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Niels v

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Everything posted by Niels v

  1. A new water pump arrived today from bygone bedford bits, I will hopefully be fitting it this weekend. I have friend with a Maxson turret that I might be able to borrow.
  2. 38T thing is a swedish SAV M43, I think Rex Cadman has that one now.
  3. Hi John It looking really great!!! I am sure that you will get it done in time. Did you get my PM the other day. I am beginning to think that I have to drive to Normandy in 2014 in mine...
  4. Nice find... that is actually quit rare with to have on danish vehicles.
  5. That looks alot like an ex Danish Diamond but nice
  6. You can also try to search on http://www.mapleleafup.net/forums/
  7. from what I have seen there are 5 Qls in Denmark, one being a wreck. There might be more
  8. Its looking great... The floor in mine was only nailed to the cross members not screwed, I dont know if it makes in any difference.
  9. I got the fuel pump and starter sorted. Now I will need to have a look that the water pump as it was leaking, and I have to flush the engine and radiator. There was a lot of sludge and particles in the water when I drained it, and I think the radiator is partially blocked. Can any one recommend a methode for flushing and desolving particles in an engineblock and radiator?
  10. Just to hijack, I am pretty sure it is this Pioneer that was for sale awhile back in Holland.
  11. A good thing with needle guns is that they mostly flake the paint of and dos not give that must dust. But I tend to use a angel grider afterwards in areas with a lot of rust and pitting. But needle guns is only for thick parts like chassis and armour not sheet metal. It is not fun to use a needle gun inside a tank hull... not something you want to do if you have sensitive neighbours. Anglegriders with wire brushes are also good but I find that they give a lot of dust and leaves a very smooth sureface which isnt the best for paint to adhere to. Blasting is good it removes everything and leaves a good surface for paint to adhere. But I only use it on things that is completly taken apart. The dust get in to every corner and crevice. I dont like wet blasting, it removes the paint but leaves surface rust... whats the idear with that... :nut: I like to scrape the paint of with a chisel, the paint flakes of and you can get in to most corners and it is quite.. but it takes a long time to do and is a lot work. Heat can help with easing the paint off. But it is only really good on brittle hard old paint. It is what I have done on my bedford.
  12. Thanks Guy I have written to Bygone Bedford bits, but no reply yet. I need a complet pump sadly, because the inside of the pump is very corroded.
  13. Alright thanks Richard, do you know the part number of it ? and where to find one ?
  14. A small update, after the Ql have been on the back burner for awhile The engine is alive, and is running really well. I still have a couple of things that will need sorting on it. The starter needs new bearings and the carburettor needs some new gaskets. And I could use a new fuel pump does anyone have a spare or know a good source ?
  15. Do you know when, in chassis numbers, they change over ? another Amazon have been found in good condition i Norway.
  16. A SWB schould be petrol and the LWB diesel. The data plates on mine says 5 tonne. Get it, they are lovely and rare. I havent been able to find any manuals for it
  17. Sad to see such a nice vehicle being neglected to that degree. Good luck with it
  18. Congratulations..... very nice :wow:
  19. This firm has some mechanical parts from the danish M113. http://www.staaling.dk/default.asp?pageload=salgsliste&id=51283, thought It might be usefull to know...
  20. what a nice set R100 and 5.5 inch. Some one got those tracks cheap.... lucky .....
  21. A set of Scammell tracks on ebay, http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=320966684932, I am Not bidding on them, as I have no way of getting them to denmark
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