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Poppy day race hate


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This is just sick:argh:




A GROUP of scouts are the focus of a race hate probe after allegedly making death threats to Jewish ex-servicemen during a Remembrance Day parade.


Detectives launched an investigation into claims 30 youngsters in uniform repeatedly shouted "let's kill the Jews".


The abuse was directed at members of the Romford Branch of Jewish Ex-Servicemen and Women who attended the commemorative event in Romford on Sunday, according to witnesses.


The branch's honorary chaplain, the Rev Lee Sunderland, heard what was said and reported the incident to police.


He thinks more than one scout was involved and said: "I was shocked at what I heard. It was even more shocking because of the nature of the group who were saying these things. I heard 'here come the Jews, let's kill the Jews'. It was said four times - three times during the service of remembrance.


"I took two steps to my side and told Chief Inspector John Harlow. I told him we had been racially abused by a group of scouts who were standing behind us."


Police confirmed they received two allegations of racially aggravated harassment - a criminal offence which carries a maximum sentence of two years in prison and an unlimited fine upon conviction.


The group at the centre of the storm were Explorer Scouts, aged from 14-18 and from across Romford. They had formed part of the procession of hundreds of servicemen, which made its way to Romford's cenotaph just after 10am and were chaperoned by adult leaders.


World War Two veteran Paul Freedman MBE, 84, who laid a wreath during the service, said: "I was absolutely fuming when I heard what had happened. I told them that I was a Jew and I'd spent four-and-a-half years in the RAF during World War Two and that Jewish people had sacrificed so much for freedom. They didn't react to any of this."


Paul, of Stanley Close, Hornchurch, who has raised around £80,000 for local charities over the years, added: "This sort of thing needs to be dealt with. If it doesn't come out in the open it will be repeated next week and the week after."


It is believed that so far one scout has admitted to the taunts.


Scout county commissioner Dean Jefferys issued an apology for the incident.


His statement said: "I was shocked and appalled to hear that a member of the Romford District Explorer Scouts caused offence by their remarks during the recent remembrance service at Romford War Memorial.


"Can I therefore, on behalf of all members of the Scout County of Greater London North East offer our most sincere and profound apologies for any upset and distress caused as a result of the remarks.


"I understand that a senior police officer spoke to all of the explorer scouts at the time of the incident, and although the originator of the comments could not be identified, I understand that all the young people were left in no doubt as to the seriousness of the remarks made, and the consequences of further such behaviour.


A police spokesman said: "Police have received two allegations of racially aggravated harassment which allegedly occurred on Sunday, November 8 in Romford town centre. These allegations are currently being investigated."


Parade marshal Eric Warden, of the Royal British Legion's Romford Branch, said: "The scouts contribute a lot, and I'm shocked to hear about something like this.

Edited by Marmite!!
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Unfortunately I suspect this is more deep rooted than juvenille stupidity.


I fear it is a sign of the way certain elements of the younger generation are brought up nowadays.


I know all kids are not like it - but until the penalties are fitting to such behaivour I don't see anything changing.


There is no respect anymore - right across the board.


Sad, very sad.

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I agree, when ASBOs are almost seen as a badge of honour its a very sad situation.....and yes, they must have heard and maybe brought up in an environment where that is seen as acceptable.

Peer pressure is a very strong thing when kids are young...its a shame they do not put their energy into something worthwhile...lets hope they live to regret their actions!

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