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Ghostly experiences....


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Ok chaps.


As some of you know we have had some weird experiences since owning our GMC ( not mentioning the 'light' dancing around Clive S whilst he was with us at Christmas :whistle:)


I have had a strange experience whilst working in the woodlands at Tarrant Rushton - which the airfield where Major John Howard took of from with his men for Pegasus bridge......


So has anyone else seen, heard or felt anything 'ghostly' whilst in their MV's, at army bases, airfields, bunkers, ships etc etc :? :?


tell us all.......

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Is it true that when Jack offers to buy a drink, a coldness decends over the room, and it becomes quite and erie??? :-D



I've had a few interesting experiences at Thorpe Abbotts airfield, from hearing trucks driving in the Tech Site, to the distinctive screech of B-17 wheel brakes when taxiing.


There have also been many unusual occurances at the museum. Overnight when the museum is locked and alarmed, pictures have been removed from the walls and placed on the floor and uniforms have been removed from mannequins, folded and layed on the floor. When camping in the museum grounds one reunion, the museum alarm went off at midnight. The staff member we called reset the alarm, but wouldn't go into the building.


But even during the war, the was a ghost seen at Thorpe Abbotts. He was frequently observed, walking through barrack hut walls, spooking many airmen who took to sleeping with small arms under their pillows. It became so serious that the CO banned any mention of the ghost.



There is also the question of "Are they really all ghosts?"


People assume that some of these occurances are ghosts, which they may not be. There seems to be two types of ghostly incident, those that interact with present day surroundings, and those unaware.


Is it possible that locations of great trauma may cause distortions in time. Sounds like Sci-Fi, but there have been many recorded incidents of people seeing ghosts that are completely unaware of the watcher. There's a story of a Roman soldiers marching along a road in the York area I think, but only visible from the knee upwards, since they are still marching on the original Roman road which was two feet lower. Is the location a window through time?


Someone once posed the question.. "If Spitfires, Lancasters and B17's (and trucks) really do come back as ghosts, it blows the religious theories that only humans have souls, doesn't it? Hmmm"


Science seems to think now that time and space is anything but linear, so perhaps these ghostly visions are actually folds in spacetime? Having a soul doesn't come into it. After all, your clothes don't have a soul do they?? and you don't see that many naked ghosts.




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There's a ghost of a dog without a tail at the pub and one night after closing time I was locking up when this ghostly dog came up to me with it's tail in its mouth wanting me to fix it back on. I told the ghost in no uncertain terms that I don't retail spirits after closing time :whistle:


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I saw a program a long time ago where Michael Bentine expounded the theory that ghosts were replayed events from the past. Under certain conditions what is happening gets imprinted on the fabric of the surroundings a bit like recording on a VCR. Then later some other condition occurs which allows the image to be replayed. That's why Roman soldiers are seen to walk on the original road surface, or walk through walls that weren't originally there.


He couldn't explain how or why it works, but then if you'd shown someone from the 17th century a camcorder, TV and a VCR they would have probably freaked too.



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have seen a few strange things mostly out the corner of my eye - would not like to say yes or no to there being "ghosts" this world is a strange place and there is a lot science or the Church can't explain 100%


science - it is because we say so


Church - it is because we have faith





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Quite interesting thoughts....


The truth according to Science is only correct at the time of understanding! The earth is flat, now it's round. The Earth is the centre of the universe, now it isn't! Atoms were the smallest particles, then quarks, now it's string theory and multi-verses!! The truth according to science is always fluid, but constantly expanding. :rtfm:


And in Religion, we are asked to believe out of an act of faith. I don't think that means you should blindly accept what you are told, but just as in science; constantly question, to seek further understanding and enlightenment. :angel:


You are correct that neither science nor religion can answer many of the unexplained events people witness, but in both cases, our science and our faith, is based on our understanding of the world and universe as we see it today. :banghead:


How much has our understanding of the universe grown over the last 200 years, and how far will it grow in the next 200? Perhaps the understanding of ghosts/folds in time are just around the corner? perhaps not!


It's an exciting universe isn't it!!! :banana:



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whats the story here Enigma ??

i think i can see three figures here ?





I can't use my scanner so there is a extra mist because I had to photograph the photo itself. Just 1 person...

Did you notice the absence of legs and the tree visible through the person?

More explanation later....

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I can't use my scanner so there is a extra mist because I had to photograph the photo itself. Just 1 person...

Did you notice the absence of legs and the tree visible through the person?

More explanation later....



Enigma.......I was thinking this was a wind up :dunno:

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Hi all,

what i can see is the guy as described....... on his left is the shape of another person taller stockier you can see his torso and legs and he appears to be wearing leggings/ waterproof garments, and under his right arm is the figure of a woman's head with long hair ...or have i put too much mustard on me corned beef butty ??????


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