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Help identify this bike please.


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This is a picture of my grandad during the war. The 'chris on the headlamp cover is short for his 1st daughter, christine.

Somewhere in england I think.

I think it's a brilliant photo, taken by someone who knew what there doing!

Any ideas?


Photo removed, I don't know who owns the copyright.

Edited by rambo1969
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I'm sure that Stefano's ID is correct and based on the initial C44***** census number, there is a good chance that it is from contract C8732 which was produced late 1941 / early 1942. The contract of 3000 was split 1500 RAOC Chilwell (for frontline units) and 1500 RASC Feltham (for support services). This number is an RAOC allocation


Although early WD/Cs were taken to France by the BEF and there are some photographs of the machines in Palestine, generally speaking it is a bike that was used for light communications duties within the UK.


It is always interesting to know where the bikes ended up. Do you know your Grandfather's unit ?

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He became a sgt in the RA, my nan said he loved bikes during the war but never rode one when he came out!

I have some letters he wrote during the war to his pre war employer, when I get time i'm going to post them up on here.


Looking forward to the letters.:yay:

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