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Clutch Problems ?



Hi All




today, i thought i would get my Humber 4x4 out of the garage and give it some fresh air............


though i have started her over Christmas, she has not moved since November time.


She started on the button, but................. clutch pedal down, select reverse, grinding of gears.......


tried again, making sure the pedal was right down, same again, tried forward gears, but still the same grinding.


So, i checked the clutch pedal adjustment, not that there was a problem last time i drove her.


I switched off, selected reverse, tried to start her and she moved on the starter motor.........


What can of happened ? i'm sure the clutch is depressing ok, though i can not see, but i can feel the resistance.


might the plate have stuck ? how do i release it, ( please don't say take the engine out !)


all good ideas or reasons gratefully excepted !






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9 answers to this question

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Towing can be a useful option if you have a suitable tow vehicle. Select top gear hold the clutch pedal down with the ignition OFF get your accomplice to tow you at a slow steady pace while you carefully feed the clutch in and out, usually frees after a couple of tries



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The clutch is definitely stuck, before you do anything else, put her in 3rd gear, hold the clutch pedal down whilst a couple of your buddies rock you gently back and forth, make sure that you keep the clutch pedal down at all times whilst rocking back and forth.

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Julian - my old Hillman used to do this over the Winter sometimes. I used to do as Pete suggests but as it was a lighter vehicle we could get little bit of speed up and then drop the clutch ,in a lower gear though.


If the vehicle has a tendency to do this,blocking the clutch pedal down with a bit of wood while laid up should prevent it happening. Not sure what that does to the clutch springs in the long run though.


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If the vehicle has a tendency to do this,blocking the clutch pedal down with a bit of wood while laid up should prevent it happening.


Indeed some military vehicle were fitted with a chain to hold the clutch pedal down when they were in storage

Another method I've used numerous times to free a stuck clutch is to run the engine up to full temperature, jack up a rear wheel/s , block the others, start engine in gear, hold or block clutch pedal down, bring revs up then stamp on the brakes, usually cracks it free after a few goes

Edited by Nick Johns
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Indeed some military vehicle were fitted with a chain to hold the clutch pedal down when they were in storage

Another method I've used numerous times to free a stuck clutch is to run the engine up to full temperature, jack up a rear wheel/s , block the others, start engine in gear, hold or block clutch pedal down, bring revs up then stamp on the brakes, usually cracks it free after a few goes


But not in 4 wheel drive:D

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I have a tried and tested remedy!

A long time ago I sold a 6 cyl Landrover very cheaply because it had a for a number of years had a stuck clutch (and leaky brakes).

I gave the purchaser a run round my farmer's shed by starting it in gear...just to show that everything else was ok.

Whilst still negotiating the price we left the Landrover out of gear but idling happily in the yard.

When it came to loading onto his trailer I left him to it!

He left with the parting comment that the clutch works fine now!


Apparently running up to working temperature (and probably a slight eccentriciry in the clutch alignment) had solved the problem without major works!


Try it!


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