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Worse trophy???


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After picking up a rally trophy from my mate last night(he won it for his lightweight at a local rally) for someone who is in a vehicle club. I was amazed at how bad it is and was wondering what is the worse trophy anyone has been awarded at a rally.

As can be seen it is a piece of black ash type base, with another piece(not central) on top of a copper tube , then to top it off is a cockerals head,with cock of the north engraved :nut: !!!!!!!????? Its also not been engraved since 2007!


(name of club hidden to protect the tight wads).......


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Lord Burley Ive had a lot worse than that. I was awarded a piece of metal. Described as abstract art for my Jeep at the Biggin Hill Air Fare back in 1989


Yes I've seen worse too, when involved in motor racing 20 years ago our local organisors awarded a trophy for the best charitable effort (a laudable award you would think). The award was a piston from a Porsche 924 -not polished or plated- the same condition as it was when it went through the crank case wall mounted on a piece of stained soft wood.:-( I imagine the tight fisted wadd of an organiser had another 3 waiting to be awarded later and probably had nicked a plank of wood form under the bath to mount them on.
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