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Red Arrows

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I Have just received this. Not sure if it is true or not.


Hi everyone, Greetings. This came in today from an ex-RAF chum, and

it is so typical of the nonsense which has spoiled many of the principals

and customs which used to be part of our way of life that I thought it

worthwhile passing along. My apologies if it does not fit with your

own thoughts nowadays. If it does, however, you may wish to send it

on further.


"The world-famous Red Arrows have been banned from appearing at the

2012 London Olympics because they are deemed to be "too British".


Organisers of the event say that the Arrows military background might

be offensive" to other countries taking part in the Games. The display

team have performed at more than 4000 events worldwide, but the Department

of Culture, Media and Sport have deemed the display team "too

militaristically British". Red Arrows pilots were said to be

"outraged", as they had hoped to put on a truly world class display for the

Games, something which had never been seen before. Being axed from a

British-based event for being "too British" is an insult - the Arrows

are a symbol of Britain.


The Red Arrows have been excellent ambassadors for British overseas


as they display their British-built Hawk aircraft all over the world.


The Arrows performed a short flypast in 2005 when the winning bid was


announced, but their flypast at the Games was to have been truly

spectacular. It is to be

hoped that common sense prevails


If you disagree with this decision, sign the petition on the link




Personally, i wonder if being "banned" would be a good thing as far as i can see the Olympics are going to be a disaster and a massive waste of money anyway so any dissacociation might be a key objective . However, the Red Arrows put on a marvellous display and i think if that there is any opportunity to offend "Johny Foreigner" we should take the opportunity with open arms.


Anyway, if they have been banned does anybody have any suggestions of what else might replace them as suitable entertainment at the Olympics?


I am torn between a selection of military vehicles from the last 70 years or so (with special emphasis on WW2 tracked armour) with a fly past by the Battle of Britain memorial flight. Or alternatively a battle re-enactment between SBG and the 2nd Armoured Division.


Any other ideas?


Tim (too)

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Not true according to this...




I like this bit... :-D


The story has sparked furious debate on many web forums.


Keep getting blank page on your link ian :dunno:

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Thats not far off what the spokes women said in my link,



The Red Arrows spokesman Rachel Huxford said:


"We have had no discussions about the opening ceremony of the 2012 London Olympics whatsoever.


We are still planning our 2008 season at this stage and that is a long way off. We understand that no decision has yet been made about the ceremony.




If they are worried about them being to British why not paint them Pink im sure that would look very nice :whistle:


Just checked the link and is working for me Lee :dunno:

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Trained at Talland, right next door to the South Cerney Air movments centre. they trained there. Never got bored, the villiage was very proud that they were there. With any luck Kenny will be in book bothering him down below with his emmisions then. You'll have to walk to the events anyway. No way will London Public transport cope.

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Neil, to some of us it 'aint a joke :shake: One delightful story happned to a friemd of mine. He was driving a bus in London, onto it got a well dressed elderly man and woman, went and sat down. A couple of stops later a drunk yobbo gets on, he lounges about for a while then starts getting very abusive swearing and genrally beeing an ass. My mate was distracted as yob came skidding down the bus on his back, and a soft voice saying, 'Driver could you just pull over and open the doors'. He did and the yob went out on his ass. The elderly bloke was standing there and my mate noted he was weraing a Parra tie. The guy dusted his hand turned to Carl and said'I didn't drop into Arnhem to put up with cheek from the likes of that'.

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Nice one Tony!!


Rest assured I do not reat it as a joke!! Our daughter will not use buses after dark except as a last resort - too many of her friends have been mugged on them. And thats when or even if the things turn up.

Last time I used public transport both buses and trains (underground and main line) smelt like public open loo's!!!! It REALLY winds me up when I hear the likes of Red Ken spouting on about using public transport whilst cracking up taxes (stealth or otherwise) on vehicles. Only time that bugger ever uses the system he's so surrounded by security it's beyond even a military joke.... >:(

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Very very true. Not only the old ones stick up for themselves though. Last year when it snowed one of our buses was at a place just outside Croydon. There was a kid in a push chair on the bus. When the bus stopped and the doors opened the local pond life pelted it with snow balls one hit the kid in the push chair in the face. A lad of about 19 on the bus stood up walked off up to these idiots got hold of one an nutted him, laying him straight out. Then got back on the bus which went on its way. Later in the day a police officer phoned about the availability of CCTV on an assault,on a youth. the reply was 'What assault?, nothing reported, and sorry no CCTV working today, what a shame. Copper's reply' Expected that no one seems to know anything'.

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The point is it doesn't seem to be the 'Foreigner' who is offended. Just take a military through London in the Japanese season, it's a bugger when they get wrapped round the prop shafts trying to get photos. :roll: Look at the money English Heritage spend on re enactment events, how many tourists attend changing the guard. Take one abroad, and see how many people you have to drive over to get to the pub. When will the morons work out that people who come over here want to see what is ENGLISH

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Sorry Mark, but I remember back to the Jet Provosts of the Red Pelicans. Back in the days of the Gnats The Arrows had narrowly lost out to the PatrilleDe France with mirages at the World aerobatics championships. The next show was at Jersey over St Aubin's bay. the Patrille did their display first. then a single Gnat came in at roof top height and put on a breathtaking solo display, it was aweinspiring. The Arrows are an internatonal renowned team, not to have them at what is supposed to be a UK major event is unthinkable, and unfortunately it will be a political decision.

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I think the story is true- no Red Arrows needed for 2012 Olympics


A committee of unaccountable little***** could quite easily have made the decision to exclude the Red Arrows - and it stands to reason that if they don't want the Red Arrows for 2012 they would not need to be in discussions with them!


Why is it we let such people have such influence over us!

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