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robin craig

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Everything posted by robin craig

  1. Sounds like the forum is doing what it was intended to do isnt it? How about some pictures of the delivery and the happy new owner? R
  2. So, last year we had a fault crop up in the automatic transmission in our BV206. It manifested during usage and we limped it along until we could get it home. So, now fall is upon us (autumn to the rest of you) and its time to pull the power pack out, as thats the easiest way to get at it. We can also do some maintenance on the engine at the same time. Years ago I saw a picture on Marcus Glenn's web site of a box with yellow bits in it marked as a BV pack lifting assembly. I convinced management to buy it and have it sent with a big parts order we were doing. The boss was dubious as to its value but I recognised hat if we ever had to do the job it would be the cats meow. Today we pulled the BV into the shop and started get ready. We took two doors off as a starter to make access easier and assembled the nice yellow bits that some smart Swede designed, likely he was called Benny or Bjorn. It consists of a beam that attaches to the left rear and right front of the front car and has a carriage rolling in the beam with a hand operated winch. The engine is connected to a purpose made frame by a steel cable. Here are some pictures of it assembled and mated to the power pack. Needless to say there are a few more items to uncouple before we can pull it out. My fiendishly smart mechanic Gerry will be over tonight to assist with the final bits after we have done the easy laborious undoing of bits this afternoon, at least thats the plan at the moment. R
  3. Monty were getting off topic but I will humour you. The Australians coined the term POME. It was their way of getting back at the Brits who called them convicts, they were saying that the Brits were also prisoners of mother england. R
  4. Lee, My apologies, it was meant as a backhanded compliment to you and the work you do on behalf of the wonderful forum we all enjoy. There was not an ounce of malice meant. Infact you have rightly remind me (and others but they can chirp up) as to our obligation on the issue. Anyhow, because Lee posted the Wikipedia link, i clicked on the photo and found the photo number. A small amount of effort on my part found on the IWM website a way to buy said image, the cost varying from 5 to 25 pounds depending on format. Thanks Lee and no hard feelings at this end mate. Thats one item of Santa's list . . . . Robin
  5. What about CVR(W) FOX? would it fit that? The casting has "Chieftain AVRE" all over it. R
  6. Remove the rain flapper for best results, the aerodynamics of the tin will be compromised by hitting the flapper. Robin
  7. Lee, yes its "that one"! And you would have taken it down had I posted it! Guess I will be calling someone in the morning! I see from the link LEE posted that the image number is "IWM No. FKD2028" so im thinking the imperial war museum hold the copywright. R
  8. The iconic yomping marine picture of the falklands war is the object in question. Im looking for a good quality print of it for framing its an mod copywright i believe R
  9. the NSN off the tag is 5855 99 965 3614 at least that is on that component of the whole unit. R
  10. Can anyone please assist with identifying this please? R
  11. Some people here will remember compo ration tins being heated in the exhaust and pitched out by blipping the throttle! R
  12. A version of the Salamander saw service with the RCAF out here, none survive as far as I know, but now i have posted this 10 will pop up next week most likely! R
  13. Welcome from down the road near Kingston Ontario R
  14. In post 54 you show several pictures of the rear tub of the vehicle. On the corners are some vertical tubes with closed bottoms. What sockets into those tubes? R
  15. Its likely a lot easier than doing it the other way around. I have no idea of length but you have obviously worked it out already. Seems a shame to cut it off for the sake of a few inches. If you need some contacts in the USA or assistance just ask. R
  16. Dear Rod, welcome to the forum, from Canada! Take a look around and feel free to re-live your worldly track bashing experiences with those of us still doing it! Fine set of hobbies you enjoy, model making and photography. If you have any pictures please upload them, many of us here either own or maintain and operate (as I do) for someone else the very vehicles you crewed in. Regards Robin Craig Canada
  17. The beam used as a lever is also known as a Gin Pole by some in the sailing and rigging world and is a common method of getting a mast or a tower off the ground when getting from the horizontal to the vertical when winching it up from the ground etc etc. R
  18. How about an arctic type black and white scheme, perhaps there is provenance of that? Or for the mor adventurous how about provenance on the Berlin urban cam scheme if Stollys can be proven to have been stationed there to support the Chieftains. I presume you are not concerned with your specific vehicle having ever worn those colours but just that any Stolly has had them. R
  19. I would hate to be proven wrong, but maybe some obscure NAAFI unit or BFBS or whomever took one along just so as to prove the rule, but I'm fairly sure I could bet the farm on a NO! R
  20. Tony B, regretably the Front Page was well over width and therefore could not be refered to VOSA or DVLA as it would have been futile! R
  21. I have sat reading you guys discuss and argue this 14 ways to Sunday, kind of like how the old barrack room laywers would pontificate ad nauseum. If it aint within limits it aint going to fly unless you have a Makita cordless vehicle shrinker, get a grip guys and get over it and move on! Battening down the hatches now R
  22. And I bet his credit card bounced when you tried to run the rental fee through! R
  23. As a model maker, sometimes, a lot less these days but quite prolific a few years ago I would offer this comment. Either the KFS or AA kits are very good quality, but are your skills up to matching them? If you have trouble with photo etched or painting and glueing resin stay away and save your money. My 2 cents worth Robin
  24. Tony, you are absolutely certifiable wanting that as a toy! Does your M series truck tow it on a flat bed trailer? What did the Mrs say about that purchase? Am surprised you didnt go for a Combat Engineer Tractor instead. Robin
  25. Brilliant pics, thank you for taking the time to melt your computer and post all of them. Yes some very interesting vehicles, and as yet the un- answered question is where did they all go to? Also, the Scammell Commander, to who did that belong to and is this the "famous" didnt go to Jordan one that was "taken apart" to make it invisible legend. . . . R
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