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Re-bluing a deact


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As some may know i have an Enfield Mk1** pistol which is in a rough state. It has been crudely painted with black paint covering up all markings and leaving drips of paint on it. Where the paint has chipped you can clearly see the original bluing has gone.


Does anyone know any ideas of re-bluing or finishing? I am very ford of it and it world be a shame to leave it as it is


I found this: http://www.ehow.com/how_5679415_refinish-metal-gun-parts.html


I looked on Ebay and Gun Blue seems to take several forms: gel, liquid etc Which is best?



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Suggest you dont waste your time with Gun blue, tried two types and ok for a temporary measure but long term a waste of time and money.



Hear there's a person called Colin in Manchester who owns an air rifle shop (Air Guns Manchester) , he's supposed to be reasonably priced and does a good job of professionally re-bluing guns.







As some may know i have an Enfield Mk1** pistol which is in a rough state. It has been crudely painted with black paint covering up all markings and leaving drips of paint on it. Where the paint has chipped you can clearly see the original bluing has gone.


Does anyone know any ideas of re-bluing or finishing? I am very ford of it and it world be a shame to leave it as it is


I found this: http://www.ehow.com/how_5679415_refinish-metal-gun-parts.html


I looked on Ebay and Gun Blue seems to take several forms: gel, liquid etc Which is best?



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Or alternatively. To replicate the 'Enfield Finish', strip off ALL the external paint so the surfaces are smooth. SPRAY paint the whole thing with SATIN Black finish Paint. Then bake in the oven for 20 mins on a NOT too hot setting. Hot enough to make handling very uncomfortable.

But NOT TOO hot to bubble the finish!


Works a treat! :angel:

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Or alternatively. To replicate the 'Enfield Finish', strip off ALL the external paint so the surfaces are smooth. SPRAY paint the whole thing with SATIN Black finish Paint. Then bake in the oven for 20 mins on a NOT too hot setting. Hot enough to make handling very uncomfortable.

But NOT TOO hot to bubble the finish!


Works a treat! :angel:


Ah yes: "War finish". Mine was like that, and apart from being fun to actually shoot (and horrify other people on the range with), it proved there was something radically wrong with the double-action mechanism on my .22 S&W, which had a diabolical trigger pull.

(A comparative test by the gunsmith who declared there was nothing wrong with the Model 17 got an "Err, Um...." reaction followed by some replacement parts and a _vastly_ improved action.)


All gone now, of course.:cry:

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Ah yes: "War finish". Mine was like that, and apart from being fun to actually shoot (and horrify other people on the range with), it proved there was something radically wrong with the double-action mechanism on my .22 S&W, which had a diabolical trigger pull.

(A comparative test by the gunsmith who declared there was nothing wrong with the Model 17 got an "Err, Um...." reaction followed by some replacement parts and a _vastly_ improved action.)


All gone now, of course.:cry:

Them were the days A 7.63 Slab side Mauser 1896. :iamsmiling:

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I stripped the paint yesterday and it turns out quite a lot of the bluing s still there, is the "gun blue" any good for just giving it another finish or is it completely useless? this pistol is mainly for display and being put in a holster with a uniform so it will not be constantly handled.

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I know someone who has a blacking tank to redo the finish (non technical talk here) on guns. He was tempted to redo the finish on one of his guns (firearms dealer) he did it but would never do it again as all the wear marks had been removed from the finish leaving the general knocks and bangs still present on the woodwork and steel. Not pretty plus it lowered the value of the gun.


Finish wise it looks fine and for me has character and history that a factory finished example would not have.

Edited by ferrettkitt
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