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robin craig

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Everything posted by robin craig

  1. well if you have watched those you should see this one also R
  2. Some where I have pictures of that BATUS Western Star wrecker that is lurking in the background, its likely in a box from 6 moves ago in my seacan, must dig it out sometime and send it to the museum. Nice job your doing, whats next in line after this? R
  3. What is the point of the fuse if you dont have it fitted Chris? R
  4. Have a look at Soldier magazine, its archives are online here http://www.soldiermagazine.co.uk/archives/index.htm Its a good snap shot through the years, the ediotrial staff were always at pains to get out with TA units when big exercises were on, to promote the "one army" concept. R
  5. The newest 432s coming out of Withams are Mk2/1 with Bowman updates. The flat surface that once held the swim screen on it many years ago has tapped holes in it to receive that screen. Some bright spark did not think that these holes should be sealed. As a result the void created by the mounting surface fills with water and corrodes this area from the inside out. In addition at the front there are two slotted openings into the same void. We are cleaning ours up, tapping the holes and going to install bolts with washers into those openings and then inject rust preventing oil inside. At least thats the plan unless anyone comes up with a better idea! As usual, poor quality phone pictures but you get the idea. R
  6. Oh Blimey Chris, Thanks for reminding me of that, I will have to double check what is in our stores before I commit to that, wouldnt want to loose SIGHT of that PART issue! Nudge nudge wink wink. What did you say for one? A fiver? R
  7. Thanks for the replies, and yours too Mike! It was fun but drove my good lady nearly potty R
  8. Well, Not withstanding any changes of mind, it looks as if we are going to put a running engine into a Spartan. This job will have to be fitted in around amongst other things, putting the transmission back in our BV206 as the tranny is back. The tale starts with the engine grenading late one night about 3 years ago or so. The vehicle has languished in storage but now the decision has been taken to remove the offending lump and put in an engine that we know runs. As I start to get ready mentally and physically to do this, im wondering what else I should be thinking about doing at the same time or problems that I may encounter. Also while we are on the subject does anyone know anything about a rev limiting fuse and where it is located anand where can they be bought from. I will post a picture of the vehicle in the next post. R
  9. I have been pm'd on here and others have reminded me about what was there, there were Strikers, Cent ARV and Stollies and 434. Guess from what I can piece together that what was there has gone to the four corners of the earth or to a scrap yard? R
  10. Or the older systems with some classic MVs here R
  11. Interestingly, not a far down the road back towards Swindon is a place shown as having an off road course on the Streetscape view. The of road course and a business called "Channel Skips" are both advertising on the fence, making me think they are owned by the same people. . . . Curiously when you pull back to satelite view the field shows some kind of green machines in the field seen in this view, tell me thats not an AFV? http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?hl=en&ie=UTF8&ll=51.618738,-1.807541&spn=0.000713,0.002401&t=h&z=19 R
  12. EUREEKA!! Its nearly 4am and I have just spent a while, well actually quite a while using the Streetscape on Google and found it! Its now called Thamesdown Recyling and is exactly where I thought it was, a few hundred yards nearer to Swindon than the Seven Bridges Gulf petrol station on the other side of the road. On the streetscape the dragons teeth, big concrete cylinders with conical tops leap out at you. The place looks to have been heavily changed but the entranceway is the same. Im going to try and link the image. http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?hl=en&ie=UTF8&ll=51.633047,-1.830471&spn=0,0.0012&t=h&z=20&layer=c&cbll=51.632966,-1.830335&panoid=aV0QJnH-iX96KR1rC64TZw&cbp=12,214.54,,1,2.93 R
  13. Well, you guys have made me crazy, but then I went onto Google last night and think that it may have been more than 10 years ago, maybe more like 15 years. The property did not leap off the page at me last night as I wombled along the main road on google satelite, but my memory did jog and remember he had some WW2 concrete dragons teeth at the edge of the road. Im also wondering if building development has changed the lie of the land. I did notice and establishment named "Richard Freeth" on google and maybe it was his yard which is quite near to where I thought it was. R
  14. Interesting thread, over here we have that issue with free channels being saturated in popular areas or big events. We had the same need but different budget and we bought a set of Peltor wireless headsets. They truly are deluxe and double as fine noise reduction jobbies which is good in a BV206 under full power! The Peltor units have a voice activated microphone which has to be used to be understood properly, as the first word in a sentence can get lost if you are not careful. R
  15. Bunkum mate, im sure someone does, maybe I will have to google his place and post the satellite image link, maybe thats more familiar to some people! R
  16. Oh come on guys, someone must know this chap???? R
  17. its been very wobbly all day. Connections to the forum possible one minute and then half an hour later nothing, guess this also proves im an addict . . oh well . . . 12 steps here I come . . R
  18. Lates news just in from "my filterman" who is the local Parker filter stockist. He says when Fairey Arlon got bought out and became Parker Arlon there was some adjustments made to part numbers. The current Parker filter number that crosses to the original part number is now 270-Z-123A. As others have supected and quoted here already, he confirms, the warning light on the drivers panel actually is triggered by a pressure sensor in the filter housing head when a pressure differential of 25 psi is registered which then puts the filter into bypass to stop the filter being destroyed. It is a standard gizmo on this type of unit. Anyhow, the filter is a week away, stock being held in the US of A for the north american market. Price is $82 and change plus tax. R
  19. I watched both parts of that the other night and meant to link it up then. Im sure Richard Farrant is in it somewhere, and likely Clive Elliott is lurking behind a bush taking notes and numbers as well:iloveyou: R
  20. We are back to work after the holidays now. Got the filter unit off the firewall and from the body it states that the element is 270 L 110 A awaiting a call back from my local filter expert on price and availability R
  21. Yes Chris, mass and height are bad but "dry" stowage on any AFV is good and if the parts can be scrounged in the system its good also. R
  22. Can anyone identify the stowage bin on the rear of the turret, looks like a sensible modification. R
  23. Dear Steve, welcome to the friendly forum, im sure you being in service over that time period will give you a lot of knowledge of how it was really done. Look forward to your posts, ps I always loved the para Trainasium in the trees at Aldershot, my fave obstacle course ever. R
  24. Surely someone knows who this chap is? Or is he Mr Secret? R
  25. I believe the GS one thats in civvy hands was shown here at ARMX and will dig out the pictures. . . some day R
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