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Ghostly experiences....


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Well I've not seen our ghost. But I've seen it's effects. You see It likes to help out occasionally. I've been sat typing at my PC here and it's put the light on. It's even put the landing light on for the missus.


It also likes to take the p**s. On one occasion I'd put my blow torch down. I went to get it later it was gone. I searched the garage high and low. My son in law searched the garage high and low. My missus searched the garage high and low. Next day it was there stood on top of my pedestal drill. I couldn't not have seen it. Because I had to take stuff off the shelves above the drill to search for it.


Oh and I had a small mongrel dog. Tori. A more loving dog you could never see. When I had my heart attack. The para medics were doing the good hiding battery charger bit. Tori decided to sit on my chest to protect me.


Sadly old age, diabetes and auto immune disease got the better of her. Thing is I still see her. She follows me up stairs, she follows me into the bed room and opens the toilet door just like she used to.


We rescued another pup. and one day me and the missus we being nosey looking out of a bedroom window when the pup came into the room. so I spoke to her. Who you talking to my missus asked Tina I said. Tina's still down stairs she says.


Imagination, wishfull thinking, Tori made a lot of people cry for a long time when she left us. She still does 3 years on. Is it just memories.

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Now I can see the big picture posted by Enigma, here's my theory deary.

It's taken in Germany judging by the name over the door of the building, the candles in all the windows make me think it's Christmas and the swirly thing on the right is a Christmas tree with lights wound it which make the figure in the middle look spooky.

But then I'm just a cynical old merchant seaman :dunno:



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OK, here's the story.

Its a event called "Ravenstein in kaarslicht", meaning Ravenstein in candlelight.

All artificial lights in the street and houses are put out and candles placed in the windows. Its in the Netherlands, Raadhuis is Townhall.


I went there with a photographyclass but thought we'd all have the same pics...boring!


So I put the camera on a tripod and used a loooong exposure erasing the majority of the persons (lots around). Then I walked into the frame and used a electronic flash to illuminate myself from the waist up (handheld) resulting in a transparant figure. without legs....


The people on the left are vaguely visible because they were in the light for a longer time then people walking past in the darker middle.

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I used to be a shipkeeper on a certain privately owned ex royal navy frigate.


Each night i would do my rounds on the upper decks and at a certain time each night I would hear what sounded like water tight hatches being closed and dogged.


The sounds would run from the bow to the flight deck, getting louder as they moved to the stern.


Thing is. I was the only person on board and when I would open the ship up in the morning all the hatches would be latched open....



I spoke privately with the other shipkeepers and they all admitted to hearing the same thing.


None of use ever ventured below decks at night and we were under strict instructions never to mention it to the public.

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