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De-Acc certificates



Evening folks,


having just had a panic attack, (thought I had lost my certificates!!), would it be considered illegal to photocopy my originals, put copy on them,carry them with me, and leave the originals at home.


Your thoughts please?





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Could one not have the original copied and then have a qualified person sign on them "true copy' and sign and seal stamp them.


We use a "commissioner of oaths" to do such a function. Usually costs around $10 to $20 depending on who you know.


I get affidavits done all the time giving me legal status to act on behalf of others for certain matters and it is a commissioner of oaths who witnesses the signature of the person granting me that power, they then countersign and stamp or emboss the document with their official seal.


Its been a while since I lived in the UK so i'm a bit out of touch with your systems.



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If you read the botom of any Official Deact Cert. It will state: Copying of this Document COULD constitute an Offence under the Forgery of Counterfitting Act.


HOWEVER. If clearly write the word COPY in HIGHLIGHTER across the entire Cert.

here is NO INTENTION to decieve, & your action is open & forthright.


IF, you are ever asked by a Police Officer to see the Cert (Likely if he is making an check or enquirey at a show) Then you explain your action to him.


In the unlikely event that he insists on seeing the original cert. He can issue an amended Form HORT 1 (Car Doc's Producer Form) Amended to produce the original cert with Gun Number on.

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Last time going to Normandy, customs were quite happy with copies, clearly marked COPY. Though to stress again it is the PROOF MARKS are the legal requirment. All the certificates in the world don't mean nothing if you ain't got the marks on the gun.

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Last time going to Normandy, customs were quite happy with copies, clearly marked COPY. Though to stress again it is the PROOF MARKS are the legal requirment. All the certificates in the world don't mean nothing if you ain't got the marks on the gun.


This is ABSOLUTELY Correct! It IS the Marks that differentiate a Live Gun from a Deact one.

The Certificate is Purely Evidential, it is the Deact Proof Marks that are THE main important thing. In Law, it is Deemed to be deactivated. If a Certificate is imediately to hand with the Gun. (Unless Seen & proved to be otherwise) A Police Officer (In General) is happy with the Cert. I know that in the 'South' of England. A certain Police Force is trained in the Fact that, & I Qoute. 'We are taught that all Deactivated Weapons must have a Deact Certificate'. Unqoute.

So I am always happy to help out any of our 'Good Old Boy's & Girls' in Blue, If called upon to clarify any 'Difficulties' at shows. After all, none of us actually WANTS to look like we dont know anything much on a given Topic, after all. Do we?....:nut: I have found MOST Officers willing to listen to correct advice & keen to learn a bit more to add to thier base of Knowlege.

It's not always a Police Officers fault if they dont know much on a given subject. It is THE SYSTEM which trains them! BETTER TO BE SAFE THAN SORRY! If you have the cert or a good copy of it. Keep it readily to hand at a show or display. It WILL save a LOT of Potential Grief in the future. Because, one of the things taught in training schools is: 'If in doubt, seize it, It can always be given back later. If proved to be legal.' NONEof us would want the Pain & Heartache of waiting months before anything is clarified, would we? SO.....Play safe & keep a Copy or the Original Cert with you at shows/ displays! It WILL make your life a LOT easier, & save Police Time on a Wasted Enquirey.

You Know it Make sense Rodney! :cheesy:

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