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Sad news...........


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Hi Neil,

very sorry to hear your sad news, when my father was in hospital (a place he rarely visited) i spoke to him on the phone (thursday evening) and told him i would be down on Friday eve.. "dont bother its only a bad cold, i`ll be home on Friday out of this place" but he died next day at 62 yrs old.


Himself a 25 year man R.E. many stories and tale of his service some of which i remind myself of when the anniversary comes around.


If he had wishes carry them out if possible,or yo never forgive yourself for not doing his final wishes



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Sorry to hear of your loss. Why not name your new vehicle after him? Or the Russian equivalent of his name?




I agree with this suggestion. My Father died in 1984 only 2 days after my first Daughter was born. He always called his cars 'Matilda' (No, I don't know why). I have named my WOA2 'Matilda' to remember him.

Robert Davey

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Nice idea peoples!!! Might name the landy though, rather than the OT - the vehicles character would be more in keeping... :-D


Had to visit the florists to day to sort out oour tributes - made difficult by having no idea what the B.i.L. is doing - but decided in the end to try and get something to commemorate his service. So the nice lady in the florists is making up a sheild based on the wall plaque he had for 10 Para. I hope he would have approved.....

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Had to visit the florists to day to sort out oour tributes - made difficult by having no idea what the B.i.L. is doing - but decided in the end to try and get something to commemorate his service. So the nice lady in the florists is making up a sheild based on the wall plaque he had for 10 Para. I hope he would have approved.....




I'm sure he would, Neil.

Nice Touch.


All the very best, mate.



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Once again - thanks for the kind thoughts, words and offers everybody. Val, Tanya & I really have appreciated them and they have been a great source of comfort this past week.


We buried - well, cremated - Dad this morning at Corbets Tey Crem. and the service went very well. A very sad and emotional time there for all who attended but the service seemed to put an end to the "out of it" feeling we've had all week. The Crem. is putting the memorial plaque up beside Mums so they will be reunited again visually. Now we can get on with rebuilding our normal lives.

When the time is right I intend putting a brass plate on the central tunnel of the OT-90 where he would have sat had he lived as a memorial to him - that way, at least in spirit, he will attend the events the OT will.


Again - our thanks to you all!!!!

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Once again - thanks for the kind thoughts, words and offers everybody. Val, Tanya & I really have appreciated them and they have been a great source of comfort this past week.


We buried - well, cremated - Dad this morning at Corbets Tey Crem. and the service went very well. A very sad and emotional time there for all who attended but the service seemed to put an end to the "out of it" feeling we've had all week. The Crem. is putting the memorial plaque up beside Mums so they will be reunited again visually. Now we can get on with rebuilding our normal lives.

When the time is right I intend putting a brass plate on the central tunnel of the OT-90 where he would have sat had he lived as a memorial to him - that way, at least in spirit, he will attend the events the OT will.


Again - our thanks to you all!!!!





Im glad everything went off, well, today, for you and your family, Neil.

Brilliant idea, re the plate.................. :-)


All the very best.



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