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Everything posted by ferretfixer

  1. No, I have been in conversation with the London Proofhouse Proofmaster on this. He is more than Happy to have polymer Magazines glued in place. With a good propriatry adhesive such as Araldite or similar. x2Onion has also stated what they will also allow, If a slot is cut high up at the front & rear of a magazine. say 1/2" for an example. Then the grip/ magazine housing in any given class of FORMER Firearm. Drilled with a hole the same size as the slot at the front & rear. Slightly countersink either hole, fit a steel pin the same size as the hole. & add a small blob of Weld deposit on each end of the pin heads. Dress down to profile, give a small blob of paint to prevent rust. Or alternatively blue the areas. Then, the magazine CAN be removed & refitted freely, but an unmodified magazine cannot. You can also retain the original spring & Magazine follower as well. As these will be needed to keep pressure on the mag bottom plate. To prevent said plate from falling off! The follower will obviously be pushed down from the pin when inserted into the DEACT. But when the mag is removed, to all intents & purposes. It will look exactly like a 'normal' magazine in function. & you will only see the small slot, upon close inspection. Interesting to see the Home Office specs are listed as GUIDELINES. And NOT Law/Definitive requirement!............. Appologies for any misinterpretation of my Previous post. As some deemed it too political, it was NOT meant in that way. But if anyone is under the impression,
  2. It would 'Appear' that Relics are offering the Crossfire Replicas as well. But at their 'Own' Price!.........:angel:
  3. Well, as no attempt to reply to his ad for a Landy Gun mount has been received. Dispite a couple of messages to him. The Mount has now been sold to another Forum member! :angel: Guess Danny wasn't as keen as it appeared, to acquire a Series 3 Passenger gun Mount!.........:-) He who hesitates!............:nut:
  4. The Driver also had a Sterling SMG. & he stowed it in the fighting compartment, wherever He could find a spot for it to Rest. One favourite spot, was behind the main radio Set behind the Commanders back. There was no hard & fast rule on this, because each vehicle carried slightly differing loads/contents. & due to this, wherever you could fit another Sterling. Was all that counted!
  5. Danny, (Or if anyone on here knows him) I have PMd you twice on this topic. Nothing heard or activity seen on the Forum since! :nut: PM Me back please, or someone who knows him. Can get a message to him to contact Me please.:tup:: Many Thanks.
  6. Mr, Clive. Are you be suring that your job is not Diplomat to Farmers Union? The liking of hairy Nostrills is very becoming of you. Do you like to use lawn Mowing when doing the trim? I am very much of the Liking, when having chickins in the Haus. Such colour & bonusing of the eggs! We are having the usage of a Pig in the Lounge roomer. For the using of an Air Freshener. Much goodly cheap! I will be getting to you later, as I have to go out to benifit office now. Looking forward to picture of ferrets, as I am very liking of Animals. You say Your ferrets are 3.5 Tons. Very big Breeding & much more meat to be eating! So, I will be touching you back in soonest after Benift is with my Hands. Thank you Please Mr. Clive. And very good at Bussinessing with us together soon. Mr. Big CDM
  7. Dear Mr. Clive. You is Goodly at de Lettering My Sir. How Eye can compete against Yous reply is certainly anxiously Clarified to me. I can be understanding that there is Peoples out there that is not compliantly legal with the selling Inint. I wish you to be trustingly firm of Me, as I is Long Honest Collecting Person for sure. My Pastor will contest to my Honestly as collecting exspurt. So If you be sending the vehicle to my Niece who is Knowing about the shipping systems Honestly well. I can get my shipping agent to collect on behalf of Me anxious to awaiting You. I will supply Banking details being Directly to you in next Lettering to Forwards confidently. Your kind questioning to me asking for my Policy on Defence. Is replying The man am coming tomorrow to fix defence. Thanking You earnestly with advancing good wishes. & remembering, Queen Victoria Damm Fine Man! Mr.Big. CDM.
  8. it has come to my notice, that a certain major retailer of Deacts & Militaria in the UK. Has attempted to get a selection of Freshly 'Cut' Weapons through the Birmingham Proofhouse. Cut to the new EU Specifications. They were ALL rejected as unprovable due to some of the 'requirements' preventing correct & Official Inspection's of Said Weapons. To pass & Certify as Official Deactivated!...... Also, that some of the 'requirements' were NOT as rigorous as Much of the UK Specifictions. And thus not UK compliant! This proves as I have previously mentioned on this topic. That the UK specs are as agreed by NABIS. 'Fit for Purpose'!....:angel: And that there is absoulutely NO Need to change the UK Specs for deactivation. As mentioned by another poster. the SIMPLIST & EFFECTIVE way forward on all of this unessacary 'Nonsense'. Would be for ALL other EU Member states to adopt the UK's Deact specs = SIMPLE! .......Oh no! I forgot! Any Government Department, dosent Function on Common sense. Or Arguably, 'Transparancy/ The TRUTH'!.........:red:
  9. Danny, is that the one with the Twin rear grips, & is slightly buffered? If so, I have one with the very heavy swinging arm assembly. That fits on the dash top. PM Me if interested. Mike.
  10. The High Noise levels in a Ferret being driven, for the reasons stated by Richard. Are indeed normal! Which is why, there is an internal communication facility fitted. Between Driver & Commander, through the headphones & Microphone assembly. As a Paradox, if you stand outside of a ferret. & watch & Hear one go by you, in say 3rd or 4th gear. They are AMAZINGLY Quiet!.... Which is Exactly what you want, with a close recon vehicle!
  11. Well, it would seem to My mind, a little strange. That the 'Organiser' is allegedly 'expirienced' in organising large 'Shows'. But put's out badly worded statements, that come across as bordering on threatening. Such as 'Forbidden to leave the site' Etc. When a lot of these unfortunate reactions to those statements, could have been easily avoided. It would seem that little thought has gone into how these statements were compiled/phrased & subsequently released. I would say?.... Judging by the reactions of some of us on here. I CAN understand those reactions! When with a little thought, as has been mentioned on this Topic. a Phrase such as 'requested to stay on site' & the reasons why. Would have received a much better reception from some of our Members here. It is illegal to hold someone 'Going about their Lawful Business' (Key legal Phrase!) or, absolutely refusing to allow people & their vehicles off site. COULD be construed as 'False Imprisonment' (Key legal Phrase!) which is against the law. As a civilian, you are only allowed to hold a person. By mean of a citizens arrest, IF they have actually committed a crime/ Arrestable offence. And not all Offences have the power of Arrest!.......:undecided:
  12. Jim, I have two external Antenna Storage Tubes/Cases. The ones that are bolted on the front of the Glacis plate. Also a matching set/Pair of smoke dischargers (Legal!)
  13. Yes, but are they Propper scammers? Do they use white parcel tape. Or are they wannabe scammers, & do the job half heartedly. using either: Green, Black or multi-Cam parcel tape?....... If you going to let scammers get in, you have to scam correctly. or you wont fit in!......... Damm part time Scammers, coming over here & giving our scammers a bad name!........:nono:
  14. Martin, Dependant on Price. I would be interested in acquiring the bottom right one please.
  15. I couldnt follow that either! I would have thought, that ASSUMING this Museum is Civilian Owned? To save it, if they transferred it to the Military as a trust. The Military would surely have exemption in Law. And be able to own/Keep/Safeguard/Ensure the survival of it's exhibits? That way, the 'Local Authorities' couldn't touch it? Just My Thoughts on this.....:embarrassed:
  16. As an addition to this thread, but related to it. In the Field under strict Tactical conditions. 'Sneeky-Peaky' Recon & Intel Gathering units. As well as right up the front Infantry Units & the like. Adopted the practice of using a small wooden spoon for eating from METAL Messtins & PLATES, when available. The reason for this was wonderfully simple! Wood scraping against metal is virtually Silent. Where as Metal against metal makes a noise. & you would be amazed at how far this noise can carry! A passing Enemy Patrol or a sniper COULD hear this. & that would be your lot!....:nut: Today, there are plastic spoons & a new design. That has become VERY popular with Troops in the Field. As well as being adopted by Civilian Campers Etc. This is called a 'Spork'. And for those unfamiliar with the term, it is a single item of cutlery. Spoon ended at one end. And a Fork at the opposite end. Very practical, & one item less to carry about in your Belt Kit/ Fighting Order! I Believe Jack was giving these away as a Gift when purchasing one of His Tents. (No I'm not on commission!)
  17. The Penman's are starting to Dribble out onto the Civvy Market. They are quite expensive at present, in my Opinion. Due to the fact that there aren't a huge amount around. However, like the Sankey widetracks. The prices will drop, when more & more are released! ......
  18. :laugh: Altogether Now!.....'Oh, The Runaway train came over the hill & she blew'!.......... I see the Mirror is has stated that the 'Load' has transformed from just Gold. To Jewels & Priceless Artworks. Well, Until the Tunnel Is Finally Excavated. We will never really know for sure, what is alleged to be 'on Board'? So I guess it's Full Steam Ahead. For the 'Hurry-Up-&-Wait-Express'!...........
  19. Ouch! Getting a little bit heated on this topic I feel! However, it IS indeed a 'Sensitive' Subject! So......Let's just lighten the mood a bit, OK? :laugh: At one time a few years back. I was in Conversation with the Dictator. Idi Armin. I asked Him what his policy was on Defence? He informed Me, 'Da Man is commin in De Mornin', to fix De-Fence'....................Ill Get Me coat!.....:blush:
  20. If we do that to Deacts. Will that mean they will come under an unaffected category. & the EU Directive will be Meaningless in that section?..........
  21. I note your comments Woofer. But apart from being worn in inistial training on my First exercises. we were never allowed to wear them 'Normally'. We did utilise them when 'Playing' Enemy in B.A.O.R Field Exercises. I agree to a point that it was a good design for Field use. Back in the seventies-Eighties. HOWEVER, in todays modern Combat Theatres. The Kevlar Helmet really IS so comfortable. That it is no effort to be worn for long periods in the Field. Safety being paramount of course! Regards the Modern MTP uniform. I also disagree (To a point) that the Shirt/Jacket is worn tucked in the trouser waistband. This I agree, WILL be the case in a LOT of units. But NOT all! Why? Because I have witnessed it with my own eyes! I concur, it does look slightly unsightly when worn 'untucked'. BUT, WAS designed for this purpose for COMFORT/Ventilation reasons. because, it is MUCH more acceptable to be comfortable/Safe/Better served to effect a task easily IN THE FIELD. than to simply look 'Smart' in the garrison/Barracks. Just to please Sgt Majors! Unfortunately, The old 'Tradtions' & Dicipline principles so beloved by afore mentioned Sgt. Majors. Etc. Does NOT quite fit with the citeria & design of CS 95/ Current issue MTP Clothing! The old ways of having a Camo Combat dress for Field use. & working Dress/Barrack dress for 'Normal' camp duties Ec. have long since been discarded in favour of one type of uniform (Excluding Parade/No.2 dress) for 'All' work/tasks/Duties Etc. Whilst this make Logistic & financial sense on paper. The reality of life/ the situations, is different! As you well know yourself. My personal view was/Is. I actually like the Combat 'Crap Hat' (NO! DONT Tell anyone! I concur that it is indeed comfortable & Practical. However, the 'Stigma' connected with training battalions still adheres to it. And 'Nearly' everyone avoids being seen wearing one in most cases. As they are connected to being termed 'a Crow'! (Initisal /Basic training recruit) And lets be TOTALY Honest Guys! NO ONE Actually enjoys being Publicly Humiliated, do they?.............(Well, I guess 'some' People do get a sexual kick out of 'That' sort of thing. But I think that remains with the Household Cavalry, & the Brigade of Guards! Ha,Ha,Ha!...ONLY JOKING, YOU Ex Household Div Guys! ) LOL
  22. Yes, I was monitoring that pouch on 'That' Auction site as well. I have just acquired a similar pouch without the interior padding. Which is for Revolver Ammo. these are indeed canvas webbing. & NOT made of nylon. From the weave & Type of Canvas. My opinion is, they are of Canadian manufacture. Or POSSIBLY Austrailian perhaps? As this is typical of these two countries webbing equipment finishes. Juts MY thought on this topic. Someone else maybe able to contribute more definite data/Information? :thumbsup:
  23. Errr......When did ANY Government Department. Function on Common Sense then?.........:nut: LOL
  24. Has anyone on here, had any dealings with a chap in Holland. Named: PHILLIP REINDERS. I believe he collects Airborne glider Items?
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