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Everything posted by ferretfixer

  1. Is that a wheeled cage for 'Newly Acquired' exhibits? I once owned a Fluted Vickers in 7.92mm. It was for a small contract pre war for Iraq! Serial Number: I.K 60. Even the wooden transit chest had Arabic writing stencilled on the front!
  2. Have you tried contacting R&R Services just outside Ashford? Or Steve at Dallas Auto Parts? Or Jeep Parts UK? There are plenty more dealers who should have this Common Item in stock I would have thought?
  3. Dave, Those who really know Me. Will concur, that I speak as I find! :angel: Yes indeed, I could chat with like minded enthusiasts such as your good self. Pretty much all Day! :-D If you see Me at W&P Revival next year. You WILL get the chance to have a 'proper' chat!
  4. Final Comment to this requests conclusion. Dave kindly delivered the Trailer on Saturday. :thanx: I simply HAVE to say, what a Top Gent He is! His generous offer to collect & deliver to Me. Have saved Me a very difficult Task. & enabled Me to concentrate on personal matters in a more prioritised way. It is People like Dave, that make this Hobby such a Pleasure most of the time. & only serves to promote the camaraderie That Binds like minded souls in the same direction! Meeting People like Dave reinforces my faith even further. About some of the Nicest People we are lucky to have in this Hobby! David, when you attend W&P next year, Please seek Me out. & have a Beer with Me! It would be my absolute Pleasure! :cheesy:
  5. I used to look after that collection when I was Stationed there back in the day. I had the Imense privelidge also, of being able to test fire a lot of the weapons held in the Museum as well! I can Heartily Recommend a Visit, it is indeed outstanding. They also hold a number of unique & exceedingly rare items! If you can secure a place on this visit, Go for it! You will not be disapointed! :thumbsup:
  6. I heard these were supplied, to personell who were being transported long range. In Bombers to keep them warm during the flight. At high altitude, there was no heating back in the day!..... Why they used dension material for these. I can only assume, that there was a huge surplus of this material left over. From Wartime production? Weather any of the above is true, I cannot state for certain? Just what I had heard & also my own take on them. :angel:
  7. Hello again Iain, That is very kind of you. But it's ok now. Dave has generously agreed to collect on Friday next week. & deliver over the weekend to Me. You see! That's what is Brilliant about this forum! Dispite all the doom & gloom going on at present in this great Country of ours. Like minded Enthusiasts can still band together & support one another! Absolutely Brilliant, & restores one's faith in People of this great nation of ours! A BIG thank you to all who have responded with offers of assistance! Great Stuff! :thumbsup:
  8. Will do, Ill take this to PM with you Dave. Looks like it's a First come. First served on Helping Me out on this one! LOL. :-D Many Thanks. :thanx: Mike
  9. HI Iain, Do you know, I have no idea? :-D However, it is VERY light & quite a short wheelbase. Think Smart Car trailer size. The Photo of it should give you an idea? Does that Help at all?
  10. Hello Erstwhile Fellow Forum Members! I have purchased a small trailer, that is located in Beaumont, Between Colchester & Harwich CO16 0AT. The enourmous problem I have is, I cannot collect it! I do not at present have a vehicle on the road. That has a standard Civy Ball Hitch. My Military Vehicle is off the road, awaiting a new clutch & cannot move! Soooooo, my question is: Can anybody help me out & collect on my behalf at all please? I am located VERY close to the M20 Motorway in Ashford, Kent. Timeframe is not an issue. Ant the trailer is in good condition & appearance. The only thing you would need to pick this trailer up. (Apart from a suitably fitted tow hitch!) :-D Is a trailer light board. I am obviously willing to pay any expenses incurred. :thumbsup: or indeed, help out with a return favour if needed. So can anybody assist Me on this difficulty at all? Thank you one & all, in advance! :iloveyou: Mike.
  11. Rob, It's a transit/ Storage chest for a British GPMG Machine Gun. Of limited use I'm afraid, as the barrel needs to be removable. Along with the butt for it all to go inside. As Deact MG's in General in the UK, cannot have removable barrels. you would not be able to put a Gimpy in it! Good for storing tools or other heavy objects inside. they are VERY sturdy in construction! :cheesy:
  12. A tip that might be of use to some of Us perhaps? It might be obvious to some, but there will be many who don't stop to think about this mundane household item. When it has finished it's useful life in the bathroom!..... I never throw away my old toothbrushes. I have a tin of them in my workshop, & they are almost a daily use tool! VERY useful for cleaning a myriad of things! & removing soft crud from surfaces & cracks Etc. I also keep one standing upright, in a Large Ex Army tin of XG279 GP Grease! Handy for the application of aforementioned lubricant! Top tip No:2. DONT use any of these brushes to clean your teeth after use in the workshop!.........
  13. Standard Fitting on all issued Harley Davidson MT350 Motorcycles. It is for the L85A1 Rifle (The SA80). Yes, original.
  14. I have one of these trailers myself. Which I have converted into an extremely comfortable camper. I have never seen a mount on these, for the carriage/stowage of a spare wheel. Is/ was there a mount/ Fitting on them at all?
  15. Badged to a Major in 3 Para. I wonder if his name is inside it? I might have known Him! :cheesy: I gave my own smock away to a good mate a few years back. Now I have seen the price of this one. I am regretting it!......:cry:
  16. On a Similar Vein. I am looking for an Ex Bundeswehr Jerry can if anyone can help at all? They are stamped BUND near the bottom. Very easy to obtain from Germany of course! But, the shipping makes it very expensive. Just for a 'Can' that Will most likely be cosmetic/ Asthetic on a vehicle only. Mike :thanx:
  17. Didn't that involve Scorpion Tanks Richard? It was to do with Wheel Bearing being used in the CRV(T) Range. As a lot of us already know, Ball Bearing race sets. Are available from many manufacturers. & they have equivilents to each others Bearing Part Numbers. I feel this is how it got out, Alvis Possibly couldn't get the original Bearing sets any more. & turned to another Equivelent set. Manufactured by Different company. And sourced through a specialist bearing supplier. The Fact that this company was Russian, was completely overlooked!..... I think personally, It was a case of: 'We need X. And this other Bearing has identical dimentions. & Qualities. We will use these'......... And some Hack from a Newspaper got hold of this tit bit of information. & blew it up into a front page story!... Bottom line: Supply & Demand I think! :-\
  18. Be aware though, That Brian has another Home in Florida USA. He spends six months over here, for the vehicle show 'Season'. And the other six months in the US Sunshine!......
  19. I think your going to need a new set of tyres!......:-D
  20. There are small firms about, that refurbish starter motors & alternators. Would it be worth enquiring, if they could overhaul/ rebuild the starter for your Friend?
  21. I have used various Ferret Scout Cars, in Fund Raising Events for the RBL. In whatever towns I was living in at the time. I have found that as the years go by, it becomes increasingly harder to extract yourself. From more & more 'Regulations' that seem to pop up from nowhere these Days!....... Funny how we managed to VERY successfully execute Fund raising displays. Between Myself & the RBL branch concerned. In the Town I was living in at that time. And then!..........Slooooowly....Risk Assessments, MUST have public Liability Cover for up to 1 Million Pounds! Cannot Play Military Music without a Licence Publicly! (We used to play LOUD military Band Music, to catch passers by attention. & they would wander over to see what it was all about. & we would 'Capture' a donation!) Parking Exemption Licence for the day concerned. No Fires (Used to use a small gas cooker for Brews to keep us warm) The list went on & on. :shocked: Until I finally got fed up with all the Rubbish, & stopped offering my Services. The Branch understood & were mutually miffed, as it was THEY who were missing out. on the (At Times) Vast amount of funds that used be forthcoming. due to the displays that were VERY Popular with the Public!....:cry:
  22. I am looking to acquire, a Deactivated Bundeswehr LP2 Signal / Flare pistol. The ones that nobody wants (Except Me! :-D) that Ryton couldn't give away at one time! :cool2: TY in Advance. Mike.
  23. In Service, we used to make gaskets out of job cards! You could use a cereal packet to do the same job Place the card over the part needing a gasket, tap all over the mounting area with a spanner. this forces the metal underneath, to 'cut' through the card. & reproduce the shape of the surface, the gasket will be mounted against. We used to use 'Hylomar' , or as we used to term it. 'Blue, Glue' as the 'sealant', in conjuction with the new 'Gasket'. :-\ These days, there are far superior sealants that abound on the shop shelves. Be liberal with them, & ensure your nuts/ bolts are tightened evenly to the correct torques! :thumbsup:
  24. SITREP: KRAKA now sourced & Delivered yesterday (Saturday). all the way from the very far side of Germany! One VERY Happy new owner, I can tell you!.....:-D
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