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Niels v

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Everything posted by Niels v

  1. Hi and Welcome I visited Malta in october, well Its a paradise for people liking old cars and specialy Thornycorft Amazons, I had the chance to visit a yard with 5 of them, and there schould be around 11+ of them on the island. Cheers
  2. sorry no my engine is QLR but the chassis is QLC. But yes they have really taken a beating, it is the second time that mine has extensive rust repair in the bottom of the cab.
  3. what is the enigne number, mine is QLR 36073, but I have the normal unscreen distribute.
  4. is it just me or is it laying very low in the water....
  5. Hi Howard you right that RAF Champ has to map pockets, I stand corrected. Thanks.... now I have to get a second for my champ.. Cheers
  6. I bought my Ql for exactly the same reasons, I could have bought a fair running GMC 353 for the same price as my QL. Denmark was liberated by the British, and I find it annoying that the liberation parade in Copenhagen allways are full of US vehicles and almost no british (not discrediting the american war effort, but no us trops came to Denmark) And I am also an Anglophile and proud of it :cool2:
  7. Funny how suddenly a bunch of qls are being restored, and we all have to rebuild the bottom of the cab :-) good luck guy
  8. well the Norwegians did the sensible thing and use what the germans left in their country, the danes scraped everything (jet fighters and bombers, tanks and assult guns)
  9. And another one for sale http://www.milweb.net/webverts/60092/..... how many are still in hidding ?
  10. well its 3.5 litre engine with 72hp, so it dosnt have a huge power surplus. its designed for carrying 3 tons and schould be good for 4.5tons.
  11. Engine back in, brake pipes on, dynamo rebuild.
  12. Niels v

    Action pic

    funny looking smoke granades
  13. the first one looks like a mercedes has donated some body panels to it...
  14. Transferbox and tow spring and hook plus bits and bobs back on the chassis now. Its a very nice feeling to assemble things.
  15. Nice kit.... very tempting when is it going on sale ? I have a few comments I think that the champ only had one map pocket on the passenger seat back and not on both front seats, but I might be wrong. It might be hard to replicate but there are is a sheet metal plates on each side of the front sump reinforment/guard plate. and The steering wheel looks a bit wide at the center. I am looking forward to seing it build
  16. sorry Guy it will just be hovering above the chevy until I am ready to put it on my ql.
  17. well I cant tell what they have been outside but inside you have the choice of white or silver, both are correct.
  18. Yesterday a new toy arrived, well more correctly a bunch of spares. Its a Chevrolet C60 M-GS (with winch) with a danish fire truck body, it was build for the danish version of AFS, 36 where build around 1952. We have two of them now and are going to restore one from the two, some of there other spares from it will be used for restoring this C15TA. I had to make my bedford ql rearbody fly to make room for it.
  19. If you cant find any, try Ebay, they on there quit often, I bought a NOS set a monthe ago.
  20. Hi Daniel and welcome I am guessing that you where thinking about building the Bronco models Humber Mk4? Cheers
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