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Everything posted by Smithy

  1. Happy Birthday mate, have a good one!
  2. Thanks gents, I did notice the thread on MLU as it came up when I searched online. Did also check the search option on here but couldn't seem to find a thread. Thanks for a ballpark figure of how many may survive though.
  3. Another light sprinkling of snow overnight here in the Midlands. More forecast for most of the country on Friday by the looks of it before it warms up and washes away with rain by all accounts.
  4. I was recently speaking to someone about various military vehicles and they asked me if any Dodge WK 60's survive to this day. After scouring the internet there seems to be at least one that is being restored and there might be a couple of other un-restored ones which appeared on auction sites in the last five-ten years. Just wondering if anyone has any more information on how many are left both in the UK and around the world. Scott
  5. I don't envy you having to drive the GMC on that trip mate! All part of the fun though. Looking forward to this one already as it looks like the line-up will be another top quality one. Scott
  6. Hi Mike, welcome to the forum. I have seen the MW a couple of times close up and it's certainly a lovely vehicle. Picture as requested of said MW is below, taken at Elvington in 2012: Scott
  7. Nice pictures, thanks for sharing. Excellent looking MW also.
  8. Just started snowing here again in Cannock. Only cleared off my car for the first time in four days today as actually need to use it tomorrow (have managed to get about on foot), however it might be covered again by the time I come to use it in the morning!
  9. Plenty of snow up here in Cannock, Staffordshire. Started around 6pm last night and hasn't stopped since, although the heaviest fall is yet to come!
  10. Excellent news Paul, will pencil this one in again. Hopefully it's a little drier for you this year!
  11. I thought the same, although they did show some footage of the Sherman in North Africa about 3/4's of the way through the programme. As you say they are probably waiting to use the majority of Sherman footage they have in the second part.
  12. This was lead news item on Central Tonight, which has just been on in our area. They have reported that the pilot wasn't injured, thankfully, and the wreckage/plane has been moved clear of the runway now. By the sound of it the plane will be ok as well. Suppose it goes to show the peril's of flying these old war birds.
  13. There was a Kegresse on an episode of Salvage Hunters on Sky Chanel Quest (http://www.questtv.co.uk/shows/salvage-hunters) recently. Drew, the salvage hunter, managed to get access to an estate in Scotland somewhere and it showed this such vehicle in one of the sheds, albeit it an unrestored condition.
  14. Here is your answer to what they do at the moment: I'm sure some on here have spoken about taking the trip, so they may be able to answer more thoroughly.
  15. This is exactly what I was thinking. Having taken a look on Google Maps, there does seem to be some of the old runway left however how the Lanc would get there and use it is another question! Just the small stumbling blocks of a couple of fields, a road and embankments to cross according to the maps. However I'm with everyone else and think it would be a great sight to see.
  16. Excellent, the latest volume was under the Christmas tree last week so this will be on the to have list once again in order to complete the set!
  17. Sorry for opening up an old thread but I stumbled across some more information and pictures from the Hixon rail accident on the following link: http://www.search.staffspasttrack.org.uk/engine/resource/exhibition/standard/default.asp?resource=2591 Scott
  18. There you go then, I miss one year at W&P and I'm seemingly already behind the times Thanks for the video.
  19. Yes thanks for the pictures John. GDSF has always seemingly drawn a good number of Explorers. Judging by the picture with the Scarab on the front I'm guessing this would be on the Sunday afternoon parade as the Commercial field looks extremely empty compared to what it would be like during the rest of the week. Scott
  20. Same here, apparently it was radio-controlled. However with it chucking it down we decided not to venture outside for too long.
  21. I visited the Emergency Services Show yesterday at Stoneleigh and spotted this pretty unique vehicle amongst the stalls. It's a ZZ 3 and can come in crew transport model and also pick-up variant. Speaking to the guy on the stand the history of the vehicle is conncected with GAZ, with this being a Russian designed vehicle. There are also military examples of the vehicle, you can see some on a website here: http://www.svtrading.co.uk/models.php Thought it might be of interest to others. Only managed to get one snap of it though due to people always being around it.
  22. On the A5 near Cannock yesterday, two CVRT Samaritan's and one Spartan on the back of a low loader belonging to Witham's, no doubt they will be up for sale sometime soon.
  23. Smithy


    Took a little bit of finding as not under the usual tags, but here it is: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/ex-military-/221155501862?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item337de52726
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