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Guernsey liberation tour 2015

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Atleast our harbour can take the clipper at both high and LOW tides ;)


This new boat has defiantly unimpressed the locals with it's open bow to the car deck.


What you mean the complimentary car wash and paddling pool?:-D Now starting to be very intrested in marine forcast, not long now! ;)

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Well it takes all sorts. :nut: Do you throw sweets to the kids from the vehicles? Ricky wants to revive that practice, so my friendly negbour hood corner shop ahs got me a couple of large bags of boiled sweets. Just got an email from the BBC, inviting me, in uniform to a concert on May 9th at Horsegaurds, free tickets to re enactors in uniform.

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Yes taking the Chevrolet C60 s Wrecker.


We went 5 years ago and we had a great time



Unfortunately the Chev has developed a steering problem that I'm not going to be able to fix for Wednesday. Disappointing :-(.

So plan to bring Jeep and one of the trailers....probably easier to drive around the narrow island roads :D

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Yes we do Tony, however I do believe we are not allowed.(that will be 2 large bags ready to go!)


cordenj thats a real shame, e-metal , black nasty and zip ties will fix it. Yes a jeep will squeeze through the lanes better.

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Yes we do Tony, however I do believe we are not allowed.(that will be 2 large bags ready to go!)


cordenj thats a real shame, e-metal , black nasty and zip ties will fix it. Yes a jeep will squeeze through the lanes better.


Yes real shame but Paul is very understanding. You'd need some big zip ties for this though!:


IMG_9244 (1024x768).jpg



Still I doubt there ever been one of these on Guernsey before. Rare, but not the impact of the Wrecker for the public:



IMG_1587 (Medium).JPG

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Anything is possible, I'm sure some of us on here have made things 'work' to get home ;)


I do rather like the trailer and having back-up green fleet is awesome :-D

Locals are already over the moon all of you are turning up to celebrate this with us so thanks in advance :-D

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Were right behind them - First sailing out of Portsmouth tomoorow morning - i see your Dad isnt flying his long johns from the front of his vehicle this time - we all had a laught 10 yrs ago when wherever he went the long johns would be on show hanging from the front of his F60 !

Safe trip to all - Looking forward to meeting many old freinds and aqquaintances over there again - Andy Kyte / West Sussex

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Just got into Portsmouth, blowing 8 gusting 9. Degsey , old friend , most beloved, kiss kiss, can you sacrifice a ram to weather Gods? Hopefully it will calm overnight or the fish may be well fed. :-X :embarrassed: The Condor Liberation might be delayed, as it hasn't been tested in these conditions. Why? Condor hasn't had the conditions to take it out in! You really could not make it up!


Note to others who may decide to come down to Portsmouth in an oveheight vehicle, or just to visit. There is now an excellent Park and ride service just before the port exit. £8 per day till 20:30 and return bus trips for up o 8 to town centre, greta for a day around musuems.

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Well there was a convoy of green fleet all along the sea front last night once condor finaly got in, what a sight ! And thanks to the police for their help, top marks.


I hope you are all feeling better today, I shall endeavour to speak to you all over the next few days.

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Tony, as an ex Naval person:captain: a little bit of a chop shouldn't bother your stomach:D


Well wether you did the sacrifice, or the God's were laughing so much at your reaction they took pity, the weather did moderate. :D No joke though it had been rough the two days before. Condor had cancelled all the fast ferries from Poole, so everyone was rushing to Pompey to catch the boat. Even then it was delayed for three hours. I spoke to the Purser he told me it had taken two extra hours to clean up after the last trip. But got here safley and it is the morning of the big day. start parade at midday, about ninetey MV's expected plus the local car clubs. And decent weather.

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Selection of photos from another fantastic trip organised brilliantly by Stuart, Paul and the GMVG. Thanks guys.


Part of the tour group on the Fortification day:


IMG_9716 (1024x768).jpg


School visit in St. Peter Port:


IMG_9746 (1024x768).jpg


Forming up at campsite on the Saturday for the Cavalcade:


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St. Peter Port:


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Exploring the typical Guernsey lanes....not for the larger vehicles:


IMG_9984 (1024x768).jpg

IMG_9808 (1024x768).jpg

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And a few more:


Very nice CMP Ford that was driven up from Switzerland!


IMG_9698 (1024x768).jpg


Typical fuel station over the Liberation weekend:


IMG_9674 (1024x768).jpg


Castle Cornet and St Peter Port:


IMG_0032 (1024x768).jpg


Return on Condor Ferry to Poole (a couple of vehicles from this forum):


IMG_0090 (1024x768).jpg

IMG_0060 (1024x768).jpg

IMG_0088 (1024x768).jpg

Edited by cordenj
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Well I hope everyone enjoyed themselves and hope you all come back again with more friends.


The weather was perfect for the week and I saw a lot of you out and about, however I did not have time to stop and chat to you all so I will say sorry now and hopefully I shall in the future, the ones I did chat to seemed to of had a great time and they were more than happy to let me look over there vehicles..and some very nice ones they were.


Once I have some time I shall get all the pics I have uploaded.


To give you some sense of scale on the green fleet side this is a pic just before we set off.


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