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Google earth.

Guest matt

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Just wondering if anyone on here has used Google earth? I'm on dialup so can't get it but if I go onto broadband it's something I would find useful,depending on how much detail you can actually see.


If anyone has it I'd be greatful for any comments.





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It varies by location. I can see 2 miles from my house in brilliant detail, but my house is all blurry. If you zoom into Baghdad or Google HQ the images are excellent. You can spend many hours looking at random places. I managed to identify a tree I camped under in Spain!



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Hi Matt.


It is dam good...........you won't be able to put it down :oops:


I have used it but the graphics card on my PC isn't the best so it isn't that clear when you zoom in.


To get CIA :shock: type clarity you need a powerful card and then it really does come into it's own..............go and take a look at Pearl Harbour and you will see what I mean :shock:







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Thanks guys,looks like I'll have to get it! so just to confirm,is it possible to look at basically anywhere on the planet? however remote? and what sort of time lag is there on the images?





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Guess I should have read their web page fully before asking :oops: looks like the images can be upto three years old and some areas are not covered.


Still looks interesting though.



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Matt, I'm on BB and often cruise thro Google Earth. With no time constraints I often spend hours just "visiting". With regard detail it varies around the globe, and certain areas of the planet are deliberately sketchy, some sensitive areas are even blacked out.


For me its rewarding as Pompey is a High Res area and that includes a satellite picture of both my Jeep and the GMC !


For that extra added thrill http://www.googleearthhacks.com is worth a search as many WW2 battle sites (and airfields) are listed. Normandy beaches and The Bulge are featured, and some useful 'overlays' can be found.


To my mind its well worth the trouble, even found several prominent scrap yards, which can also be 'seen' ...in detail.

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