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Everything posted by ferretfixer

  1. Yes it looks to be almost complete. I got mine issued in 1975. The soap box was not issued to us then. A civy plastic one would have been procured & utilised. You could put whatever you needed/ wanted in these. As was stated, no one was interested in the contents. At normal unit level, after basic training. I also had a flannel in mine. Very useful for cleaning parts that needed extra attention to hygiene! VERY important in the field! You didn't want to go down with an infection/ sore skin areas. Due to sweat! :-X Also mentioned by another. A 'Tube' with flap & single length of green ribbon. Was issued for the KFS. Flap closed over the contents & the ribbon wrapped around the flap to keep it's contents secure. I suspect the 'Tube' was to prevent the KFS from rattling around in your kit. When on a tactical exercise/ mission. The last thing you needed was NOISE!....:shocked: Some of the guys used a wooden spoon for eating in the field. No noise from wood scraping on aluminium!...:cool2: I have a later DPM version of one of these for sale. Should anybody require one? Mike.
  2. I spoke with one of the Chaps that was with this vehicle. The owner had apparently taken all that time to restore it, on an as & when basis! it certainly is a rare beast! He stated the Gun shield was made from boiler plate. Which He also stated the Germans did also. With the shortage of steel for Armour. Cant be many of these surviving I would say?...
  3. For Me, due to my personal situation of caring fulltime for my Wife. This was my 'Holiday' / Respite break. I arrived onsite on the 19th, as ORGINALLY advertised on the W&P webpage. Dispite being falsely told by a Woman at the reception camp area. 'It has always been the 20th Love'........ Jamie decently let me in on the 19th to be fair. I set up & relaxed for the 10 days there. trudged round the stalls in all weather situations. Talked with a number Of dealers I know well. & informed a lot of dealers stayed away due to high pitch prices!.... A lot of Armour owners & Mil Vehicle owners also stayed away. due to the fact of having to pay. To attend this show. And the non availability of a free low loader. whilst I agree with their stance. To attend, one had no choice but to pay to come to W&P. I see Friends that I only meet up with once a year also. I have my own toilet & shower facilities. But had NO OPTION but to also pay up the extra £10 for these. That £10 would have been better spent in my Fuel tank!....I don't think the £10 went anywhere near 'improving' the toilets & showers TBH. in the original concrete toilet/shower block. Wooden duckboards would have gone down well. as the floors looked like the Somme Mud fest!!! I got around that one with Bundeswher Shower Flip Flops. & they didn't cost Me £10 either!....... I spoke to Jamie wells onsite & informed him of these gripes. He told Me, 'We get them moaning all the time on the phone about this. But, booking numbers are up. & we didn't make a profit last year. As the toilets & showers cost us £40,000.' Now, wether this is true or not, I obviously cannot say for sure. But it is APPARANT, that the new owner couldn't give a Damm about vehicle owners. It SEEMS like he is only interested in the money aspect. But that is only my formed opinion!........ I suspect others feel the same?..... I mean, Civy 'Classic Cars' at a MILITARY VEHICLE Show!! ANYTHING to pull in extra cash it would seem?........ I have had Friends contact me with the same / similar complaints. it is the ONLY show we know of. That WE, as exhibitors have to pay. to attend!.......I am 'Informed', that 'something, is in the pipeline'. Regarding another show!........ The young girls riding about at speed on motorcycles was concerning to me. As was the kids in the mini jeep, as mentioned by others on here!.... Speeding was a regular occurrence & the potential for an accident on those muddy roads. Was amazing that one didn't occur!.... All the Civy tents amongst those who have laid out hard earned for Military/ Green tentage. Did nothing to dispel the disappointment for a LOT of us. Who HAD made the effort!.... All the effort & expense laid out through the year for a LOT of us. To get our vehicles ready & on the road. When it would seem, a white range rover, with black UN letters on it. Or a white van with the blue/white UN symbol all over it as magnetic signs. Is sufficient to 'get you through the gate'. Is indeed taking the proverbial!.......Others said the same!...... I enjoyed myself personally, but that was mainly down to meeting up with Friends & relaxing on my own display. I cant say for sure obviously, but if the owner continues in the vein he pursues at present. the show will surely deteriorate. Will I be bothered? well, actually. NO! Because I am of the opinion that a better show will begin elsewhere!.....
  4. Bigduke: And you had the 'Bonus' of meeting up with Me as well! Lol
  5. I THINK the Asset code was changed. When Ferrets were converted from larkspur, to clansman radio harness versions?
  6. The Bren uses .303" Cartridges, & the LMG (Later conversion of the Bren) Uses 7.62mm Carts. Without digging out the parts list. If I recall correctly, the tapped holes are 1/4UNF.
  7. Locally made. These were NEVER an issue item. :-)
  8. Make your own perhaps? But obviously ensure that the item in question. Has parts EASILY removed / dismantled. So you are able to demonstrate The inert condition of the item. If challenged by Police at a display/ your Home. If you fail to show it is harmless to their satisfaction. you may risk confiscation, Until proved otherwise!..........Remember, Most Police are NOT Explosive experts. & would call in an MOD bomb disposal unit to prove otherwise. In cases they were Not sure about. The policy being The protection of Human Life & the destruction of Property. IE: Better safe than sorry, & they have 'covered' themselves!....... Most FFE Certs I have seen. Have been Photo copies of photo copies of former Blank Certs. Then later filled out on the relevant dotted lines.
  9. Agreed, But I have also seen these in Service. Bolted on the side of the 88 Set box. Perhaps this was a later mod to bring some of these stowage boxes up to standardisation. Alongside the later already fitted anti-dim holders?
  10. NOTE: Anti-Dim Bottle normally stowed in small square box. Bolted/ spot welded on the side of the 88 Set Stowage box. To the left of the drivers shoulder (Looking forward from inside) In MK.II Series of Ferrets. Mike. :thumbsup:
  11. The simple 'X' pressing alone, is simply the earlier design. The rigidity of the cans was improved by the now 'Standard' 'X'. with a square in the centre. And is copied to this day, on pretty much all 'Jerry Can' patterns. I have a book on German Jerry cans, It cover's the entire range. & all the manufacturers. As well as related accessories, it describes their History & usage in Service Etc. A very good book, but it was quite expensive! But Hey! GOOD books normally are!....:-D I read a long while back, that someone was writing a book. That was to be titled: Jerry Cans, & Americans'. Does anyone know if it actually did get published at all? I would very much like to obtain a copy, if possible? Mike.
  12. Blimmin 'Eck, Tony! A Museum I can totally understand. With my Engineers head on, I can appreciate the differing types & variants. & also the difficulties involved, in manufacturing. How this was overcome with different types, & machinery. But I had to look twice, at the column on the left of the page. When it said Barbed Wire 'Festivals'! :-D And although not quite my Bag, 'Collectors' of barbed wire?..........:nut: It is truly amazing, & indeed interesting. To discover the myriad of things certain People do collect! :cheesy: My Father told Me once. 'Somewhere, there are People who actually collect House Bricks. You just have to find them'!......:shocked: & upon reflection, I feel he was Right! :cool2:
  13. Not something I have ever looked at closely tbh Chris. As Tony has said, German Wire was slightly different. The British Military these days tends to favour razor wire. It is easier to manufacture, cheaper. & as I have found to my cost in Service. VERY Dammed effective! The scenario I am displaying these days is Bundeswher. From the Late 80s-90's, although the Wire will also be used with 90's British Layout's when I desire. I just want the wire to LOOK a deterrent at the frontage of my Display. Keeping the great unwashed back & away from touching any of the kit/equipment. & obviously safe from any injury! There will also be four signs on posts with 'Warning, Barbed Wire' to clarify the 'Danger'. Of approaching into being a little more 'Curious', as to wanting to 'Examine'. Any of the props/ display items!........:cool2: If you need to know more, or see an item = ASK!......Simples! RE: Bulk Buying the Barbs. Well, as I have already ordered & paid for x 100, 8ft lengths of the Vitex plastic prop 'wire' sections. I am pretty well committed to my original plan. Of removing the plastic 'barbs' from them. & with the intention of gluing them on the real galvanised twisted wire I now have. :thumbsup: Mike.
  14. No, too time consuming for Me. I have x 100 lengths on the plastic 'Barbed Wire' In the post as I write this. The 'Barbs' will be removed the same as I described/ posted previously. The Galvanised twin twist wire it sitting here. Awaiting the fitting of the plastic 'Barbs' upon delivery! Just ordered some glue sticks for my hot glue gun. & upon receipt, I will be ready to manufacture! :cool2:
  15. There are a few People around that are 'Cracked'. & they are far more dangerous than tyres!......:-D Me?...well, I'm terminally confused!....
  16. As Heading suggests, I am seeking to acquire. A Magazine for a Deactivated Peters Stahl 1911 .45" ACP Pistol. I believe this model takes the double stack 10 or 13 rounds Model? Can anyone help me out with one, Or point Me in the right direction. To source one at all Please? Many Thanks: Mike. :tup::
  17. Update! The Plastic barbed wire arrived unexpectedly early yesterday :thumbsup: The 'wire' was actually plastic round section like string. But obviously solid plastic. Too flimsy to utilise as Stand alone wire. Pleasingly, the 'Barbs' were indeed assembled onto the wire. As separate items, & were able to be moved Along the 'Wire'. I have 7 KGs of galvanised double twist wire arriving today (Friday). So these barbs will be fitted along the Length of that. On inspection, it would appear that all components are black plastic. With Brown paint sprayed over to make The ensemble look a bit 'Rusty. Interestingly, the 'Barbs' are injection moulded plastic, made in TWO halves. I would assume this makes assembling them much quicker. By simply 'clamping' the two halves together over the twin plastic 'Wires'?.. My intention now, after stripping off ALL the 'barbs'. Will be to affix the barbs at 100mm spacing's along the real steel wire upon it's arrival. I will be using a hot glue gun to make this task easier. Though I feel it is going to take a LONG time to modify it all. To look as it SHOULD!.....:nut: When finally assembled, I will blow it all over here & there. With a brown paint to give it a slightly 'Rusty' appearance. Which will help the shiny new wire, blend in 'Barbs'! Pic 1 is in it's original condition, upon receipt. Pic 3 & 4 shows the two halves of the 'barbs'. Pic's 5 & 6 shows the 'wire' & the 'barbs' separated from the plastic 'wire'. & Pic 6, Obviously the 'Barbs' on their own. 7 & 8 show the two halves of a single 'Barb'. My Thoughts are that it will be mandatory to glue the two halves of each 'Barb' together on the wire. As a knock/ scrape would otherwise ensure it would fall off the wire. & subsequently get lost in the grass, at a show Field!.. Although this will be time consuming for Me. Upon completion, I feel it will indeed, give Me the 'Look' that I have been wanting for a long time now!
  18. Well, The 'Flint' Barbed Wire duly arrived & does indeed look extremely realistic. The downside is, the coils are only Two feet in Diameter. Not Three Feet like I was expecting! So....At £95 for a 30 Mtr Length (Not Coiled, straight!) that works out VERY Expensive indeed!!!... As the coil's are only 2 ft in Dia, it would mean I would need three Set's. To enable one set to lay on two at the bottom. To raise it all up to the height I originally wanted!....:mad: That would be FAR too an expensive layout for Me!!... So.....I am waiting for the Plastic stuff in a couple of weeks time. & will check out how realistic the 'Barbs' Are on that. & if they are readily removable, to enable fitting to real steel galvanised double twist wire?.... Ill update you all when I am ready on this 'Topic'......:-X
  19. Clive, That did make me Laugh! However, if one of the 'Doubters' had cut/ injured themselves on a Barb. Had you Deployed the aforementioned wire at a show. you can be:-Xt your bottom dollar, they would have complained like hell. & wanted to subsequently sue you. After vociferously reporting you to a show organiser!....:-X I want my Wire to LOOK the part, & it will have the 'Bonus'. Of being a 'Frontage' piece of my Display. & preventing access into the Display area. As I write this, I have just had confirmation on the phone. Of the impending delivery this afternoon, of the 30mtrs of 'barbed wire'. I am also in negotiation, with a company, that actually manufactures real barbed wire. They have a 7KG reel of the wire without barbs, that I am also going to get from them. The only difficulty I have then, is sourcing plastic 'barbs' on their own! Anyone any suggestions for plastic 'Barbs'?..........:red: Mike
  20. Should make it even easier to find any Trains in there. Laden with stolen Nazi Gold!..........:-D
  21. Robin, My intention was to replicate as far as possible. the LOOK of actual barbed wire as used on Battlefields. you may well have a point on straining wire being a mite too stiff! :cry: I will also look for some 'softer/ more flexible' wire. to double twist as per the real thing. Before adding the plastic 'barbs' that are on their way in the post!..... RE: The plastic barbed wire in the post. The actual 'Wire' Is actually as stated PLASTIC. & the barbs obviously also plastic as well. My hope is (& they don't LOOK like they are) they are not moulded as one. & will slide along the 'wire'. If not, then as originally stated. I will cut them all off, & drill through. To enable them to be slid onto REAL galvanised twin twist wire. job done! :cheesy:
  22. yes of course. I had no idea how difficult it was to find this stuff. Until I actually started to locate some a few months back! When People get some, it usually stay in either a collection display at Home etc. Or on a vehicle, & sometimes deployed at a show display. Second Hand B/Wire is VERY scarce to source indeed at a decent price! I was thinking around the £75 quid a reel mark. But the new stuff from Flints looks very good quality. So with VAT & Carriage, I suppose £95 is not that far off really?....
  23. Rob, That is EXACTLY What I am looking for Thank You! And also, a BIG thank you to all who have responded! :tup:: In impatience, I have ordered some which I have discovered. Made in Plastic. it LOOKs like the barbs are separate on the plastic 'Wire'?.... When it/ they arrive. The first thing I will do, is check for this! If removable, I will remove The 'Barbs'. & source some galvanised fencing straining wire. Double twist the wire & add the Barbs on. If the Barbs are not removable, I will cut through the plastic 'Wire' to remove them. & subsequently drill through the side of the twist of the 'Barbs'. To enable them to be slid along the wire, in regular distance spacing! I know, a bit time consuming, but if you want something to LOOK right!............. Addendum: I have bitten the Bullet & ordered/ payed for a 30Mtr Roll from Flints! With V.A.T & Delivery = £95.94p................Ouch!.......But I did say it was a Serious Enquiry! :-D
  24. FIRST thing I did Bud! The one in London will NOT sell it. Only rent it out. & the other is in the states. NO Email Address/ facility. You would have to write a letter!....... Which, unless I source some here in the UK. I will have to end up doing! :-( I want this for W&P in the Main. But it will be used forever onwards in my displays in the future!
  25. As the Title suggests. I am looking for some Realistic Film Prop/ Fake Barbed wire for my Display. NOT the flimsy painted string type! REAL galvanised twin twist metal wire. with PLASTIC 'Barbs' On it. I just missed some a couple of weeks back. After enquiring with the seller, after his details were given To Me!........:mad: This is a SERIOUS enquiry, that will result in a sale! Can anyone point Me in the right direction. Or get back to Me with a price, if you have some for sale please? Many thanks in advance! :thanx:Mike.
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