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Niels v

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Everything posted by Niels v

  1. That sound very scary.... do you have any pictures of the damage, because I really cant comprehend such damage it must have been going really really fast when it happend.
  2. We have one of these odd looking carriers, they where tank dummies, centurions where to heavy for the roads and use to much petrol. So they dusted of the old carriers, modified the front for a larger radio and fittet metal tubing turret with canvas to the top. sadly all the Bofors are gone now. We have a few Diamond left in the country, most went to Holland and the UK. But 24.580 is still here http://www.ghrvpk.dk/koeretoejerandre/Diamond%20Kranvogn%20M969.htm
  3. I would recommend a needle gun/scaler instead, it noisy but it flakes of the paint instead making dust. I cleaned my chassis with needle gun and a chisel, the rust that was left was removed with an angel grinder with wire brush.
  4. Fairly, but having been at W+P about 10 times, I think its time for some of you Brits to visit us.
  5. I know :blush: but if any one visits Denmark you are always welcome to se the collection
  6. a small update the Humber has its first outing on friday, at the celebration of the 250 year birthday of the Regiment.
  7. There is a Roden 1/35 model kit of the RR armoured car 1920 pattern http://www.luckymodel.com/scale.aspx?item_no=ROD%20802 could that help you with dimesions
  8. I have only done minor things, I got it running again, change all oil and replaced my radiator which was crack. It is waiting for me to finish my Bedford QL.
  9. It is very good news to hear that the Dorchester is being saved !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-D
  10. Mine was also a bit stiff to start with, it free up after I went through the whole linkage with a greasegun and oil can. Sorry cant help with the history part, the only thing I know is that the reg number is a post war one. I am Danish but I think other forum members might be able to help.
  11. Thanks ! Those pictures are perfect, the brackets looks very original. I have this picture from a milweb add, and my engine, my springs where gone so I add some which work but is not correctly placed.
  12. I would think that the Bedford engine would be closer related to the chevy 214 engine from a CMP Chevrolet truck, they certainly look a lot like each other.
  13. Nice Would it be possible for you to take a couple of pictures of the two mounting brackets for the T bar, on the top of the right hand side tool locker.
  14. There is a Tatra 813 chassis and engine on ebay http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Tatra-813-8x8-Kolos-driving-chassis-No-reserve-2999-VAT-start-/370580699926?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item564854bb16
  15. .... now it makes sense, Its a very impressive collection, a vehicle for every need
  16. :shocked:..... But How do you have time and room for all those.......?
  17. would the crossmember originaly have been rivettet to the frame, and is there any strength differance in using bolts instead of rivets?
  18. there is a nice looking 969 on milweb now http://www.milweb.net/classifieds/large_image.php?ad=60713&cat=4
  19. there is a champ rear axel on ebay, thought you might like to know, http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Austin-Champ-Rear-Axle-/200704183871?pt=UK_Cars_Parts_Vehicles_Other_Vehicle_Parts_Accessories_ET&hash=item2ebae6ce3f
  20. Just write when you need more measurments, hopfully my rear body will not be flying at that point....
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