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robin craig

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Everything posted by robin craig

  1. Latest challenge kids, lets see how long it takes for someone to include the words Action Man. . . . . R
  2. I declare NOS the winner on this one. Just so you know, when posts stop on the picture I close it as its not relevant any more. Another picture on the way R
  3. There are other photos and accounts. Here is one more picture. The CVR(T) and BV 202 are very close after the end of the war. There is an account of 3 Wombat fitted Land Rovers belonging to the Paras being loaded to the ELK. R
  4. me thinks it was a decoy to fool our Adrian! R
  5. Welcome to the forum chum, FYI thats not the first time I have heard that Land Rovers scare off "birds"!:nut: R
  6. Dan, good to see you have received the latest toy, where is the glass for the window the kids are peering out of? Lets see some detail pics and I can let you know what I think is missing for it. R
  7. Welcome Harley nothing like starting off with something simple! Pictures required me thinks! R
  8. Welcome Dave, Sorry to hear about your health issues, no shortage of people who are willing to read your exploits. Robin
  9. Dan, Good to see you are posting pictures now, we all want to see what is in your toy shed. I can't tell from the exterior if that is a diesel 6.2 or turbo 6.5 or petrol engined machine, if i was to guess I would say 6.5 turbo diesel? Good to chat the other day on the phone as well! Robin
  10. yet the SAS thought it was needy and fitted their coil sprung Land Rovers with a slave socket and quite a few BATUS Bedfords and BATUS Land Rovers have had it done. R
  11. Superb job there chum, dont quite know about towing a trailer, why wouldnt you just simply make a up a light board that clips onto the bike rack, no holes or ought and have lights like that? After all you have a light socket that the trailer is plugged into. R
  12. Two basic questions, 1. Who was the clot that decided armoured vehicles like Ferrets and bigger etc got slave sockets but Bedfords and Land Rovers didnt? 2 Who was the clot that decided bar grip tyres were so damned good? Have you ever been sideways on a road in the rain on them, I have! No fun I can tell you. R
  13. The Bedford in the above picture has been confirmed as 57 RN 09. Here are a few more pictures, I hope you enjoy them Robin
  14. Yes I have seen something on the gearbox frame. The manuals show the power pack coming out on just about the same angle which it needs to do to clear. Anyone who has done this knows that it is devilshly tight hence the trunnion caps have to come off. Thanks for the compliments, but its just basic fabrication from a drawing and a splash of paint. R
  15. And here is another Land Rover quite likely a GJ registration with a board across the front possible saying "Military Police"? What do you think? R
  16. I feel it is important to pick up on the date of the images taken for the conflict. Don't forget that there were vehicles already on the Falklands that were over run by the Argies that had been the kit belonging to the captured NP8901 made up mostly of Royal Marines, see the Bedford pictures below that are clearly in the company of the invaders, infact it may be the same truck from a different angle. There is an image on the Corbis Images website gallery that was shot on the 13th Aug 1982 that clearly shows a Snowtrac registration 18 RN 24 towing a Sankey trailer in down town Stanley. R
  17. I declare a tie between Mr Blackpowder44 and Mr Enigma, well done chaps, have fun with the new contest picture R
  18. Here are pictures of the frame we made according to the drawings in the EMERS but substituting some materials but staying faithful to the dimensions which DO matter. We have a shop policy that if we have a remote chance of doing something more than once we will make the tooling and do it properly. As the Union Jack Collection has two Ferrets that possibility exists, and now I have two Ferrets of my own I can use work's tooling! Also please remember, we are employees and I am a supervisor so I have a responsibility under workplace law to do it correctly, no matter we do. The yellow pictures are the same frame but cleaned up and painted to our now standard yellow for any maintenance tool that is a shop not CES item. The last one shows it in use Hope it helps someone R
  19. This seems the best place to drop this in so here goes. I would like to add some things we do. I am by the way, not a mechanic by trade but am constantly frustrated by wasted time during working. Here is what we do with spanners (wrenches if from this continent) and our socket sets. We use the paint pens found at welding supply stores and parts stores. With spanners we paint the size of the spanner and sometimes the make or a colour bar of the set it belongs to and then wipe it off so as t leave the stamped markings painted. We do the same with sockets but they require bands of colour and also require repainting more often because of wear. I can tell you that finding the right home or things out of place sure is a lot easier especially if you have your own joker like Rambo working in your workshop who cant put tools back in the right set, it shows a mile off. Hope this helps someone R
  20. The book you mention has been revised to sort out ommisions and errors, such as the FCDT1 & 3 that were overlooked, so anything is possible about other things missed. R
  21. Wel you tug at my heart strings being a land rover lunatic myself, yes I have had in my possesion a S1 a lightweight several 110s and a Luxy 101 and have served as pres of OVLR so I can objectively kind of, just, understand your reasoning, but make the next one a Ferret, as they the most practical piece of armour around. Oh, and pictures please! R
  22. Dennis, Ask yourself the question "Is the Pope Catholic?". Of course he is, so of course we want to see what you produced mate! R
  23. I can't say how much I enjoy trolling the British Pathe website. There are some brilliant films stored in there that take one back to a giddy post war world filled with Deep Bronze Green and bags of gusto. My last search was "British Army" that brought the following films which are recommended:- BAOR Manoeuvres Armoured Cars Army Innovations Army Open Day RAF Regt in Training Army on Land, Sea and Air Berlin Border Patrols Tanks In Action There are many vehicles whose registrations are visible such as Saladin 06BB47 and Ferret 00DC95 to name but a few Very good reference material for period markings and colours Robin
  24. Welcome to the forum mate, by your own admiision you have "already done Land Rovers" so why dont you have a go at a Ferret, they are easily do able! Plenty of Ferret owners here to help! R
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