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Saddam Dead


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I don't have any difficulties with the death penalty for a monster like Saddam and to be honest I'd like to see the stupid soft British Parliament give up their bleeding hearts and restore it for crimes nearer to home. But we've signed away so much we'd need to have a dictatorship like his to get the power back. Catch 22. I am not sure hanging Saddam nowwas a good idea. I would have liked to have seen him transferred to the Hague and given a proper international war crimes trial like Milosevic without the obvious rigging taking place in Baghdad. Whatever we think of the Iranian and Kuwaiti regimes, he waged evil wars against those countries, in addition to his own people, and should have been brought to book by the world, not just his domestic politico-religious enemies.But the Americans wanted him dead at any price. Justice means all things to all men, but if I were a Kurd I would be very unhappy that Saddam never faced trial for his crimes against them. So in the end he faced a form of justice and it made some of the people happy. He is already a martyr. His death won't end the violence in Iraq and a lot of innocent people have yet to die. I would have been happier if the west had just been honest and invaded on the basis of regime change than a spurious weapons issue and killed the old bastard and his henchmen without any shillyshallying. But we didn't get that. In the US they are close to having three thousand military deaths for George Bush's vanity and in Britain we have seen more of our good men die this week for the benefit of the Blairite tendency while Iraq the principal victim of all this mess remains a hell on earth. So what has anyone gained by hanging Saddam today? Discuss.

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To answer your question Snapper

So what has anyone gained by hanging Saddam today?


A: Not much, only to try and get rid off a massive C0ck-up e.g. we helped put him in power and now British soldiers (and others) have/are paying the price for that.

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To answer your question Snapper A: Not much, only to try and get rid off a massive C0ck-up e.g. we helped put him in power and now British soldiers (and others) have/are paying the price for that.



.....can't argue with.

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The whole thing has been a f**kup from start to finish. The complete lack of professionalism and impartiality that was displayed at the execution itsself has just handed all his followers the 'ammunition' they need

to convince themselves he was a martyr and victim of a kangaroo court.

Rather than a cold, considered, objective meeting out of justice it seems more like they just strung him up from a lamp post...

A very poor demonstration of 'justice' in my opinion

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