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Everything posted by ferretfixer

  1. & we got it, albeit on the Sunday after the show finished. So taking down tents, hitching heavy trailers up. & loading the vehicles was 'fun'(?) & made the job twice as long!...
  2. Not yet, prob after W&P Revival. I deploy there tomorrow.
  3. The R.E.M.E. Museum now at Lyneham, MAY have a copy. If they do, they will do a photo copy of if for you. For a price, I'm sure. Mike.
  4. That is most useful, thank you very much! I have a couple of irons in the fire on this at the Mo. Two sources are working on finding a set, that they say they have available. We will see...………….Wait, out on those! It still leaves me with the bigger headache, of finding the power cable though! CD-1086 'Cord' is the correct nomenclature!
  5. Not QUITE correct! A 'Correct' Bantam Jeep trailer originally has a folding triangular 'Frame' style of leg. Mounted underneath, that swung down & was locked into position. I saw pics of this on the G503 Website on Jeep. It also covered trailers for them as well. I have owned three Jeep trailers over the year. & was never aware they had a rear leg, until reading about it on the G503 Website!
  6. RE: 'Officers & gentlemen' mmm 'Orficers, would have got an 'Other rank' do dig a hole for them. They wouldn't have lowered themselves to have dug it personally! 😱 LOL I am lucky, in that I cart along my own Elson, 'Toilets 'Waste Product, Excreting for the use of'!......But am dependant on the showers for hygienic refreshing!... I am looking into doing my own set up on that topic. In the future! I spoke with Jamie the show org last year. About the subject of dwindling numbers Etc. He replied that bookings are actually up for this year??????? Face saving? or what would that be about?...…..DEFO NOT the amount of Armour now, as in the years Rex was running things. As He offered much assistance to get Armour to the shows!.... But even though it sticks in my throat, that WE Have to pay to enter the show. And I KNOW I am not alone on this. It is My (& Also Others) 'Holiday' as such. So we 'swallow' this & pay up & look Big!....🤣
  7. It will be sad if it does, But you may very well be right! Finding another venue that is large enough to host a show of this size, Still located down south will be difficult! Shame about losing Folkstone, I LOVED that venue! I know some didn't, but Human nature being what it is, you will never satisfy everyone. On every single thing connected with a show of this magnitude!..
  8. Yes, you might have been better mentioning Tracked vehicle access. Rather than 'Tank'!......
  9. I just posted about this 'Wonderful' new pay out more again 'Facility'. On the W&PR thread page! 😳
  10. Just received a website message from W&PR. You can now buy at Extra cost, VIP tickets for Toilets!!!! Does this mean that they are not going to supply the extra toilets & excellent showers as 'The Norm' this year? Or are we are faced yet AGAIN, with the 'opportunity' to have no choice but put our hands in our pockets?....
  11. As nothing has been forthcoming so far sadly 😭 Is anyone taking a GN-58 Hand cranked generator to W&P this year at all? If so, I would very much like to measure a front leg. & do a drawing to enable me to make a pair. Can anyone assist me with this request at all please? Muchly Ta's! 👌
  12. Because now, it's ALL about the Money!...…😞 Or am I being too cynical? 😱
  13. I booked & Paid yesterday. (Wednesday)
  14. OK understood Buddy. I have just listed the request on the 'Wanted' section. Here on HMVF. So it's now, Hurry up & wait!.....😁 Cheers!, Mike.
  15. Help required Please! Has anyone got a pair of the tubular steel, removable front legs. And the combined wooden seat/rear leg assembly. For the hand cranked Gennie on The GRC-9 Radio Series? The Gennie is called a GN-58. Even one leg is a start! 👍 A complete Gennie set up would be also be considered. If the price was fair. Many Thanks Folks! Mike.
  16. I am looking for the GN-58 Generator twin legs & combined seat/ leg. If anyone can help? M.
  17. The legs fold underneath it. So it remains the size / profile of a single bed frame.
  18. Very Kind of you to offer John, But I feel when a 'Chain' begins. It all starts to get a bit 'Complicated'! Sadly, I think this one is going to die Death.....:( Shame really, as these particular variants of Army issue bed are not common. & Dont come along very often! Thanks for your kind offer in any case. 👍
  19. Hello John, It all folds flat & is the size, width & height of a single bed. Time is not really an issue, it can be here at anytime. I was just thinking of Beltring as a convenient drop off point. If the 'Carrier' was going to W&P also, this year? Cheers: M.
  20. No replies so far!........Is there anyone who may be able to help on this Pleeeeeeeeeze!..............😆
  21. Hello People! I wonder if any of you might be able to help Me out at all? I need an Ex Army Bedframe collecting from the Edinburgh area. & delivering either in Kent. Or more conveniently, to the W&P show. The Lady concerned has tried getting courier quotes. But they are expensive, & kill the cost of buying this bed!... Are any of our Erstwhile membership able to help out all please? Thanks in advance. Kindest regards: Mike.
  22. Damm! I would happily have given you £100 for that lot!!
  23. Hello Fellow members! I hope one of you Erstwhile Enthusiasts may be able to help Me? I am looking for a Lunette Shaft for a narrow track Sankey Trailer. It does NOT Have to have the eye present. & indeed. matter's not. If is slightly Bent, as a LOT are! Does anyone have a scrap one lying about in their Workshop? Thank You in advance, for any potential assistance! Warmest regards: Mike,
  24. Hello Fellow enthusiasts! Does anyone have/ know of. Any contact details for Ron Loveday at all? I believe he is in the Yorkshire area ? Thanks in advance! Kindest regards: Mike
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