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Land Rover lightweight indicator fault


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Indicators and 4ways on the lightweight come on but stay on, ie no flash.

I,ve changed the flasher unit but still the same fault.

Clearly everything is getting power, all earths seem ok.

Anyone got any ideas?

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I,ve changed the flasher unit but still the same fault./QUOTE]


Silly question, I know, but which unit did you change?


The indicator flasher is the box just above the clutch reservoir, on the bulkhead.


The other two, Lucas 6RA 'top hat' relays, on the opposite side, are for brake lights, and infra red lights, if I remember correctly.


I'm sure that someone will correct me if I'm wrong.





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I,ve changed the main flasher unit near the clutch resr

The 6way light switch has been by passed at some point although it is still fitted.

The lights ( HS&T) are on a simple toggle switch, everything else seems to work ok.

I,d forgotten the pleasures of owning old land rovers!

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Indicators and 4ways on the lightweight come on but stay on, ie no flash.


Dave I don't whether it was all working then suddenly didn't work or whether you are doing a restoration & hitting problems.


The traditional flasher relies on the heating of a hot wire or a bi-metallic strip due to the current drawn through it. This is determined by the load the bulbs present. If they are not drawing enough current there is not enough heat & it will stay on for one pair of bulbs.


So it is important that the rated bulb voltage & wattage is fitted. If that is ok & you say you have checked the earth, I would be tempted to verify what that the earth points are really as sound as you want. I appreciate there must be some sort of earth as the bulbs would light up.A multimeter or buzzer can show that you seem to have a satisfactory earth but if you have a poor earth return of a few ohms it will seem ok with the meter & reduce the bulb brightness just a little but may just be below the threshold to make the flasher switch heat up.


I would take a lead from the earth side of your front & rear bulbs that come on & connect them directly to the negative terminal of the battery. If it then works properly disconnect one of the leads & whichever re-establishes the fault has the defective earth.


With Rovers it is so easy for corrosion to set in with steel & bits of alloy riveted together for earths to go high resistance.

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Thanks for all your suggestions guys,

It's still as nature intended, 12v with normal bulbs as opposed to led,s.

I,m no electrician but wherever I probe for power or earth seems to show as ok.

Back to land rover maintenance plan b, take it all out, put it back again and it might work.

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