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Gearbox oil K60 FV434


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The FV430 family specify a straight SAE 30 oil in the engine, transfer box, auto box and steering gearbox. Multi grade oils were not available when these vehicles came into service but I doubt that 10W-30 would cause any problems except possibly in the auto box.. However people have been known to put EP90 in the steering box which results in no brakes or steering. If you put auto trans fluid in the auto box you get very harsh shifting and very wrong choices of gears as it can't tell what is happening. Often overlooked is that you must make sure that the fuel pump governor is kept topped up with red auto trans fluid (any version of Dextron) as it is possible to have a catastrophic engine runaway if the level gets low. If that happens you have a very short time to press the red emergency stop pedal in front of the steering levers. ONLY the final drives get EP90 but also remember to grease the final drive seals through the grease nipples on the outside face of the hubs. As with the suspension arm pivots, the grease acts to push out muck and water as much as to lubricate the bearings so must be done regularly.

Have fun


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if you have never changed the oil in the gearbox it could not do any harm for the record DEF-STAN 91-113 LUBRICATION OIL   OMD 90  also some GEARBOXES AUTOMATIC GEARBOXES  and TORQUE   CONVERTERS .  SAE VISCOSITY CLASSIFICATION 10W-30

Edited by wally dugan
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If you've never done it, change the gearbox oil and filter, making sure the level is correct as per the instructions on the dipstick.  Too much oil is as bad as too little.

As David says, use straight SAE30 mineral oil, available as a "classic" oil from many suppliers.


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