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Everything posted by ferretfixer

  1. The CORRECT name for this component is, 'Barrel Support'. & yes, Pete Green from Drop zone has them. I believe Mike Priest stocks of .30" Cal & 50" Cal spare's has been exhausted now. As dry functioning action MGs from the 2nd May must be welded up solid. To comply with the EU specs introduced then. He feels it no longer viable, to invest in parts for those marques of MG to build them up. & subsequently Deact them. .50" Cal Parts in particular, & now hard & quite expensive to source in the UK. He does however, offer Deact Bren's done to the new EU specs. If you are wanting to take Deacts over to France Etc. For vehicle shows/celebrations Etc. These now will be the ONLY Deacts allowed over there. If you take an UK spec over. You risk confiscation. From either their customs/ police. Or from ours here in the UK upon re-entry!...... Why? you say. When it was taken out of the UK & then returned to the UK? Answer: = Because you are then importing a Firearm into the UK, which does NOT comply with the EU specs. & is therefore classified as a 'Live' weapon. Even though it is Deactivated! This anomaly is because for British Customs. There is NO classification for importing a Deactivated Firearm. Only Live ones!....... So the answer is, a relatively cheap EU spec Bren or bolt action Rifle. Certified with a new EU spec certificate. NOTE: I have no financial connections with Mike Priest. The above is just my thoughts on the risk of exporting & reimporting a Deact. & how NOT to get into 'Hot Water' over it all!
  2. :yawn: And don't forget to put Copper slip grease on the bolt threads when you reassemble!.......... You never know when you might have to remove the rear Armour again in the future. And you DONT want to go through all this again!.......
  3. RE: Brit ID Discs. The two WWII Era Fibre discs were: 1 x Red which was fireproof. 1 x Green which was Rot Proof Later issue especially to National Service Personnel. were: 1 x OVAL twin hole. 1 x Round single hole. Both in stainless steel. The discs were HAND stamped at Unit level. The individual initially only had an AB64 Pay book issued first. The discs were issued shortly after joining. Much later & current still I believe? Two ROUND stainless steel discs issued. PNEUMATICLY engraved on a machine. By fast 'Dot' engraving machines. The current discs are held in the individuals unit file. Along with his personal docs. Discs only issued, when deployed to a combat theatre. Or anywhere abroad, other than B.A.O.R areas.
  4. Contact: Toye, Kenning & Spencer in Birmingham. They are THE Major Ceremonial Equipment & regalia suppliers to HM Armed Forces.
  5. That would have been my First port of call suggestion. After not getting a result on 'That' Auction site!
  6. Mission completed! Truck was delivered here at home yesterday afternoon. Now I can move forward with the business of getting her registered in time. For W&P!.... Thanks to all on here for forwarding required information. In the end amazingly, a haulier was sourced not 100 yds from the trucks then present location! :shocked: It Transpired the Guy whom I spoke to on the phone, & organised the delivery. Was also Ex R.E.M.E ! so it is indeed true, the Corp's unofficial maxim of: 'We look after our Own' is very true indeed! The price was absolutely amazing, & lower than anyone recommended on here. Could do the trip for, Either way! Sadly, I am not at liberty to publish the details of this particular Haulier. As it was obvious to Me, that it Was executed at 'Mates Rate's'!....For which I am extremely Grateful. :tup::
  7. Hiya Dave! Storage is not the problem at present Buddy. It's hauling it back down to my place that is! I have a list from approved hauliers, that members have kindly forwarded to Me. After the 'Painful' saga explained on here in a Previous thread by Me. So Far.....all are Nil Result. Due to no one being in that area over the next foreseeable couple/ few weeks! So........If anyone has any MORE recommendations on vehicle transportation. I am eager to receive them please. Many Thanks in advance, Mike.
  8. Thank you for your response. I will add him to the list I am ploughing through at present! :cheesy:
  9. Require a collection from Suffolk/ Essex border area. To Ashford Kent. 3 Ton Truck (Small) Anyone coming down from 'Oop North' empty & need a return/ back load? All the 'Usual' Recommended Hauliers on here tried. But no one is in the area over the next week or so. Not urgent, but the sooner the better if Possible! I need this to complete the 'Final Phase' of my Trucks Story!.... Thanking You, one & all. Mike.
  10. Nice & secure, & at first thought Dry. However........I have found with experience, that shipping containers DO Get VERY wet inside. Due to condensation! :-X Even opening the sliding vents does NOT prevent this!.....:-( If at all possible, open the doors & try to 'Air'. / Dry the container out, at least once a week. If you can get a reasonable size Air dehumidifier, this will prevent a lot of this. But you WILL have to empty The Water collection tray/ box also. At least once a week!... The only 'Bonus' to this is. That the water is distilled, & usable for topping vehicle batteries up for Free! & also good for usage in Domestic Irons. As it prevents the build up of lime scale inside. Which Kills Steam Irons!.....:-D
  11. SI, I did try to warn you Mate!.......... Lol
  12. Just to be on the safe side. Ensure that you have the deactivation Certificate for your broom shank at shows! :-D After all you could potentially have someone's eye out with one of those!.....:nut:
  13. The ONLY difference is spec with Police Carbines is. They have a modified Trigger mech, so they Are Semi-Auto only. This will NOT affect them as a display item, as now new specs are welded solid. it is pretty much immaterial!.... Externally, they look the same as a mil Spec weapon. Unless you look at the nomenclature engraved on The magazine housing. The early ones were marked 'Police Carbine'. Hope that helps?
  14. Try Dan at D&B Militaria. He had loads at W&P for £250 each. I don't know if he has any left. but you might like to enquire? PS: I have no connection with this Company.
  15. There used to be LOADs of these floating about at one time! All Brand new unissued, in green canvas. & also in their original tan paper packaging! They ranged in price from £45-£75. I haven't seen many on the circuit now. For a number of years, when I think about it! Which only goes to confirm one of my Maxims. 'Nothing stays the same forever'!.........:-(
  16. yes indeed! on the 'Common' variants of 30/50" Cal MG Pintle mounts. there are Two lengths of stem. Long & Short, you will NEED to know the depth of your pedestal socket. To ensure you select the correct type!
  17. Try Kerry Cheese, at R&R Services, Ashford, Kent. They have them occasionally.
  18. RE: 'Don't look so Miserable'.....Well... they did lose the war, after all! Lol :-D
  19. Once again Guys. Thank you one & all for your input. I will be compiling a list of Hauliers for potential use by Me in the future. The Haulier I used successfully was: K.Drury & Sons. 07860 728204. Email: kdruryandsons@hotmail.co.uk As for 'Nigel' the UN successful 'Transporter'. I am amazed you had a result from him at all!.....When he blamed ME for HIS shortcomings. after it was HE who suggested a collection date, & FAILED to come through. And backed up by his 'Loyal' partner who also tried DESPERATELY to squirm & make excuses on his behalf! All TOTALLY unessacary of course! Why not tell the truth about things? People will always respect you more, if your HONEST!.... I feel, he may have underquoted on the job & realised this later on. Well, why not SAY that, we COULD have worked something out I'm certain? (IF I could have got hold of him!)..... I am left with the opinion, that there will always be a need for transportation. So if some Hauliers don't get a particular job. They don't give a toss about it! Because there will always be another one somewhere else to do!..... This attitude prevailed in a lot of other areas/ Fields. Until demand dropped off.....& THEN. Dealers/People CLAMOURED for business!....... The best advertising comes from word of mouth. When endorsed by many others, you will be successful. It takes a LONG time to establish a good reputation. It can take days to destroy it!!!.....'Some' Hauliers seem to forget that. Or are stupid enough to not give a toss in that direction!........Until it's TOO LATE!!!......:help:
  20. The outcome.....(Well, at least half of it!) I was contacted by a fellow forum member. Who wanted to bring a vehicle down, from near where I wanted mine to be delivered. I was supplied with a Hauliers details. Who returned my call & agreed to do the job for an agreed price. Guess what?.......HE didn't even get back to Me EITHER!.......... With all the wailing in this country about 'recession', Etc, Etc. You would THINK that any work would be jumped at, No?..... Apparently not!!!!! So that was now TWO of us let down THIS time!.......The saga continued....... ANOTHER Haulier was recommended, & although the price was a lot higher. Than I had been quoted from the first Haulier. I was so fed up with all the messing about, I agreed to the price given this time. Result: Good Comms, He Turned up, Did a VERY Professional & Friendly job. (JUST what any decent person would want!) And the truck was delivered safely!. The truck is now undergoing the required work I want, & is progressing well. All that will be required when repairs etc. completed. Will be the return journey 'Home' again! Will that also be 'Interesting'....Or will I use the guy who has actually come through for Me?.........:sweat:
  21. Yes indeed! 'Normally' blank ammo does not require a licence at all. HOWEVER...If you read the firearms act. Under ammo requirement's. it DOES state. Blank Ammunition over 1" in Calibre. Is considered sec.1 Ammo. Soooooo......ANYTHING pretty much blank wise for Artillery Pieces, should be on F.A.C. It is important to state you DO wish to use blanks in arena/ display events. Because as another member has correctly stated. The F.E.O may well say you must have it deactivated. If you do NOT wish to fire it, in whatever role it may be utilised in!.........That would destroy History & value of course!.....:cry:
  22. Neil, just my thoughts on this, but. If they move the L/H section into America's field. There is a lot more room there. & keep the 'Old' L/H section for more vehicles. I feel this might be a better option perhaps?....:-)
  23. And remember, Police 'Guidelines' are just that! 'Guidelines' are NOT Law!..............
  24. I know who makes these. They are not genuine factory manufactured 'weapons'. But cobbled together from left over parts. I was involved in manufacturing GPMGS & .50" Cal BMGs for many years. The Nomenclature was ALWAYS engraved on the side. with an industrial engraver! These have HAND STAMPED letters/ number & are NOT correct! it is as close as you will get to a 'Realistic' GPMG these days. As they are rare in private hands!....Their were a number of MAG 58's ex Indian Army floating about at one time. 'converted' to Brit L7 Spec. But these are now in private collections/ permanently with a vehicle display....
  25. Or Lord Montagues' unwanted cast offs?.........(Allegedly!).....:cool2:
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