it back & Re-Bang this way as well. try to cock again. It is difficult to diagnose a fault without having the Deact in your hands. Some dealers when cutting this model of MG. Remove the locking ramp form the receiver, but leaving the locking block in the barrel extention. It sometimes sticks in the locking positon & will not fall. Thus lock is still in position. It does sound as though you MAY have something more complicated with your's though, possibly. Are you coming down to war & Peace this year? If so, I can fix/ repair on site. failing that. PM Me. Unless you are familiar with the internal workings of this gun. & understand CORRECTLY, how to field strip it. DONT!!!!!!! There is a LOOOONG driving spring in the bolt assembly. & if you fail to follow the correct procedure, it WILL fly out. & has the potential to take your eye out! & at Best, you may lose some components from the gun!......
  23. TBH, form your pics. I cant see any mounting attachment points clearly enough to determine a model of Mounting. If they have BALL accepting 'cup' mounts under the traversing ring. They LOOK as if they might be ring mounts for Cupola's on Truck cabs in British Service. Possibly from the sixties Etc? The L1A1 .50" Was a designation for the In Service .50" Cal HMG for them. They had shorter barrels as they had been cut down. Simply to clear the rear comm's shelter bodies in a 360 degrees traverse. On Austin K9's, Humber 1 ton radio Trucks & the like. Difficult to say for sure. but if they have those 'cups' underneath, they SHOULD match with the 'Ball' knobs on the Cupola rings on softskin trucks from that era.
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