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Niels v

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Everything posted by Niels v

  1. Looking forward to seing more progress with this... we dont see to many R100.... is it another Scammell cab that is in back ground of the 6th picture. what is the coles crane attached to in the back ground ?
  2. A fire make sense, when they are cover in rust like that.
  3. Could it be in vietnam, with that mix of russian, french, british and american weapons?
  4. the top picture your are asking about is a folding camp bed, very nice to sleep on if you dont move around to much.... might be a bit short for you..... thats a nice metal box you have in back, any treasurs in it?
  5. Hi Guy I can take some measurements, but it will be a while before I have time to do it, I hope its allright :blush:
  6. There is a Matador forsale on milweb http://www.milweb.net/classifieds/large_image.php?ad=61329&cat=4 no connection
  7. could very well be http://www.autogallery.org.ru/k/l/lancia_WhTr.jpg
  8. Phänomen Granit 1500 S for german vehicles this is a fairly good page http://www.kfzderwehrmacht.de/Homepage_english/homepage_english.html
  9. How many still have the chassic number plate in the cab of there scammell ? It schould sit on the wood top board above the front windscreen
  10. In mine the face of the dash is bolte to the supports. The support is welded to the front panel
  11. it looks nice with a quad on the back, but it might a bit impractical to take to shows if you want to sleep in the back.
  12. I found this picture on the MLU forum ones
  13. Thanks Guys I hope to get back to working on it, when I am done with my masters thesis in may and then I have to make a small trip to England :cool2:
  14. Yes Ian it needs to saved, it looks like one we have over here http://www.ghrvpk.dk/images/koeretoejergenerelle/Vandvogn.htm and its ww2
  15. how are the rear brakes connected, from the article it did look like it had wires like on the Scammell
  16. I didnt know that there was a differance, is it still called 6LW then ?
  17. the one in the woods on the first page is that an early one or late, when it has scammell written on the radiator?
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