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Everything posted by arcot1751

  1. Hi Andrew, Unsure if this helps but during my time with the army (70's-80's) I painted many vehicles mostly by brush, obviously the higher ranks personal vehicles were finished a little more carefully but basically we did a rough mask up and rub down and slapped it on We did spray some vehicles though but again we didn't go over the top with preparation the beauty of MOD paint was its ability to cover a multitude of sins. We only used the two colours on standard camo and we were pretty much left to our own devices when it came to pattern. My "green" obsession continues to this day and over the years I have painted my lightweight and series 3 numerous times using the same principle. These were workhorses not show ponies after all and most had an extremely hard life the paint as with everything had to be " squaddie proof " ! Ceremonial vehicles were treated differently and usually had a very pampered life with spray jobs and lots of bull. Marcus Glenn sells MOD quality paint and his advert is easily found on MILWEB. One thing years ago the correct black seemed to be extremely hard to come by and I found that blackboard paint (B&Q) was a good substitute.
  2. Welcome to the HMVF I am sure your knowledge will be in great demand here
  3. As others have said any decent glass company should be able to cut the glass you need, I got some cut for my jeep a while back no problem. The guy who did it said they do a roaring trade with the Series Land Rover boys :-D
  4. I would be checking the fine print carefully and maybe get written confirmation because their policy towards US vehicles has certainly changed and several people have had to change insurers because of it. The last thing you want when making a claim is a " get out " clause :cry:
  5. Hi Tony, I use RH Insurance who advertise widely in classic press and also military mags, I have been with them years and have had NOTHING but first class service. They are happy to insure vehicles away from the home address provided they are in secure storage and also do multi vehicle policies. I have no connection with them whatsoever apart from being a satisfied customer.
  6. Tank sealers have been used in the motorcycle world for many years however make sure you use one that is protected and approved for todays ethanol added petrol as some sealers have reacted badly to modern petrol and failed clogging fuel lines and filters etc. Get the right one and they are a great choose the wrong one and you will have problems.
  7. Ask anyone who has served in HM Forces and they will tell you parts were swapped all the time to keep vehicles roadworthy especially on exercise etc. VOR vehicles were stripped of parts on a regular basis purely to keep others mobile I cannot believe it would be any different in say WW2 the last thing they would worry about was fitting Ford parts to Willys jeeps or Willys parts to Fords for that matter. :-D People who strive to display their Ford jeeps with every part 'F' marked and having sleepless nights until they achieve that are in the minority but they are out there. Most "working" jeeps would be a mixture of parts because lets face it with bullets flying a running jeep was better than a stationary one. I should very much doubt if there are more than a handful of genuine used military vehicles in the world that has EVERY part that it left the factory with, and if someone says theirs has I would love them to prove it. There are a lot of "original" re-shelled mini's and MGB's in the classic car world which their owners swear are original, how ? I run a '43 Ford GPW, do I lay awake at night worrying that not everything has an 'F' mark on it or do I just enjoy it for what it is, a vehicle that's had a life and brings a smile to my face every time I see it ?
  8. Nice jeep but get an age related plate :-D
  9. Welcome to the HMVF Paul - from another Mid Lincs MVT member
  10. This topic could run and run, what is apparent is insurers are free to insure who they perceive to be worth the risk, some people are less than honest when insuring their vehicle but these days everyone's driving history and insurance record is available to insurance companies at the touch of a button. I have used the insurance company at the centre of this for many years and have had NO trouble whatsoever. I have in that time unfortunately had to make a claim which was dealt with extremely promptly and with no hassle whatsoever. A certain well known company has recently decided not to insure American vehicles yet they are still advertising as Military Vehicle insurers ?? Seeing as at least 50% of the vehicles we see at 40's events are of American origin it makes me wonder at the logic of losing 50% of their customer base for no apparent reason. The company advertising on the rear of this months MVT magazine is the same as ALL insurers, perfectly within their rights to decline cover should they wish to do so, sometimes this is hard to take but it is up to them they are the ones taking the risk after all. Times are changing and just because you think no one will bother to steal your impractical green machine doesn't mean they won't, metal is metal and if they will cut and remove power cables to hospitals they will take anything. We have a duty to look after and protect our kit and sometimes that means secure storage before an insurer will cover said vehicle. Ask yourself would an insurer be happy if you left your vintage Bentley outside overnight ? Not many would and better to find out before it's stolen than after the event and they use the excuse that "it wasn't in a secure garage" to get out of paying up. We all have a wide number of insurers to choose from and there will be some who are dear and some who are cheap unfortunately as with all things you get what you pay for, we often only find out just how good our chosen insurer is when it comes to a claim, then saving a few quid on the premium my come back and bite you !:red:
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