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Niels v

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Everything posted by Niels v

  1. Hi Guy Here are some masurements of the side plates/sheets on my QL
  2. it could be a post war I think called mk 3, I have a haver sack with black metal fittings from 51.
  3. a bit odd picture, the windows seem to be painted as well?
  4. That was a very luckly bloke....... Well I am really looking forward to driving my QL, I sometimes borrow a Chevrolet C60 for som driving practise on the farm. I think its impressive that such simpel lorry could perform like they did, compare to the modern, with a million gears, power assist and massive amounts of power.
  5. here are two more. Yes there are 4 side sections, The sheets are overlapping as far as I remember, but its 3 years since I removed them, so I have to check.
  6. no problem. I can maybe get them in the weekend
  7. Yes the construction of the cab is really odd and complex, with a lot of close area's where water can gather.
  8. Congratulations with the family increasment :-)
  9. Hi and welcome. I think some one on here will be able to help you..... and we that do not know any thing about Saladin mechanics we just love pictures. cheers
  10. Hi Guy things are looking good. Yout passenger side floor looks alot better than mine
  11. Thanks I have outsource the cab repair (I dont know how to weld yet), he is skills but this ( has restored several very rotton M151s] but this is really a challenge for him. Layer on layer of sheet metal, and a lot of odd shapes.
  12. Here is a small tv clip from the other day, when a local news station visited our workshop It starts around 12:15 min in this broadcast http://www.tv2east.dk/video/2012-01-05/dagens-nyheder-1930-5-januar-2012
  13. finaly I remembered my camera. Some more parts have gone back on, and some have been prepare for sandblasting I bought a new oil pressure gauge the other day on ebay, didnt need it, but got it for 0.99£. and a before picture
  14. Alec If you want a Thornycroft amazon Go to malta there are a lot of them there.... PS. I WANT THAT TRMU 30 Scammell :-D:cool2:
  15. very sad to see that it has deteriorate so much :cry: I got so excited by the scammell that I missed the add for the Antar http://www.milweb.net/classifieds/large_image.php?ad=60382&cat=4
  16. It seems that david Crouch has another Scammell for sale. http://www.milweb.net/classifieds/large_image.php?ad=60385&cat=4. and there is an Antar in the back ground. sadly out of my reach
  17. We had a similar problem with a tyre for our Humber. We also tried a jack underneath a centurion, the tire was so stuck that the centurion lifted in the suspension. We started cutting it the same way with an angel grinder, bad smell and anoing burnt rubber, but we found it easier to cut it with a large bread knife.
  18. that looks like a really good starting point for the restoration, good luck.
  19. The gearbox, clutch and pressure plate is back on now, I wish I had assembled it before putting the engine back in the chassis it would have been much easier and I wouldnt have scratch so much paint.
  20. Thought it looked like something I knew :cool2:
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