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Normandy 2009 - advice needed....please!


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Morning folks.


I would like to take the GMC to Normandy for the 65th in a couple of years time.


I am not a member of IMPS or the MVT so what is the best way forward - just book a campsite and just go?


Any advice appreciated.





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I always go with the MVT on their tour, nothing better than being with a good group of like minded people all on the same ferry and then convoying to the campsite. I believe the MVT tour is to be either 2 weeks, taking in 3 different campsites across the region, or optional 1 week to encompass D-Day.


Rejoin and get your name down quick!

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we usually go in a small group of vehicles from our local area MVT branch or now a mixture of MVT and SOE folks :schocked:!

i can highly recomend a campsite near Omaha beach " camping le robinson" always a good crowd there and loads of mv's every year, a mixture of english, dutch, flemish and french in the site. Plus a good bar in the camp and just down the road :whistle:, oh and a pool :-D


Travel by LD Lines to Le Havre, its half the price of brittany and P&O and only an extra hours drive. You get a nice view of the sienne over the two huge bridges.

There are some piccies of our trip there this year here www.flickr.com/macspite






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Maybe I'm just anti-social but after various experiences (some great, some good, some bad) on MVT National campsites for the 45th and 50th and an MVT area campsite on the 55th - four of us in two Jeeps just booked a campsite on-line and went to the 60th. It's only France and we all think nothing of going on a day's booze cruise these days... We drove the Jeeps from Yorkshire to the Overlord Show, went for a curry and got on the ferry.


We were the only MVs on our campsite, we cooked and lived like kings in a 9x9 tent, slept in smaller tents, had swims in the pool each day and beers from the bar. We went where we liked when we liked and didn't worry about having to be anywhere at any set time, didn't have to wait for anyone ever. Despite all this we bumped into people we knew, went to museums, found autojumbles, met veterans, gave French girls a lift, paid our respects at the memorials, had a beer with some Polish guys and so on. It was a great trip (see the Content thread hereabouts) and we're hoping to repeat it in '09.


All you need is insurance, a tent, a camera and some petrol money. You won't regret it.


See you there.




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you can also use the MVT to get a reduced rate on the ferry & then book into your own campsite,

we stay just outside bayeux in the chateau de martragney


there was loads of MV's stay there for the 60th & from all different parts of the country so it was good meeting new people & sharing a beer after a busy day.


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My son and I rode down there on a motorbike and sidecar for the 60th, stayed in a campsite in Lion-Sur-Mer (Sword Beach) and just done our own thing, Soooooo! much better than an organised trip



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My son and I rode down there on a motorbike and sidecar for the 60th, stayed in a campsite in Lion-Sur-Mer (Sword Beach) and just done our own thing, Soooooo! much better than an organised trip





Mark why makes you say that?

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A. You can please yourself what and where you go


B. Most of the stuff happening is WW2, so if PW then you do not get to participate


C. More expensive with clubs


D. Not pinned down to where you stay



That will do for know :whistle:


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It's Point A of Mark's that made the 60th such a good trip for me. Just did our own thing as the mood, the weather and the time caught us - all afternoon lunch by a harbour one day because the sun was out and we sat at a table outside the restaurant...


Great things that have happened on Normandy tours;


1; A South African taking me for a ride off the beach at Arromanches in his GPA (50th).

2; Richard Beddall (AWDC/MVT) taking me out to the Mulberry Harbour pontoons in his DUKW (55th)

3; Seeing some Jersey MVT guys let a Lancashire veteran drive their Bren carrier (45th).

4; Buying a Brummie veteran a glass of Calvados (60th)

5; Meeting the King of Romania in a field (45th)

6: Seeing a veterans coach emblazoned with 'liberators of Port en Bessin' across the windscreen (45th)

7; Watching the NVA veterans march onto the beach at Arromanches (50th)

8; Needing 4x4 to get on and off the British MVT campsite at Asnelles (50th)

9; Watching Bill Millin (Lovat's piper) playing the bagpipes (45th)

10; Seeing lots of AEC Matadors on the road (every time)

11; Watching a pretty Dutch girl ride a Harley 45 (55th)...


There's loads more...



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Great history John sounds like you have had some great experiences - I have missed all of that.


What ever happens I think we should all have an HMVF meet up whilst there - a convoy would be good.

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Baz wrote


"Travel by LD Lines to Le Havre, its half the price of brittany and P&O and only an extra hours drive."


Christ Baz what on earth do you drive and at what speed





Maybe i should have been more detailed, oops.

i used to use P&O portsmouth to cherbourg, but now that they dont run that service we use LD Lines to Le Havre, thats only an hour more than Cerbourg to say Bayeux.

Personally i wont use Britanny ferries as their prices are crazy! ok they come straight into caen (ish) but i like a good drive on nice roads.



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Well I've only been once and that was this year. Our programme was nothing more then drive in a certain direction and see what's on our route. That works quite well I can assure you! There is so much to see and the do that you must be a total idiot to miss it all.

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