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robin craig

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Everything posted by robin craig

  1. Told ya so Jack me lad! Next get rich quick scheme mate? I guess this time "your the bug" R
  2. A Land Rover lightweight as used by that ceremonial firing party mob in central London with the gun behind all under dust sheets, keys still in the ignition and it fires up first time. After that there are too many choices to think! R
  3. I'm sure the Euro-Bureaucrats in Brussels will have a specially formulated law against that! R
  4. Interesting that for ther "sand box" deployment one of these two had smoke grenade dischargers fitted which if I recall was one of the differences between the Saxon and Saxon Patrol. R
  5. The Patrol versions were deployed to one of the "sand box" theatres of operation recently weren't they, in an armoured ambulance role? I think that as the previous poster mentioned they were for the most part all over green, but we are likely to see pictures of an all over pink to prove the rule i'm sure! R
  6. Oh Jack! Did you get caught? Are you now planning a defense before the magistrate? Come on fess up! Im sure wholesale removal has some law municipal or federal against it but if your worried about the amount caught up in your tartan blanket after eating your sandwiches im sure your ok. My 2 cents worth of nothing! R
  7. Sorry for the delay, I have been away in deepest darkest Quebec working. Cut your teeth on this one kids R
  8. I declare Mr Ivor Ramsden the winner. Contest No 007 going up soon R
  9. Nick, thanks for your post, what im looking for is more specifics, ie using what components in what layout. Thanks anyway. R
  10. Gives it that roughy toughy used in conflict look, unlike the straight from Halfords look! R
  11. Ladies + Gents, While we all know what a Centaur is, and God knows there are enough pictures of the small number produced, has anyone ever worked on them or have much of a mechanical knowledge of them? The reason I'm asking is obtuse, but whats new eh?!, I have an accomplice who is considering making a replica and he would like to know the drivetrain layout and components used. Can anyone speculate on the design or what it would take to make one? Anyone going to Bovington who can crawl over their one? Regards Robin
  12. Im very interested in this thread, a good loc tite product on clean threads I would have thought to be enough. Lets see if we can shake a "technical" answer from someone. R
  13. Oh Dear Me! Did I post a picure for which no caption is possible? Tut Tut. . . R
  14. Be careful with this one, and while your doing that have a close look at the Land Rover. R
  15. Time to move on. Winner is Mr Ferretkit for his donkey caption. Contest No 006 going up. R
  16. Here is another picture showing the beachhead Visible are:- BARV Eager Beaver X 2 Loader Sankey trailer being pulled by what? Sea Kings X 2 R
  17. Frankly, having done CVR(T) track, do the right thing, buy the tools and do it the right way. There is a lot going on in getting the track lined up. If you want the least aggravation when doing an elective track splitting do it with clean track on a smooth surface such as concrete and have a few clear headed helpers who understand the objective. Good quality boards make a difference doing it in "in the field" as an aide. My 2 cents worth R
  18. By appointment, Marcus Glenn is always worth a visit R
  19. Well, whoever m109a3 is, not that I have a clue, yes I was, you were obviously there? Do you have a picture of that event? I dearly would like a picture of that train. Come on, fess up, even if it is in a pm, who is ya? R
  20. They pop up on ebay from time to time in the postcard section, I will keep an eye out for you R
  21. Chris, what are the two horizontal mounting blocks on either side for? R
  22. Yes Chris, exactly what I saw out of the corner of the screen. Is that the same on centre dimension hole to hole as the Spartan drawbar set up? R
  23. Brilliant answers on a subject that in my opinion is off the radar as far as the average Centurion thread would go, just like the crane Centurions. Where are those pictures taken? On a range somewhere? Is the hul in the same condition or has it had the full ventilation process applied? R
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