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Welcome ArtistsRifles to...........


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It is going to be an honour and a privilege to welcome you to an elite and noble group. You are 1 post away from being a right honourable member of the 1000 + posting group, until now this elite group has been kept very secret, you now have a massive burden of responsibility resting upon your shoulders but it is a burden that you must bear as you are among the select few but responsibility does have its privileges.


You will now see a special section on the site that only 1000+ posters can view – bit like club house, it has leather chairs, open fires, 100’s of cigars and free drink forever, you even get to have a massage, a sauna, a haircut and manicure once a week! It has a comprehensive military library and a comprehensive DVD library too and I am currently watching Kellys Hero’s whilst I am waiting for my Champagne to cool.


So welcome aboard my friend, the door is open……… and for Christ sake, please make sure you shut it behind you as we don’t want any of the riff raff getting oil all over our leather sofas.


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Its the same the whole world over and it's all a bloody shame.

It's the rich wot get's the pleasure

and the poor wot get's the blame.


Another super rupert...... :bow:


Rank has it's privilege


Hardyferret :evil:



Nah - you're safe mate! Never got to go on the commission course, the P8 got in the way... :-( :-( :-(

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Wanders off mumbling "bloody top brass get all the ruddy perks whilst us ordinary blokes get all the shyte" :wink:



See Neil, this remark along with Mr H Ferrets is the sort of thing you have to get used to1


Hows your leather chair?

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No need for the 'sir' bit Neil as there is no rank in here as we are all equals :-D


We had better get another chair as it looks like Karoshi will soon be joing us on the sofa. I had better get some more Malt in.

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Hey you lot remember it's along way to fall' and we won't catch you we're only simple serfs.

The working class can kiss my a---e

I've got the foremans job at last,

I'm out of work and on the dole

you can stick the red flag

up your hole :schocked:


Vive Le revolution mes enfants, les grande hommes tres stupide



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Jack, this whole Bastogne march has really put your life upside down, hasn't it?



Mate more than you would ever know :cry:.............and as of yesterday, I have to get in a trip to the US in the meantime :cry: :cry: :cry: :-(

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Mate more than you would ever know :cry:.............and as of yesterday, I have to get in a trip to the US in the meantime :cry: :cry: :cry: :-(



One of us could always go to the US in your place - it would be the kind and genereous thing to do to ensure you don't miss out on the march :-) :-) :-)

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