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Can anyone identify this please

mark m uk

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I think maybe it is a radio shack ?.


Would it have been fitted as a body on a vehicle ?




More pictures available if anyone is interested.


Is it of any use or interest - or should I just torch it ?


The subframe is hardwood and solid, the hardboard lineing is no good, the internal roof is good, there is another door on the other side, and a ramp or sliding door on the back ?

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reads serial nO 2090 LMS Railway 1941 so is it for livestock?


Thank you Alan, that is terriffic - I feel a little foolish now that you have pointed out the abreviation for railway.


You may be right about the livestock thing, I will search the interweb with that added clue - I have been searching 'truck mounted radio shacks' etc.


I think I can just read along the top of the data plate 'CABIN' ? ? and perhaps MK II ?


C'mon you youngsters with you new eyes, help out an old duffer !

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How long is it and how high? Also does it have a flat floor or any wheel arches built in? Although it is built by LMS Railway it still might be military as the railway companies built a lot of things for the war effort.


Thank you Richard, great information - I have an idea that it is military, and because of extra holes designed in the bodywork in specific places - I feel it is made for a dfinite task. Perhaps a generator ?


No wheel arches, and a flat floor. The whole thing is mounted on a steel chassis or subframe. I have the idea that it is designed to be demountable. Just inside one of the doors, mounted on the 'wall' there is a seat that folds down (not unlike one of those disabled seats you get for shower cubicles)


OK, Now I am more interested than befor................. I think I feel a garden shed comeing on !


I will dig this out tomorrow, scrape off that plate and get some measurements !


Thanks again chaps.

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During the later part of the 19th and early 20th century, all the rialway company had horse boxes. the railways were the countries biggest user of Horse's. The other use for them was for fox hunting. Many railstations, especially in the 'Shire's were built speciffically to handle horses. It was part of the deal done with land owner's that in return for access for horses. Fox hunting being THE sociakl activity at the time

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I must confess the way I got details off plate, saved photo to file then opened it with photo impact 10 and converted it to a negative and it became easier to read.




Your confession has been noted Alan, Witchfinder General is on his way - I know it was witchcraft !


Thanks again, regardsd Mark.

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