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Took the Ferret for a drive.

Lord Burley

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It was the annual monthly run for the Ferret on sunday. We normally take a 6 mile trip around part of the south circular.


But this time we decided to take a bit of a scenic route and encompass a few tourist attractions, Followed a route down through kennington over westminster bridge around parliment square,and then onwards to buck house. We were literally stopping the tourists in there tracks.Lots of waving and :thumbsup:as we made our journey back south of the river. Had a few americans asking what it was,and thought it was great.I couldnt here a thing. But was picking the info up through the commanders comms set.


With our time posing over,it was time to head back.Ferret is running great and all ready for its first show at the Bromley Pageant.




Arrival back at CW,s yard with my trusty commander Brian.

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It looks awesome, I wanted an FV432 or similar, but I think I may have to start looking for something like this!! Its awesome! What is it like on fuel and what engine is it??

You'll have to go a long way to find one that looks like this, best of luck.


Crouch Recovery have a nice FV432 for sale.

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I believe Ferretfixer http://www.hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/member.php?u=3460 may have a Ferret for sale...


Thank you Lee, That is quite right! This one is on the road & I am getting it ready to sell at Beltring. (Unless anybody wants to contact me first!

It has a LOT more of the internals than most I have seen for sale! Also served with the Household Cavalry! :banana:


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It looks awesome, I wanted an FV432 or similar, but I think I may have to start looking for something like this!! Its awesome! What is it like on fuel and what engine is it??
It is the most practical of all the armoured vehicles to own. Especially if you lack space. Which i do. Its easy to manourvre. Fits in a normal sized lock-up no problem. Its powered by a 4.2 Rolls Royce B60 and fuel consumption is around 7-9mpg. I found the 432 to be a very easy vehicle to drive. Infact idiot proof. But the size and bulk of it would prevent me from owning and driving one in Londons congested streets.


Give mikes Ferret a viewing if you are intrested in buying one.

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This was it on the Monday of Beltring last year. All fresh and ready for the show....





A few days in and every areana event we could attend we did. And covered in that f***ing dust.............






A change of commanders halfway through. She wasnt happy......:D:



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I have emailed Mike and asked for some photos and details. I will be going to Beltring so hopefully can have a look there. This will be far more practical than a 432 but I think a 432 will turn more heads to someone who doesnt know their vehicles. But yours is stunning. Things like recovery if broken down, recovery if stuck somewhere could be a problem in 432 too!!!!

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I would suggest not buying a 432 as your first vehicle. You would be much better starting off with a Ferret. It's much easier to manage on the roads, much easier to fix if things go wrong and much easier to find somewhere to store under cover.


I don't know how good you are at mechanics, but to correctly service the engine on a 432 you have to remove by lifting it up out of the hull... then there's all the effort of changing tracks and roadwheels. Most jobs on a 432 require at least 2 people. You can pretty much look after a Ferret on your own, generally as long as you keep everything full of oil they are ok.



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Thanks for the advice guys, I appreciate it. I have owned loads of Ex-Mod Land Rovers, but never anything heavy!!

Can Ferrets be driven on a cat B Car license??

If you come down to Beltring,then you are more than welcome to come around the arena in it. It might be enough for you to buy Mikes one:D:
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Have you considered a Humber Pig, about the size of a transit van, but considerably prettier!


While not so "Cool" (If you like that sort of thing) you get to put all of your kit inside, where it stays dry, you can also fill them up with 10 of your mates and go to the pub in style.


They share the same engine as the Ferret, and are reasonably easy to work on, especially compared to a Ferret which is very tight in the engine bay. Easier to keep than a 432, which is what replaced the Pig in service, as it was brought in as a stop gap Armoured personnel carrier until the 432 turned up.


From a practicality and ownership point of view they are great "Starter" armour.


My Pig, matching trailer an optional extra!


Edited by Adam Elsdon
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If you come down to Beltring,then you are more than welcome to come around the arena in it. It might be enough for you to buy Mikes one:D:


A Ferret will also fit in a Normal car Garage! :thumbsup:

I cant belive how small the Ferret Looks standing next to the 1 Tonne!

If the 101 could take the weight, with a platform in the back. You would be able to put the Ferret in the rear!!

If that could be done, I probably wouldnt sell the Ferret! Still....You cant' drive them all at the same time! :cool2:

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