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pain in the neck!


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I have managed to give myself whiplash whilst changing one of the kids beds :shocked:

am now on diazapam and ibuprofen which is making me feel all high, wobbly and on another planet!

Sympathy needed :cry:

poor r-cubed is having to take time off work so he can run the boys around and generally cater for my every need (am going to milk it as much as I can :cool2:)

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I have managed to give myself whiplash whilst changing one of the kids beds :shocked:

am now on diazapam and ibuprofen which is making me feel all high, wobbly and on another planet!

Sympathy needed :cry:

poor r-cubed is having to take time off work so he can run the boys around and generally cater for my every need (am going to milk it as much as I can :cool2:)



:rofl::rofl:Rosie - whisky will do the trick..........and can we have a picture of R Cubed doing the washing up - willing to pay good money!

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Wow, how did you manage to get that done?


Well done on getting R Cubed to do the household though, I'm sure mrs Beckett will be interested in your methods :yay:

I have an old whiplash injury (from too much headbanging in my yoof!) it seems that its come back to haunt me, I was changing eldest sheets on the top bunk bed when I slipped getting down and jurked my self. this is the only thing I can think I have done


:rofl::rofl:Rosie - whisky will do the trick..........and can we have a picture of R Cubed doing the washing up - willing to pay good money!
cant drink whilst taking the diazapam :-( and afraid I am unable to stand without wobbling long enough to take a photo!

I am sur he will be on here moaning soon enough!

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I have managed to give myself whiplash whilst changing one of the kids beds :shocked:

Sympathy needed :cry:



Yes that is horrible, even with the happy pills. But do spare a thought for poor Grasshoppeer, he has a WLF transfer box hanging from his neck :sweat:

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you have my sympathy, still suffer with an old wiplash injury caused when a ****** van driver rammed the back of my minibus when I was at a bus stop!!!!!!! this was 20 years ago, neck still aches in wet weather


All the best



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I have managed to give myself whiplash whilst changing one of the kids beds :shocked:

am now on diazapam and ibuprofen which is making me feel all high, wobbly and on another planet!

Sympathy needed :cry:

poor r-cubed is having to take time off work so he can run the boys around and generally cater for my every need (am going to milk it as much as I can :cool2:)


You have my sympathy

poor old r cubed you're going to run him ragged

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Go to Chemist and try Finalgon cream. It is the only stuff I know will keep a disloctaed shoulder quiet. Makes Deep Heat look like frezzer cream. And before any one starts I have spent a lot of time falling of horses, so know about bumps, bruises and strains.

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Go to Chemist and try Finalgon cream. It is the only stuff I know will keep a disloctaed shoulder quiet. Makes Deep Heat look like frezzer cream. And before any one starts I have spent a lot of time falling of horses, so know about bumps, bruises and strains.


Why would anyone want to start falling off horses,:confused:especially when its clear for all to see the damage that ensues.:nut:

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:flowers: Hope things start to sort themselves out soon, Rosie.


Just goes to show how MUCH of a man, Russ, really is, :).......getting on with it, whilst you recover. :coffee:


Whiplash,............lovely injury..........:( (I don't think.!!)


All the best to you both.



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Just an update, have a bit more movement now but it still flippin hurts :( not taken any wazzy pills since this morning but still feel woozy! Still cant drive and certainly cant go to work (work with littlie kids and there is no way I could dash off if one of them took a tumble!) r-cubed has been a hero, running the boys all over the place, cooking dinner, doing the washing (sick buckets at the ready guys) thats why i love him so much, the caring lovable tyke :flowers::kissoncheek::D:hug:

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another update

sadly thursday morning I woke up and neck had completely locked up. back to drs, now on 2x 50mg tramadol and 2x 500g paracetamol- 4 times a day AND 10mg diazepam+ 400mg ibruprofen every day and a neck brace.


Must say after 3 days of being unconscious my neck is beginning to feel better. Still cant drive and have been signed off work for another week

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Actually - I am starting to feel sorry for R Cubed - it ain't right or proper that has to do women stuff. :readpaper:


Hi all got some time to myself,, phew no time to do anything at the moment. Well I have been looking after her with the stiff neck !!!!!



(I reckon its all a put up act but don't tell her I said that )


I have also discovered that in our flat we have another room, I think its called a Kitchen ( dangerous place) lots of hot things and sharp knives....... been in there nearly all week, cant find any oil, grease, spanners only yellow rubber gloves, blue stuff in a bottle I thought was anti freeze but I am told its washing up liquid, goes in a bowl to clean dirt and grease off plates and things, well I usually use Gunk but better use this stuff as its here, and other scary things like a Washing machine, strange thing that is, you put in clothes add powdery stuff and turn knob thing on front, then after about 2 hrs its all comes out the same colour !!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Oh well back to the Kitchen wish me luck I am off to battle with the "Cooker"

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Be thankful YOU don't have to put up with the side effects of Ibrupofen! The Kitchen is proably the last place you will see your Dearly Beloved. If you want sympathy it's under S in the dictionary. My sympathies are entirley with Rosie.

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Ok - been on the phone for most of the day as I am trying to put together a benefir gig for R Cubed so we can get him some domestic as this just isn't right!


So far I have managed to get:


The Beatles ( they are going to reform especailly for this gig)

Timmy Mallet

Elvis - his manager reckons he is working down at a chip shop...

Johnny Cash

Gary Newman

Diana Doors

The Undertones

Jethro Tull



......still waiting to hear back from Warren Zevon and Jeff Beck

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Ok - been on the phone for most of the day as I am trying to put together a benefir gig for R Cubed so we can get him some domestic as this just isn't right!


So far I have managed to get:


The Beatles ( they are going to reform especailly for this gig)

Timmy Mallet

Elvis - his manager reckons he is working down at a chip shop...

Johnny Cash

Gary Newman

Diana Doors

The Undertones

Jethro Tull



......still waiting to hear back from Warren Zevon and Jeff Beck


he deserves it Jack, he has been an absolute angel. He is going back to work tomorrow, got my friend taking the boys to and from school.

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Right thats it I am getting a divorce! He's only gone and buggered off to Belting till Sunday:shocked:

but its ok, he has left me with £96 worth of chocolate................................well ok £50 now as I ate some! Have also had his best mate round here all evening, with a 3 litre box of medicinal muscle relaxant!!!!!!:-D:clap::clap::cheesy::thumbsup:

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Right thats it I am getting a divorce! He's only gone and buggered off to Belting till Sunday:shocked:

but its ok, he has left me with £96 worth of chocolate................................well ok £50 now as I ate some! Have also had his best mate round here all evening, with a 3 litre box of medicinal muscle relaxant!!!!!!:-D:clap::clap::cheesy::thumbsup:



would that be red or white, Rosie..........:whistle:


didn't bump into him there,........................mind you, there WERE a lot of HMVF'ers there...........sorry you wern't able to make it this time;......

(HMVF, bigger and better next year..........well, w&p wise, anyways:-D)


Hope your progressing towards recovery.


All the best,



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