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Things Children say


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I have a Grandaughter, Elizabeth, who is now 3 years old. These are some of her comments.


1. While staying at the War & Peace show this year.

Me - "Lizzie, what is going past"

Lizzie - "Oh, just a Tank"


2. When ordering a Pizza (She loves Fruit and Veg)

Me - "What topping do you want on your Pizza"

Lizzie - "Broccoli"


3. While visiting the Tank Museum, we picked up a sheet of Div signs and markings you have to find in the Museum. There was a 43rd Wessex sign to find (It's on a Universal Carrier).

Wife - "Where is this Div sign Lizzie?"

Lizzie - "On Grandads Car"


Have any other HMVF members had similar comments from Children?

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My eldest Ellie was learning about poachers killing Tigers for their skin at school the other day. She told me how

"The vouchers kill Tigers for their skins".


My youngest Dan(3) was doing some drawing with me the other day and said "Daddy Im getting a bit infused" instead of confused!

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That's nothing.... Nigel, 53, who works for me says so many of what we have come to call Nigelisms that we have to write them all down. Such as:-


''She had a pain in her chest and went to hospital to have an anagram''


''It was just an obstacle galusion''


''The rain is coming down like steroids''


and many other pearls of wisdom!

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love it!.. :)

...mind you.... I have to admit that when I was a nipper..........you know the round canisters that WW2 era German soldiers carried their gas masks in?....

......My dad takes great mirth in still reminding me of the day I came out with this classic.......

Me:.."I think the German Army was better organised than ours Dad!".....

Dad: "Oh Yeah ? whys that then Son?"

Me: ...pointing to the gasmask canisters on World at War....

" cos all the German soldiers went into battle with a flask of tea for when they got thirsty and our soldiers didn't have a flask of tea did they !"

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