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Niels v

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Everything posted by Niels v

  1. Hi have a look here this might help you with the Kegress http://kegresse.dk/static.php?page=the-new-tracks
  2. on mine there was a piece of 5mm thick sheet metal on side facing the mounting brackets on each piece of wood going cross the bed. Do you have these on yours?
  3. they where both sold, I update the original thread http://hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/showthread.php?33229-Schwimmwagen-and-Horch-sdkfz-15-on-auction-in-Denmark I dont know where they went, the collection was spread to 34 different countries
  4. Another MW fire truck in Denmark, in a very sad condition
  5. :blush: Sorry its not the best picture... but It means alot to me as the white thing in middle of the radiator, is a Danish license plate.... Finally a Scammell Pioneer is back on the Danish roads
  6. The only thing I find that comes close to that is this
  7. In the first pictures with the Scammells lined up it looks like that all of them has the spare wheel carrier of this type
  8. Here is a couple of pictures of the T pole from the manual. I am by the way looking for one.
  9. Pioneers are always well behaved. Very nice pictures... yes thats the T shape towing pole.
  10. The hammerite will probably adhere well to the rust, the thing is then how well does the rust adhere to the metal base materiel. You might end up with the Hammerite flaking off. When painting directly on rust one have to be very sure that the whole surface is sealed by the paint so that no water or air can pass through otherwise you might make very good conditions for crevise corrosion underneath the paint. I have also heard that its fairly brittle, so any impact would chip it. I would clean it with needle gun as a minimum befor painting.
  11. We are back to retake the Danelagh........................... and plunder all your vehicles .... sorry could not help it...
  12. The low estimates are probably made to attract visitor. But Its also because every has to be sold and most things havnt turned a wheel the last 10-15 years or so... It would not be a problem to have it shiped to England
  13. There is a kegresse half track on auction in Denmark the 12 of august http://www.classicdriver.com/uk/find/4100_results.asp?&dealerid=13339&lCarID=1854906
  14. More paint removal, and some of the yellow lubrication points.
  15. Hi Edd good luck with the Scammells, they look like a good starting point. And Its alway better to have two of them :cool2:
  16. From the 3 Humber armoured cars I have taken a very close look at, I would say black.
  17. Progress with the Bedford is a bit slow at the moment, I am still waiting for a couple of things before I can test start the engine. I am currently stripping the cab of paint and I hope to start on the remaining welding this weekend. Inspired by Guy I also removed the roof which gives a lot more room to work. I have also begun to paint all filling/lubrication points yellow.
  18. The jack looks a lot like the one in the drivers handbook.
  19. There is a nice looking crusader on ebay http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/RECOVERY-ARMY-6X4-SCAMMELL-CRUSADER-NOT-FODEN-6X6-EX-MILITARY-/251088084889?pt=UK_Commercial_Trucks&hash=item3a76041f99
  20. That was evil, now I have to stay up all night looking through them
  21. Hi Terry you cant go wrong buying a Pioneer.... Just be carefull it might catch on...
  22. :embarrassed: I have been working on mine, but I am having truble with adjusting the rear brakes (handbrake). and I still need to do some welding on the cab when I figure out how a welder works.
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