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Everything posted by LarryH57

  1. A couple of those boxes each side and on the back mudguards of a medium sized MV might hold a rolled up cam net in each. Or are they big enough to hold a couple of jerry cans or the black plastic water versions?
  2. Having met John Phillips and his Stug 3 ausf. D this summer I'm quite sure he will do a really good job with the replica Marder build and not at some future date try selling it off as an original. I'll treat it with the same enthusiasm I had for the replica Polish TKS tankette I saw a few years ago at WPR; what a joy to see going round the arena! I remember the owner joking that the only original bit on it was the battered spare wheel on the back!
  3. I don't think there is anything wrong in recreating a Marder; there have been plenty of replicas at MV shows in recent years when Stug or Pz III 'FV432s' and SdKFZ 222 '110 Landrovers' have fought it out with D-Day 'Hotchkiss' Jeeps. If the replica Marder actually looks like a Marder that will be a change, and who knows might get used in films and look a great deal better than what the Germans were using in A Bridge too Far!
  4. I presume you are going to fill the fuel tank with sand or other abrasive and seal all the holes then have it turned over and over by the mixer? Please take a photo then when you do it and post it here! It sounds like there are many possibilities
  5. So was the parking and traffic jams much better this year for the Victory Show? It's a great show.
  6. Has anyone tried the cement mixer and sand on any other parts of an MV?
  7. I went to Pickering this year only to find the show ground empty of MVs. Does anyone know if this is to occur for ever after or was this a temporary problem? I was told while there that the showground was closed except for civi car parking because the owners were putting up little log cabins (one of which was next to the parking area for the 'park and ride' coach parking spot). Everyone I spoke to were amazed at this decision, especially as there still seemed to be plenty of room for an MV & Re-enactment show and not much evidence of major building works to be considered 'dangerous'. Are they looking to cover the showground with 'glamping' log cabins?
  8. Is there a local tug of war team near you? The Pyramids and Stone Henge weren't built in a day but they were built with 'man power'!
  9. So to be clear are yours Tank shells, as I may have two cases for a 105mm Light Gun, of the type once towed by Land Rover 101 - 1 Ton and later the RB44?
  10. I have a feeling that there was an article either on here or in Windscreen mag that the Morris C9/B had been saved and was being restored back to miliary spec.
  11. I run my Land Rover up every two weeks; either in the garage or take it for a run (which I know is not an option for you now).
  12. The interesting point for me is why someone would want their vehicle inspected if its a long way off being ready to use?
  13. Actually when you think about it, it is strange that human kind wants to 'take it out' on a building where someone evil was born, but not the pavement outside, or the road a person may have walked along or their school, or the mountains they may have admired.
  14. Hitler and his Nazi regime killed killed nearer 25 Million according to the best historical estimates, just for the record. As for his home I don't care that they are to destroy his birthplace! Actually I thought they had actually destroyed it long ago! Perversly the birthplaces of the other infamous butchers of humanity whose crimes are still just within living memory, Lenin, Stalin and Mao, still exist and are open for business! Lenin's childhood home is in Simbirsk, the Joseph Stalin Museum is in Gori and Mao Zedong's is located in Shaoshan Village Shaoshan City. The best estimates for deaths in the USSR are circa 60 Million and 32 million for Mau.
  15. LarryH57

    Job Offer.

    Is a drivers license essential, as I know someone who cannot drive at the moment but is fit to work.
  16. Tankfest is very much a case of stand behind the barriers, watch everything thunder around but where else would you see this stuff, as the Tiger isn't going to be on show anywhere else! However there are other exhibits for you to walk around plus all the other invited guests with their MVs and living history. THe museum though is great so I'd go
  17. So is it correct that a T-16 is not actually a vehicle used in WW2?
  18. I've heard this rumour too, but I thought the idea was to rebuild a new hall, hopefully with the help of someone who appreciates that the current building is so dark in places I could only identify their T-34 by touch! If it was down to me I'd get an ex-RAF T2 type hangar similar to the ones at RAF Cosford, and add a few skylights, and arrange the exhibits inside accordingly; job done! Or for a fee I could include a photo or two of Musée des blindés de Saumur showing how an old tobacco factory has been made into an excellent place for an AFV museum, without £30m of lottery funding!
  19. The effort and ingenuity that is going in to this project makes me sick - of my own abilities !!!
  20. Great thanks for the input; I should have said my mate is Russian origin / British National and fluent in Russian and English!
  21. A mate of mine is looking to buy a UAZ-452 Van, which is not common in the UK, and wants to know the pros and cons. Apparently like the UAZ 489 they can be bought for about £2k in Russia. The idea being is to carry his motorbike in the back to shows and camp in it (once the bike has been unloaded I presume!)
  22. Were the winning bids mostly from Americans? The same thing occured I think with Jack Littlefield collection
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