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robin craig

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Everything posted by robin craig

  1. Welcome Andrew dont be shy, pictures please! Yippee another Ferret in the forum clubhouse parking lot! R
  2. Is that a similar vehicle to what "Sam" drove in Foyles war? R
  3. Here is some youtube footage of HVM employed in British Army and also fleeting glimpses here and starstreak missile in Thor system explained http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BnHGJ7VabtE R
  4. Thanks very much guys, what thickness do we reckon the plate is? Actually this thread started off by a question from a fellow forum user Mark V Sten when I visited him and looked at his Canadian Ferret. He has the support but not the bracket. Yes it will be of use for me. I will attempt to buy an original and if that is not possible then I will fabricate one. Regards Robin aka rivett counter
  5. Back a few years, maybe 10 or so, I made a discovery of a chap who had a 434 and other tall grass storage ornaments like Cent ARV and Stollies who was on the left side of the road if travelling between Swindon and Cricklade. Chap was very hospitable and ran some kind of recycling bussiness. Anyone know who he is and is he here? Robin
  6. welcome howard, can you find a home for either of these two? cash required. seriously they are for sale R
  7. It continually amazes me the depth of the information that comes out of this forum. I will check the batteries out this week and post what I find before we put them on charge. R
  8. Wow, nice fabrication sketch, a couple of dimensions needed still eh?! Do we have an FV part number yet? R
  9. Andy, I will check back with you before we slap them on charge, thanks for the heads up. R
  10. What progress has been made on this Ferret? Does anyone know this chap? R
  11. As a result of the purchase of a 432 with prodigious comms fit and a Stormer with same we are going to end up with about 5 pairs of batteries to store long term. Im proposing storing on wood in 50 degree C building with mains powered battery tender with over charge protection and fluid level check on a regular basis. Is there any other way of preserving these batteries as a resource without involving more cost outlay? R
  12. In your run up to the Brighton run, what do you feel in what order are the biggest chances of mechanical failure? I ask as Im sure you have asked yourselves the same. Not trying to be a pessimist, just asking the devils advocate question. R
  13. How are the repairs to your camera coming along? . . . R
  14. I think it would be good to save for the future, a good drawing of the part done properly. This may go against the flavour of one of my posts but the purist in me has come out and so I think it should be done. Have we determined what the part number is from the catalogue? Sorry to be a bother R
  15. Thanks for the response, hope you are not in a flooded area of Oz as we have seen on the news. What kind of money do you think they will command when they come out and are they likely to come out whole or will they get crushed / cut up? R
  16. Even though I am a self confessed modern vehicle person, this is one thread I adore reading. Grand job of involving the "little people" into working on it, your making lasting memories and bonds there. Congratulations R
  17. I have made the offer to others so I will do it again, anyone wanting modern North American parts for these vehicles feel free to contact me. Second hand and new aftermarket and OEM parts glady sourced for any of you at my cost plus postage, no mark up. R
  18. From memory I was over in '97 and 2000 and 2003, but as like others memory gets dim with time. . . R
  19. Richard, your memory is similar to mine, a mobile hospital does come to mind, do you remember all the people sitting outside on some kind of chequer plate ally floor, they all dressed alike and had a very "aloof" attitude? Yes very shiny pretty kit but not much interaction, questions were snubbed and an air of "get lost" emanated. R
  20. Tony B, Thanks for the link but none of those vehicles are the ones i'm on about. M109A3uk is spot on in his recollection, yes it was quite the circus when they pulled in. Someone said they were headed up by some well heeled chap who was in real estate / property and imploded after a bad venture. Jog anyone's memory? R
  21. As a rank newcomer to the 432 but having a small mount of mechanical knowledge I would agree to the diagnosis. Fairly basic conclusion I humbly suggest. Remove components and pressure test on the bench and you will find the smoking gun fairly quickly. R
  22. Back in the late 1990s and into early 2000s there was a mob who used to turn up at Beltring with big shiny Brit kit, like DROPS and shelters and Land Rovers, they would set up an encampment and sit there for the duration. All the kit was very very clean and also new / unusual / prototype stuff. 1 who were they 2 do "they" still exist? 3 anyone got pics from back then (maybe M109A3 Tony has some?) 4 and before you say it, no it was not the fine ladies and gents of the NLBA paty brigade! R
  23. Thought I would chime in as this seems to be the 432 show + tell corner. Ours arrived back at our shop between Christmas and new years and we are just getting into it. It is listed on the data plate as 432 Mk 2/1 11 EA 49 Code 07543000 Class of repair CL 1 Base repair Date 10/05 workshops NoA2041A00 INSP ABRO BOV CES 31731 Attached are a couple of poor phone pics in the shop. Robin
  24. Dear Dan, welcome to the forum, yes there is a wealth of knowledge contained here, many people here have helped me hugely for which I am very grateful. Good to see someone else in Canada with an interest in post WW2 kit. Robin Craig
  25. There are more than just the swivell balls that are Land Rover parts. The tailgate seal on our MK 2A Supacat is a Land Rover (LR) part. The tailagte latches are LR, the horn is LR, the tie rod ends are LR and it goes on. Phil, my mate hasnt phoned me back yet about manuals on CD rom. I will ty alternate means getting hold of him. We have quite a few spares in quantities we will never use, sadly the economics of sending them to the UK are similar to coals to Newcastle. . . Extreme, I'm speechless. R
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