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Everything posted by arcot1751

  1. Welcome to the HMVF, nice looking jeeps :-D
  2. Surely in our electronic age it should be possible for a " new keeper " to be able to check online if a prospective vehicle is taxed ? I believe you can already, this is NOTHING to do with unwittingly buying an unlicensed vehicle and ALL to do with extra revenue. If this idiotic idea becomes law then current owners must be refunded ALL over tax paid NOT just the full months left otherwise it is double taxation however the DVLA dress it up. Ill thought out and decidedly dodgy. :red: Buying a car just got a lot harder.
  3. Well after Oct they won't even have to bother about having tax in the window either will they ? As I said earlier it is ALL going to be electronically checked so they will as you say " just chance it " with the tax as well . This is an ill thought out piece of legislation that will do NOTHING for the honest motorist and will make it difficult for genuine buyers and sellers alike Oh and result in the double taxation of hundreds if not thousands of vehicles a year.
  4. Don't see how that works because it is ALL going to be checked electronically so it won't make a blind bit of difference to the idiots who drive uninsured. The way this works unless ALL vehicle sales are done on the 31st of a month and the current tax surrendered that day the government are going to get the same vehicle if used continuously paying tax twice for at least one month. Once by its original owner and AGAIN by its new one ! :mad:
  5. Yet another ill thought out law by a government good at it ! This will cost us the motorist AND the government more to implement than it saves ! Will we when claiming our tax back on selling a vehicle get ALL our remaining tax back or only the full months as it is now ? My guess is the latter so yet again the government makes money getting paid tax twice for one vehicle if say I sold my car on the 2nd of Jan and the new owner taxed it the same day :mad:
  6. I am glad I am not the only one who thinks trespass is wrong :-D I'm with you if I found someone "only taking pictures" on my private property without my permission they would be taking a trip to casualty. I have had thieves on two occasions and it is not a nice experience I can assure you, we only have this sites word that they go purely to take pictures and if they are doing nothing wrong why do they all cover their faces ??
  7. I get your point to a degree and agree that some buildings are deliberately allowed to fall into disrepair purely to speed up planning for new development however I have been reading many of the posts on the aforementioned site and they are boasting of evading security, taking drugs while waiting for it to get light enough to take pictures and travelling all over the country to get into these PRIVATE properties. I wonder how you would feel if you came home and found someone wandering around your ancestral pile and barns where you store your military vehicles ? Because if you remember this post was started because someone was worried about pictures of a fire engine etc inside one of the "abandoned" buildings. I should think the owner of that would be mortified to think his storage had been compromised and the address spread across the internet.
  8. Had a look at this after seeing the original post, it looks like an Argos catalogue for metal thieves and vandals to me. Trouble is I found it addictive to see these once proud buildings as they have been allowed to become. I DO NOT condone what these people do in any way shape or form but who hasn't wandered round some derelict house etc and wondered of it's history ? That said these all belong to someone and they should be consulted before entering. There is a section on Rauceby Hospital where I worked for many years and to see it now is soul destroying
  9. Hi there, I think you will find plenty of people to travel with as a lot of the MVT tour will be heading to Portsmouth at the same time, us included, as yet we are unsure of exact travel times though. Have you tried contacting your local MVT group ? They will almost certainly have members going to the 70th.
  10. Welcome to the HMVF Joseph, nice choice of vehicles !
  11. Whatever they call it it's still a fantastic collection, many thanks for sharing your pictures with us :thanx:
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