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G'day from sunny Afghanistan - '53 Austin K9

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G’day All,

Firstly I wish to say that the ‘Forum Rules & Guidelines’ chapter is by far the best, straight talking introduction I have ever read on any club site! Particularly the part about ‘All of the members here are my friends and if you insult them, then you are insulting me’! Credit to you Mr Beckett...


By way of introduction I am a Royal Engineers Officer, with a background in Explosive Ordnance Disposal and Diving. Having transferred from the Aussie Army in ’02, I have served Her Majesty in every theatre since. I am currently in sunny Afghanistan, watching the thermometer at 45C and rising! :shocked:

In my own time, when the long-haired General permits it, I tinker with all manners of mechanical contraptions, motorbikes, boats, cars, trucks... This started at the age of 10 (alongside my Uncle who was a rally driver and bike racer) and never left me since, despite the greasy fingernails often being frowned upon as a blue-blood Officer! :D


I also usually undertake 2 charity fundraising events annually, if interested you can see my last suicide attempt for Combat Stress if you Google ‘Boz Zamboni Just Giving’. The next physical event involves a freezing 1km sea swim, 10km (1800m vertical) speed ascent up a snow-capped mountain, overnight camp, followed by a 1200m descent on telemark skis, 15km cross-country/snow run, completing with another freezing 1km swim! :shocked:


On the charity fundraising note, I have also again pulled a team of ‘volunteers’ to assist in undertaking a motorbike project, modifying a vintage machine for disabled use. It will be an absolutely spectacular bike, to be featured in the Back Street Heroes magazine. Stainless steel frame, single-sided front and rear ends with wire wheels, modified tractor seat etc… Once we have paraded it around for interest, there will be a charity dinner at which guests will ‘bid’ on it collectively (all proceeds to Help for Heroes), to then enjoy the experience of handing the keys over to the injured lad. It promises to be an emotional event, however also one hell of a good night, as only an Aussie can throw together! ;)


However, the main reason I have joined this site (on recommendation of a friend who has been involved with HMVs for decades now) is that we also decided that we should get a suitable support vehicle. This will be used to promote the project (and other future projects), as well as for admin support in running the parts around etc. To that end, and with extremely generous assistance from Mr John Hingley, we have become the proud caretakers of a ’53 Austin K9, ex-MoD recovery truck. The lads immediately named him ‘Hero’ and are absolutely chomping at the bit to get stuck in and bring him back to life. John has already done some preparation work, which we are due to see when we pop across to meet him and take Hero to his new home.


I have been advised that this site is THE authority on all HMVs and I hope to be able to call on what is probably a good few thousands of years of combined experience. You see, most of the team’s parents were not even born when Hero was built, and some of the team members had not even made it in time for his decommission from the MoD! J

We are also likely to need advice on scrounging around for items to finish it off, such as Austin badges/logos etc, but we’ll cross that bridge when we build it… (if you pardon a little Sapper pun ;))


I think that will probably do for now,

Best Wishes and God Bless All.



Capt D Zamboni RE



MOB Lashkar Gah

BFPO 715


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Welcome to the forum, I am quite sure that it can be very hot there regardless of the weather, you all do a great job and you are always in our minds. You certainly keep very busy. Good luck with the rebuild of the K9, I drove them when they were new, nice little truck.

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Thank you for the warm welcome!


I'll be keeping the messages very short for the next few months, as the internet booth (when it is actually running) requires the intake of 1gal water/30mins - you can literally feel yourself melting away!


Paul (Papav66) - I'm sure we'll chat soon enough, much obliged...


Cheers All!

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