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Portsmouth 1989

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Was this the show before the split and went to Horndean ?





This was the annual MVT show which was generally held around the D-day date. In 1984 it took place at Southsea Common, Portsmouth for the first time, and run by the Solent Branch of MVT, I went to every one held there up until 1996, then it went to Popham Airfield for a year, then Denmead and finally Horndean. The "split" came after the last time I went to Horndean in 2004, for the start of the Normandy tour.



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yes this was just a couple of days before the June 6th anniversity and I traveled with them to the Events held in France crossing by Ferry quite the site to roll off with a couple hundred MV's with out stop into the French sountry side.





Did you come over from the US with a group of others? I recollect going out for a meal at an Indian resteraunt in Southsea with a few friends and a group of US enthusiasts over for the Tour........could you have been with us? And who did you travel with on the Tour?


That was the year that the first week was based down south at Bagnoles le Orne, a great place, then we moved up to Bayeaux for the second week.



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Yes I was with a group that was some what orginized by the IMVPA and traveled in the vehicle below the Land Rover Shorlandin the first group of photo's as a passenger as best as I recall . No I wasn't at the dinner sorry , I did stay in Bayeaux at the camp ground and at a vacation place just up the coast from Point du Hoc .pardon the spelling I think it was Colleville-sur-Mer






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Yes I was with a group that was some what orginized by the IMVPA and traveled in the vehicle below the Land Rover Shorlandin the first group of photo's as a passenger as best as I recall .


That would be Chris Pearce's Humber radio truck then?


I do not have many photos actually at Portsmouth, it looks like I was saving film for when we got to Normandy, I have a lot from there.


Here is my Bedford at Portsmouth show in 1989.



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It was a great experience so many new British , Canadian and European types I 'd not seen before , along with a number that I had seen in "Wheel and Track's" and never thought I see in the metal , including the Air-portable CCKW of Charles Brittian-Jones. The crowds were very interested in the detailed displays and the Veterans wanting to share their stories.


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As this was my first over sea's HMV event I took lots of photo's in Portsmouth and then in France mostly bw for the historic effect and because bw shows details more clearly.We may have talked Kewelde but I dont recall the faces and names 18 yrs has a way of doing that .


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Big or small I tried to get a photo of each , while not a professional photographer I hope these aren't too poor. This one seems familiar ?? can't put my finger on why . :dunno:



This one is Chris Davies, with his BSA M20. He was one of the organisers of the Portsmouth show and would have been seen doing convoy control once over in Normandy.

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That was the first MVT event that I ever went to. Nice picture of Chris Davis on his military motorcycle. Sadly Chris is not enjoying the best of health in recent months, and if he happens to read this, I send him my very best wishes on behalf of the Suffolk Area MVT.


Chris has done a sterling amount of work for the Trust and MV movement in general over the years and was instrumental in the success of the MVT shows on Southsea Common. We drove our GMC 352 from Wiltshire down to this show on the Common and it was the first long-haul event we had ever done. In fact I have a photo of us all peering into the full-up fuel tank on the Jimmy - It was the first time we had ever filled it up and the excitement warrented a picture taken!!


They were great days and great shows indeed, and despite the positive way the MV movement has moved forward since that time, I still miss that show on the Common!



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