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Carrier Recovery Help Sought

robin craig

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Ladies & Gents,


I have been "voluntold" by management to give up a day of my Christmas vacation to go recover this carrier.


Trouble is that now it is winter, it is getting colder and we are getting frost into the ground. It is a "move it now" project that would have been simple a month or so ago.


My plan is to take truck and float trailer to effect road transport. That is not an issue.My concern lies with the track. I'm thinking that it is going to be frozen into the ground. My plan relies on splitting the track, anywhere I can, and having the hull raised at the ends to "pop" it out of the ground one road wheel at a time using a tiger torch (giant bunsen burner) and a few bbq tanks as fuel.


Once that is done place blocking under the road wheels and let it back to the ground. Then draw it onto a tilt n load and then cross deck to our trailer.Then using the tiger torch and the winch on the tilt n load put pressure on the far end of the track and release it using the tiger torch one link at a time.





carrier SDG.jpg

Edited by robin craig
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nice way to spend a day :cool2:. if it were me i'd take a jack hammer to break up the ground beneath the tracks if it needs it, i'd also try to tow it out before i split the track. you never know with a bit of rocking back and forth it might come out and roll on it's tracks ok, towing it around with the track still on is the quickest and easiest way to free it up, trust me when i say i've learned that the hard way. whatever you decide good luck with it and merry xmas.


all the best



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What about one of those petrol operated steam cleaners?


I know in the mining game up your way they used these to thaw out and dig out mining equipment. The cold does add an extra dimension of problems as for the inspection part they would have to build an enclosure around it and warm it up as putting your bare hand on frozen steel is not a bright idea.


Anyway, take some piccies (of the snow as I only seen it twice :D)

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Hi before splitting track make sure of a few simple things. I know tracks frozen to the earth can make things impossible. First make sure transmission is free drive disconnected what ever. This done when you try to move vehicle you are not trying to shear the full length of both tracks free only the back plate on each track plus the drive/idler wheel is helping to lift it clear of the ground. Also when trying initial pull try hanging on at 45 degree angle to centre line this if the tracks are frozen to the earth bad has the effect of making one track act as a pivot so you are only trying to break free one pad on one track. If it moves swap and pull at 45 degrees the other way a bit of swapping and changing you will soon get it free. These simple tips have helped me although I probably have not had to deal with temperatures like you will be copping with. Any way as I have said try and avoid splitting track a track frozen to the ground on its own takes more of a straight pull than the complete machine not bogged as per your picture

Edited by cosrec
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I note the sign beside the carrier.(Disabled Parking.)

I there fore take it it was a disabled persons mobility vehicle for use in the snow!

Wheel chair access may be from the rear.

Just another round of ideas and inspirations. Would beat putting tracks on a wheel chair or mobility scooter!

Wonder if it was a battery electric version and rechargeable like a mobility scooter.

Aside from that nonsense, Robin, how do disable folk with with mobility scooters manage in snow and ice conditions?


Doug :yawn:

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I'm headed into work to get kitted up for tomorrow's recovery gig.


After a good number of weeks of extra mild weather, there is now a "weather warning" for the day planned, typical!


There is supposed to be snow and below zero temperatures headed in overnight.


Never fails does it.


Then there will be the return trip loaded on icy slippery roads after I get it dragged out and loaded.


Why me oh lord?



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