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I am wonder how Cliv & his pig dooes also Jerry with his beast, maybe you win beast in show award this time! It better to have brakedown at home than a side of the ditch in case bad mens come & have off from you. Sometime we have polis want vodka from us & vegteables for their wifes. So is always good to have spare things in a brakedown kit.


We have family car that we take in turn with other village people (no I not mean the red indian, cop & cowboy who live in the ymca, what do you take me for !). It has two strokes (I mean car) so a bit noisey & make gasses like my wive when she has an abyss at the end. But sometime exhausted the gasses make a ploppy noise like the neigbours wive) I have to dooes the drive as I not let my wive drive because we have saying here that a woman & a machine is not compatable. Somehow brain is made for nice things like flowers, vegatable, ploughing, cooking & sometime be nice time to Borat :-P

But man brain is mechanical, man not so easy to brake a machine as his brain made to understand like a machine. Is right yes? So why Jerry & Cliv have broke their machine?.

This is things we carry in the neighbourhood car.







We not all lend to everybody not new peoples who come from the asylum only to people who is born & bread up in our village.


Good bye bye. Chenque


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Greetings, my fiend, Borat.


It is good to see you are still free, and not corresponding to us on Gulag toilet tissue.

Much has been happening in our capitalist neck of timber, and little time to write.

Our neighbor has left with the NKVD and has been sent to Gulag 'St Anne's' on the frozen wastes of Ringwood, we hope he never return.....

Wife now have chicken they rule roost.. wish I was chicken.

I have the bee's so I have an army of 40'000 all women can I win ??

Amazing emergency kit but bulky suggest returning the Dutchman,s cap and having a letter of introduction from my friend Pierre from Paris.

Why does the dog have such a hunted look to him does he know something BORAT???

Will the pig with the pokey things come to Pubic? or his brother? The ferret is nearly ready just three more nets to make.

It is good to see you well and vocal just keep the curtains shut and the volume low on shortwave.




Jerry and Sue (wife) domestic enhancement officer

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Is very nice meet you again and hear from you my old fiend Jery. I hear now you have sort the beast out & she is performing well. It is also good that gaytime is here for you now because your ferret is also mended. With it not work it bring shame on your family but now you can stand proud in your village. Not like the Cliv who still have some of his old problem with his pig, but now he is 80 years old he think he is a has-been. But I say he is a never-was! All mouth & EMURs you know what I am mean.


Is nice you speech to me Jery as sometime is lonely here but I think sometime I have 25-50 people look at what says each time I post a massage here. It make me proud & want to have a jerky, but not to many as give me brown water.


Your wive has given berth to chicken? Yes is nice. It is the way things should bee. But you say you have 40,000 womens, yes? 2 minutes that mean non stop for 55 days, you must be very tyred. Or may be you have not counted properly?


You have shortwave radio? Is not allowed! If party secretary find out will bring the polis take you away to work in the cardboard box factory or gulag. But there is no paper there, that is part of the punishment. But sometime is smuggle in a roll of pravda on visiting days..


I am please you like the emejency kit, but I have give the Dutch hat back to my wive who feel safer when she ware it ploughing as there is sometime no gypsy catcher on duty. So how can I recieve a Parisian letter? And how much gift I bring for have one?


You say three more nets to make? Is this fishnets you make for waring at the Pubeck show? I look front very much me see this, as clothe is very important. It give me confident I ware my draylon suit for all the thing I do. But weave thin so never wash in case it unravel itself in the barrel.


But I have leave you & live you, the dog is doing bad with my suit.


Good bye bye. Chenque




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Is grate honour Jack has pooped me the questions. So forgive is not good English (or dooes I say good United Kingdomish?) but I am a tiny nervous. Like this morning I make just no solid but like gravy, so please I hope you like.


The HMVF 20 Question Interview


1. Who are you – what do you do and length of service in the military movement? My name Borat Sagdiyev but is like Barry, you can call me Steve. I first joined when I boy soldier to join the Revolutionary Peoples Freedom Army of Liberation.


2. Why did you get involved, how did you get involved, where were you before? I was no choice, I was conscriptioned by men in the navy, well they say me they were sailors.


3. What is the attraction to you about the whole of the military scene? I like the uniform. I like dress up & carry big gun make me feel proud like a man. But they say man who need to carry big gun really only has a small weapon of his own. But is not true for me, my weapon is big. I like also sometime meet boys in the navy & YMCA.


4. In your opinion, what are the strengths and weakness’s of the movement? Is two much corruption.


5. Depending on your answer, how do we build on the strengths and how do we strengthen the weakness? Pay bigger bribes.


6. The movement has changed dramatically in the last decade, where do think the movement will be in 5-10 years time? We be in the E&U then & come over & have your job for less money I think


7. Do you think fuel costs are going to severely limit the growth of the hobby? Is no because lot of oil now in Caspian Sea nearby, yes really is true.


8. How are we going to get around the cost of fuel or can’t we? Pay bigger bribes


9. What needs to be done to insure that history is kept alive and passed down to the next generation? Re-write the history books to make us a proud people again.


10. Have you a role model, if so, who is it? Jack


11. What was your scariest moment? Sharing a tent with Cliv


12. Your unhealthiest habit? Eating my boogies


13. Who would you least like to share a tent with? Cliv


14. Who would you like to share a tent with? My neices


15. What motivates you? My satchel


16. Name someone famous, who in your opinion, you look like?! Saddam Huissein


17. What is your ‘perfect’ weekend? Weekend in tent with my neices


18. Greatest ambition? Have every weekend in tent with my neices


19. Biggest regret of your life? Sharing a tent with Cliv


20. Thank you for taking your time for this interview, I will buy you a drink when I see you next, what do you drink? Vodka with splash of insecticide.




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Hello my fiend,


Great celebration, ferret is parked in yard enjoying the weather... the dogs are skulking close by waiting to Christan 900x16, in a dogs would 900x16 is something to aspire to!!

We Will be test running later hopefully with more success than Pakistan.

It will be interesting to see how the local plod views us!???????

For the great pubic rally we may have lord Saladin and princess Saracen attending from Bovington so we will have a complete line up with Clive.

Is pig behaving or does it need whipping? I can suggest a very nice lady who can perform pig whipping she says it just come under s&m I don't understand be she seems knowledgable...


Anyway my fiend power to your wrist(s) and we drink insecticide at pubic





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Jagshemash Jery

You are a proud man I think, your nostrile hairs stand firm & you can hold your body high & once again be a man in your household now ferret barked in the yard. Is good to hear Sarah Sin & Sally Din come from Bovinjtonk. Maybe they meet my freind Sgt Jim Nayseum and Pte Parts, maybe they get romance, may bee we watch sometime!


Cliv say his pig run smooth, but has been lying underneath it for most of day, so I think he desperate at his age! Well he tell me there are nearly 50 places to put grease on the pig. But I think that is just him be mouthy again, you no what he is like :roll:


The nice lady you have mention, she do Servicing & Maintennance for you may bee?


Good bye bye. Chenque


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  • 3 weeks later...



I am very proud I buy a gas cooker for my wive, so now we have nice food & soup, I am hope!. But she all ways want me to decorate the kitchen & change the newspaper on the wall. But I have been caught before, I make her nice kitchen but food taste the same. I buy her new bed but is the same as before, yes?


Any way I put here the instructions here as not all the people who buy the cooker have all the bits to make it work but if you have no instruction is useless . I send my apologgies as the English writ is not too good for even me understand, but was made in our national factory where the they make the popular tractor model ak47 & is insecticide plant some days & other day for vodcka but is not big diffrence except insecticide is cost of more money.


This is the early Premium model which is ok for my wives cooking, is more luxurious may be the Clubman model or even the Senator model when I have all the coupons.




Hear is instruction manuel:


“Install the soup holder smoothly in the nice place but feel with the fingers the protruberance is fit the hole is made for correctly. Allow the gas in the hole lest the protruberance is not fitted as can lead to the gas walk out & make a danger for the operator & the soup is disgraced.


Pust the gas holdering is proudly fixed for the design place. Shut it as is stated then strike the knob with firmness of purpose to make introduction of the gas which is pure. Do this when will make clucking sound not be alarmed as is good sign of the reassuring is correct.


If you turn your feature knob to the left will increase the heat but not uncareful lest you burn the soup. If you your knob to the right is with a smiler flame & will cool the soup. But if you reverse your feature knob around the place for the soup frame will be a cause to soup not heat fully. Beware as no to leave the feature knob left out as danger of damages & no longer is use the automation of light & will make a void of the extended warranty.


All ways must use the soup catcher as increase the risk of drying from flys.


Do not not use other purpose whilst you are making the cooker use lest for danger cause an accident or worse & even death or injurys & spoil of the soup.


If soup flow too much into the burner wipe it with a day towel but if not easily then first it wash with laundry soap will bring a success.


If an accident or death occur calm yourself & with purpose turn off the feature knob with no delay. Try to save the soup by placing it nice place away from the damage & far from the kitchen animals. With calm & smoothnes remove out the protruberance that make an engagement that is matched with the correct hole that is designed to accept on first assembly. Make not with delay but calm & dispose of the can in a rightful manner not conterary with the directions of use for lest further damage or soup spill.


But be warned when outdoor for use choose the shady place where the sunbeam do not reach up directly & always keep of mind that the soup catcher is below part of the range from the soiler sand.


Is always important for piece of mind that the special design of the soup catcher is in honorable place so that the ingnition of the turn from the feature knob is not prevent the mooven of the holder is lest installed upside down.


Do not dispers of in your neigbour private place, but can be thrown in village river with weekly discard if packed with goat shavings.


Do not use to warm applicator as dangerous of fire.


Do not disrespect is precious engine & give long life for best admiration to your family for many of years.


Do not use in the place that has wind.


Do not use in the damp place.


Do not of use for warming the fingers & the other places.


Do not dry the hairs or make own gases lest for fear of explosion & sore.


Do not close to the trouser.


Do not for goat de-icing or when driving


Do not the handle or use to sit when is hot.


When is broken do not eat as contain cadnium. Not withstanding plastic is sometime satisfactory to eat if small portions are manufactured.


Instruction of use & care may be change without the notice in order to maintain best care & long life of well made application. Beware that unauthorised uses for warming cold places is not to be tolerated by the manufacturer & will vigorously pursue throught the international courts uses for not designed like dog roasting & gratification.


But be not alarmed if proper used give you many hours of pleasure for the family & carefully hot soup.”


You not belief me the bad language? Cliv think I make it up, so to proof him wrong again here is version for the Clubman cooker for you to see:




Good bye bye. Chenque

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  • 2 weeks later...



I have been visit Grate Dorset Steem Fair to see many nice things & my good friends cliv & ricjard. Is very nice time here see many men pulling their machines. I hear many the phut of machines & the blue phone boxes, sound like my goat. But I see no woman ploughing is not seem right, is this now political correctiveness hit the U&K?


I see many nice sights on the stages & nice unders of many colours but some have plump to there legs. Are they really wearing black swimming costumes under everything? Even I see one man with a funny face from old black & white ministerial show, I think he has been down the cole mine, yes? Is not right man should have to this when there are women to doos this some with plump of their legs, so must be strong grip. There was a farmer who singh he is “Norfolk and good”, everyone laugh but is not funny to my senses of humours.


Is be ware of eat old warm food as give runny the next day & not normal firm to squeeze. But not all stalls speak with proper english. One man who try sell many tool, only sell the tool in french if you ask of him for a thing he say in bad english you must him in french or just give him the money & thing you want buy.


When I go to creamy stall, I ask “How many monies I must give you for a wafffle with arpricoat source?” She just give me retard look, so may bee she think I am a man of no substances. This mean I have not been able to wafffle myself for many days, so please excuse. I walk with a heavy satchell. No is not what you think. I have a canavas of the satchell which belong of cliv. I fill up with many useless autobumble things for him as he too old or lazy for to carry many heavy things.


I nearly like to buy some tie & ornamental food but look to much like the thing my wive cook me when she is not speaking me.


I am write this on cliv laptop in the rain as nothing else to do. When it rain there are no dog to shoot or go goat chasing, they have funny smell when get wet. Is a bit like my suit which I have not wash since I won it in the national lottery.


But I think the sun & cider get to cliv, he doo very silly thing. I promise I not tell anyone, but he got his blue bottles mixed up. He empty his potty in the bin, (why he not dooes it in the field like the cows & dogs I don’t know). But when he bring it back he want to put the blue insecticide in (that smell of blueberries) but he pick up the wrong bottle.


Here are his bottles, he mean to use the bottle on the left.




But he use the bottle on the right to pour in his potty! He very angry & told me not to tell anyone. I think he may bee lose some marbles from his satchel? But he get even more angry when when I say he pour oil over troubled waters!


And he even didn’t win a prize for vehicle that look most like its owner. I even try to fix it with judge & offer him some pharmacy products, but some have the applicators missing, so judge not interested in deal.


I go quickly in case the cliv come.


Good bye bye. Chenque

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Jagshemash my old freind & webbed master of special talents.


The cliv is still cleaning his oil from his sewedge, but he left his pig behind (not sound right?) he was on his hornit & living (if you call it living) in his 1-Ton Cyder Trailer. I think maybe I was rubbing up his nostrils the wrong way so keep a low down profile since after then. He think I may bee put the blue bottles the wrong way round to make him do a mistake, but no he is barking in the wrong bush. Bush, yes I have a story about a bush as it mean something different in my language.


Good bye bye. Chenque




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hello my name borat, in case you not know. is nice meet you again.


my name is on the map, but is no very good map, there are no roads marked!


then i reelise there are no roads in Kazakhstan :lol: i may not get a visa to europe now i have been accused of having an under aged hosre so is diificult. so i must pay lots of insecticide to the official who found me out, then is ok when i have a liesense! is a bit like you in U&K must have a liesense for your horse. yes is true & soon a liesense for the horse dirt heap. even our government not got that mean yet. but may bee they think of it soon when we have more democrecy & freedom like you.


i have fill in my profile on map with frapper, but it then link me to weirdos around the world, so it give picture of nice lady in Kazakhstan & man dressed up in national costume on london underground, is strange why can't he weare a siut like me.


my film premium in Canda was soiled because projector break down after 30 minutes, so has been move to another knight. is very sad but but the projector was not make in Kazakhstan was make in Canda. is true story:



i bought my suit in Canda before they close done, a bit like a mfi for clothes?


Chenque, bye



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What can I say.?

BORAT for President!


is nice thing you say make the hairs on my nostriles stand proud & make me feel virulent like a real man. but president of where? doos you mean with you in U&K instead of mr brown or president of hmfv? doos you mean we have a coupe & throwover jack & put him in a satchel in the river, then seize control of the bus station & his forest & take over the sight? is not really nice thing to do to him as is a sunday afternoon. this mean it is a slow newsday & get bad coverage on tv as is only the first round of the goat wrestling matches.

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is nice thing you say make the hairs on my nostriles stand proud & make me feel virulent like a real man. but president of where? doos you mean with you in U&K instead of mr brown or president of hmfv? doos you mean we have a coupe & throwover jack & put him in a satchel in the river, then seize control of the bus station & his forest & take over the sight? is not really nice thing to do to him as is a sunday afternoon. this mean it is a slow newsday & get bad coverage on tv as is only the first round of the goat wrestling matches.



President of the World offcourse.

I will be Vice President and we will RULE THE WORLD, whouha ha haa (manical laughter)

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author President of the World offcourse. I will be Vice President and we will RULE THE WORLD, whouha ha haa (manical laughter)



Ah is nice, my mama often tell me I am not ambitious enough. i was only thinking of president of just one country. so may bee i rule the world like harry secombe & you be my cofey anne-anne. then we could have a helichopter to take us early to dallas & buy all the bits even before the traders come :|

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  • 2 weeks later...



Having a partytime soon & invite for nice totty. i have state made vodka & insecticide but wanting to spicey it up a bit, i hear many of dorset boys use prestone 44 has very nice effect. It make you happytime like vodka but no mr softee, so everyone is happy including my wive. Always i wonder bill gates why do they call him mr microsoft, is not nice thing to know, so big yet so small!


May bee mr hardy drink prestone 44? He has very nice monument, lots of people go to see & admiration. But why has to be 44, was it the best year, may bee jack tell me, it seems to keep him so looking young? So may bee is expensive? Perhaps I buy some if i cume to warren pees show.


May bee i swap for a not like much member of my family. But not Filo, my kid brother, i am very proud of him aged 16, is now grow moustage. But not so proud of my sister who start grow moustage, is not right i think. She is only 11 & her older friend Candida still has no moustage. But she has a bit of a haired chin, but no hair lip yet.


But she has inconsinenance problem can be very embrrassing, special trouser will be very useful for her to keep it secret is something like her mother wares but you need keep changing shoes much of times.


Anyway I go now & do fix of football match. I have 20,000 applicators for to give referee then I go & see manager & give him bung bung. Is just like being in U&K?




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Just found out why Borat has been a bit quiet lately. Big spread in dail paper on how he is upsetting Kazakhstan government and they had a special meeting to discuss the situation. Anyway,.......it looks like our man has been away in Cannes, looking for new women to pull the plough, see the attached picture.




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i have big disappoint i come over into U&K to see the much famous hore of the year show but is all ponies & fat legs & not just on ponies! is no what i expect i pay with many rupees & arplicators & give bung bung to custom mans.

so i get much board & go visit to cliv, but now he gone retard is very touchy, i go in his shed, he call it his workshop! is very untidy now i no why he so slow to do any thing. i try find out what he keep in his boxes & he shout me “tap and die” doos you think he shoot me for just tapping his boxes? is very strange man. he say borat no stealing, my boxes are private where he keep all his parts, so now i think they are where his private parts are may bee? it not look like he carry round them himself anymore, is a shame.


i have found nice little booteak so may bee i get some nice souvenear for my wive & my girl friend, who is really my secertery.



is nice you like?


you like see my film is show to presidential?





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  • 3 weeks later...



has bean a very exsiting time for me with film. it now mean many peoples come to my cuntry & like speak to my langauge. the ministyry of tourist visit now make a frase book with many of helpful things to say. here is many of the popular:


Jego kiełbasy testeście także mały, ja jestem obrażony - His sausages are too small, i am insulted & he bring shame on his family


Wegatable masz prezenter mi jest także duży -The wegatable you have presented with me is too large


Tu jest wykonane pewien błędnie tłumaczyć masz prezenter mi rezygnować tylko dwa dogżki - There is made a mistake you have presented me only two spoons, how can i eat my cooked animal?


Czy mógłbym crapokój wynajęcia zrobić gniazdo pod kątem ten noc –May i have room to make nest for the night


Jeśli ty czekać mi diarrohuższy czas potrzebować bardzo niebawem umyć mój spodnie - If you wait me longer time i need very soon wash my trouser


Ty gropeodobny trousedzanie wnętrze mój załadowany? jest w porządku pozwoliłem ty - You like check inside my luggege? is ok i let, you nice


Dlaczego ty vagimić ten kot kot? - Why you shave the pussy cat?


Masz miły wegetables, mieć być rosnąć im pod kątem dawno? - You have nice wegetables, have grow them for long time?


Mam skóra veneraz zawał, gdzie jest peniciljne sklep pod kątem mężczyźni - I have an infection, does the hotel recommend a shop?


Lubię to crapzynić pewien odnawiać zapas towarów w ten wstrzymywać, mój testaba jest ciężki - I like do a rest in the restroom, my satchel is heavy


IIs bardzo trudny pod kątem nagzynić równie lubię to równie mój żona następować po mi, co czy polecić? - Is very difficult for do as i like as my wive follow me, what do you recomend?


Ten bardzo nowoczesny teraz ofer. Pod kątem mały wynagradzać możesz zapas ty ożenić się podczas ty iść odwiedzanie, jeśli ty luve twój ożenić się bardzo możesz wynagradzać pod kątem liczniejszy wydatek duży klatka. - This very modern acomodation we now ofer. for small pay you can store you wive when you go visits, if luve your wive much you pay her more expensive large cage. is very clean & moden is made from gay colour plastic. is proof very populer





you like? is good for warren peace show, yes?



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  • 2 weeks later...

So nice to see you with Clive at the digging out of Dallas, Clive looked ready to pounce on anyone taking more than a fleeting interest in his stall.

Congratulations my fiend on your premier, my wife and I hope to view this cinematic masterpiece which must rank as one of the all time greats for movie goers.

Would a piece of autographed underwear be possible it would make an interesting conversation piece over dinner with the vicar.

Anyway this was just a short note from deep Dorset to show the PC police have not removed us yet.....


Your good fiend Jerry



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i am spreading my seed in fields now my wive had a good week plow, but as cliv sa a week plow is better than a week bladder. but it make cliv cross and even mor when i say i should award him the ‘cliv cross’ for being old git of the yeer. he think that is un funny for his senses of humuors.


jerjy. the cliv was say nice to see you diging out dallas. he say you proud man now you have even 2 satchels to carry all your equipements, is nice i like see one day.


when is warmer may bee i come over & looks at yours willys, i also like see stains in middlesex is that like we have here is halfman & halfwoman. but can be more expensive than do normal thing. i am very much a normal i like play with my table tenis & dance to music by popular signer of the peoples is gorky borchek:




you like? now i go back to dog market for refund i find the two i buy last week are no goood for plow, are very lazy & even not enough big meet for the table.




photograjphy is not look good but is from affect of tests in fiels near us when was paart of cccpr misssile test places, this metal is radactive and now sold to china to sell you washing machine & computars that soon make the west radactive also as well. yes is true



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  • 4 weeks later...



my goat has a ginger vitus, was not that color before the gipsy man come. he do bad thing with my goose liver i not like, not so nice to eat it now but maybe the dog not so fussy.


but maybe the dog not so tasty? when we have traditonal dog roast at feast of glorious liberation day of saint gorkchek is about same time as you have winter festivals of the shoppings, drink & vomit parties, fightings the family & christmas.


we as well have these we like go the village tv, no is not tv a man, but tv of moving pictures from state broadcoster who is i work for. the glorious hero of the peoples liberation give us a speeck which make me proud to be the son of a commune leader. in his spare time he was the village rapper so i have many brothers, that is i mean my farther, i am not the son of politician is insult you think that, although they have many their sons in villages. but after speeck is party time we like do dance cheek to cheek is very romantic as long as my wive have shave her legs & arms. should be so as i always buy her new raser blade for the gorkchek festival .


anyway i not see much my farther but i remember he say my mama “always remember a dog is not just for christmas, save some for boxing day”.


have old picture here of bad man, is goose thief! is not licensed goose catcher, but is try to takes it liver & put in his wives cage in back of old jeep. see how he degrad the unlaughing goose, his name is kliv ellik & he now have less hairs but do not let him near you gooses




chenque & have nicetime gorchek festival

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  • 4 weeks later...



i see your forom you like know the meansing of the names. well i explain now, i am not use my reel name for the discusses, i use pretence name Cliv Elliott, i pretence i am 90 year old man with old stuck together army books, is not true really anyone like that reelly exist i think, i just pretend that, he is no reel. my name Natalya Sagdiyev i am 19 year old “scereatery” who live Kazakhstan i have famous brother who is tv reporter & make of the films. i am tell i am very pretty, have the long blond hairs & sometimes a politicicians scereatery, i make good money although brother Borat say i am tight, but i need to be in my job,

& save much money as Borat give me nothing.


i hupe all have a nicetime gorchek winter festive, but i also get nothing when santa claws come i find his satchel is empty but i suppose is very old & tired like the Cliv & he has been carrying around a heavy sack & no toys for me.


but last year i win prize for be third most best scereatery in hole of Kazakhstan, make my brother very proud when ministry of internal affairs & tourism present me with a metal effect plastic cup




Borat is taken away at moment he stay a few of days in prison for do bad thing with goose liver. he has apply & bribe for license as goose catcher but was arrested in the forrest by retard people, who not understand is legal as goose is over age, the stupid people they have brain the size of a pidgeons satchel, i am disgusting at their behaviour, is not like this in U&K? we soon want to join in eu that is moving frontier closer to us, then maybe i get a visacard to be a scereatery in howses of common.


i go now, maybe you like see later pictures of me posing in a relax mood when Borat give me horlicks

or a cup of bofril





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  • 2 months later...



My wive she not stopp talking me, she say me Borat do this then Borat not the do that. Is making my head in. she even bring shame on me in the village she speek without asking me the permit. is not allowed her to speek without her husband make permit, what do she know about anyway? even my no.2 donkey has more of the know of politics. is why i suppose our politicians are like have brain of donkey but is not the same in U&K ?


She make me look a weeak man & people think i am not a master in my own places & maybee think me a la-la man who do the bung-bung in the forest. So now i have make a new muzzle for her if the go out, is very smart & is for comfortable i think, but she not able to speak to tell to me! give me nice quiet time four once!


i sometimes love my wive a bit only when she is no speak so i have go to buy from rat catcher a specail muzzle (is club class premier model) only make from the well fed rat, not like the wive muzzle made from the rat from sewedge places & sell in the tourist shops. it is design from traditional wive muzzle handed down since the saw places uprising of 1645




i give her one for her birth of day soon & buy nice bday card from make in U&K, i think is picture of fluffy pink rabbit with hydrocephalus which sell in your cardshops.


muzzle is feel nice & smooth, i like, i invatate to him for he make for also me nice rat skin pair of why fronts, but with the large spaces for me as i am not like the small men in the village.


Worning here is man pretend to me, is not true he bring me shame




i think he is like a man who is not to trust like a bad man make a forced entry & committed a buggelary, which is bad crime here but is maybe ok in U&K ? But he make me sick & give my the dyerrear so must make flush the basin, i go quickly


oh yes i nearly have forget i like come the salisberry plane & meet again the boys who know how to give a freind a nice time, is you go because is nice sheep on the plane? Save one for me jery & jack, & don’t leave me the skinny one, i know your tricks. is no sheep alllowed on our plane as not too many seats, i must buy the lottery ticket for raffle to have the plane ticket on the flite in may.


jack is nice idea have loneley heart page, i like a very much dorset tottys but please have no moustach like on my wive, but must have strong thigh for fieldwork & pedalling concrete mixer.


Chenque, ah is too late i talk too long now i have make brown mistake on the floor, but the goat is liking it i think not

Edited by Marmite!!
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