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Everything posted by arcot1751

  1. Congratulations and Best Wishes
  2. Thank you everybody for the advice, I am going to follow " Brooky's" advice to the letter as he seems confident we can sort it and it's all a question of dotting the right I's and crossing the right T's on the form. I suppose each case is or can be different but with his help (gratefully received I may add) I am sure things will get sorted. :-) :thanx:
  3. Thanks I will follow your advice to the letter and hopefully all will be well, the NOVA bit can't be done until the vehicle has a time/date/port of delivery is that right ? The dealer says there may be a problem as it asks for a 12 figure VIN number and the Dodge number of digits is less. I appreciate your advice I have had several fruitless dealings with the DVLA in the past in fact I am in the middle of a five month saga trying to get a V5c for my tractor !
  4. So contrary to what the MVT believes I still need to have the vehicle inspected by VOSA, is this AS WELL as the MVT ????:confused: This is exactly what I feared just reading these posts there is so much conflicting information how the hell is anyone supposed to get the paperwork right ? I can't understand how registering a vehicle that already has an EU valid V5 should be so difficult and time consuming, what happened to the European Community where things between members were supposed to be easy ? Beam me up Scotty :undecided:
  5. Sorry if I caused offence it wasn't intended but my jeep situation was relatively straight forward and it dragged on and on with the goal posts moving daily, that is why I need a definitive answer to this due to Normandy being not too far off. You say the "documentation is in order" fine but as I keep getting conflicting advice as to what that is it all seems destined to fail, surely if the vehicle has an EU V5 with is date of manufacture on it, it would not need an inspection ? Do cars coming in from Europe daily have to be inspected or just MOT'd when they are three years old ? If delays force me to miss my holiday it won't be worth buying the vehicle.
  6. Thanks for your answers I didn't know I would need an MOT neither my Bedford MW or Chevy G7107 need one will a Dodge need a different one to a car ie have to be done at a commercial mot station ? Surely with a Belgian V5 giving its year of manufacture etc I wouldn't need a verification letter from the MVT ? This is all looking less likely that I will be able to get it all done in time for Normandy :mad: I know the DVLA will take for ever on the most simple cases and this doesn't seem as simple as the dealer led me to believe :embarrassed: I tried to get a dating letter through the MVT for my jeep a while back and it was so protracted and dare I say unhelpful I gave up and eventually sorted it myself.
  7. Thanks for that, you mentioned "examiner" will the vehicle have to be inspected and if so where now all the regional offices are closed surely I wouldn't have to go to Swansea :wow:
  8. Hi, I have just agreed to purchase a Dodge WC52 from a Belgian dealer and wish to register it in the UK. The vehicle in question has its Belgian V5 and I will have proof of purchase etc. The dealer is shipping the vehicle to a UK port for me so I need to drive it home if possible, I have been told I can do this by insuring it on its VIN ? Failing that would I be ok to drive it on its Belgian plates with appropriate insurance cover as if I were a tourist ? Once home I would need to go about registering it for the UK straight away, has anyone done this and if so what exactly do I need ? I have been told there will be NO duties owing at time of collection as it is from EEU ? All this is getting complicated and I need things to run smoothly as I want to take it to Normandy for the 70th This all gets harder now there are no local DVLA offices and you can't talk to someone face to face. :thanx:
  9. Had loads, definitely a love hate relationship to be sure mate Never had one fail to get me home though !
  10. Not for me it doesn't - STILL waiting
  11. Government pretends to worry about "saving the planet" but in reality it doesn't really care how much pollution you make as long as you're prepared to pay for it !:mad:
  12. Welcome to the HMVF Tom. I'm sure someone on here will steer you in the right direction for parts.
  13. Well considering I enclosed a bill of sale from its registered keeper and enclosed ALL the documentation asked for I find that hard to believe, thing is who do I bill for the loss of use for what is a working vehicle and for all the insurance expense which has been wasted I find that the DVLA make up the rules as they go along and do it to cause the most harassment for the vehicles owner. Read the Classic Car press I am NOT the only one. Utter shambles :mad: I'm happy for the police to check that as you put it "there is no funny business going on", I'm just a working man who bought a machine to do a job legally and is being prevented from doing so.
  14. Just a warning to any of you who are nearing the end of restorations etc and who hope to take part in the 70th D Day celebrations or any of this years shows for that matter. Nearly five months ago I bought a David Brown 990 tractor for use on my smallholding, unfortunately the owner could not find the V5c so I had to apply for a new one, that's where my troubles started :mad: The tractor is registered on the DVLA's website and it has been taxed fairly recently. Despite me enclosing the correct payment for a replacement V5c and filling in the appropriate form confirming both it's original engine and chassis numbers, supplying proof of purchase and pictures of said tractor with its original number plates in situ I heard nothing for about two months , I then received a letter from DVLA saying they required rubbings and photo's of both frame and engine numbers before they could "consider" issuing a replacement V5c. This I did the same day along with supplying my landline and mobile number should they need any more information and as yet I have heard NOTHING, no V5c, no explanation, nothing. Since the local DVLA offices closed this seems to be a common problem and long waits for simple things like replacement logbooks are to be expected. I insured this tractor immediately so I could use it not sit and look at it and I fail to understand why such a simple thing is taking so long. Before people post replies saying the DVLA would have to write to the previous owner for confirmation I actually now own it I fully understand that but FIVE months ??? :wow: If anyone out there is trying to register a vehicle or obtain a replacement log book ready for this years shows be warned there seems to be huge delays and don't leave it too late :-\ Hopefully I may eventually get a V5c before my years insurance is due for renewal but I won't hold my breath :mad:
  15. I agree entirely Pete, there seems to be no fixed policy on their behalf at all, if they are "insuring" some US vehicles for certain people against the underwriters new policy are they then ACTUALLY covered should they have to make a claim ? I feel that if they themselves are unsure it muddies the water when/if you come to put a claim in. What is so wrong with US vehicles all of a sudden anyway, or is it a way of leaving the Military Insurance scene seeing as a high percentage of military vehicles are American ? I am of the belief that insurance companies love "get out clauses" and FJ should either insure NO US vehicles or ALL of them. If I was one of the few they have decided to insure I would wonder just how good that insurance actually was.
  16. I heard of one policy holder being stranded in France as although FJ had told him his Jimmy was definitely covered for European Breakdown when he needed it they said the vehicle was too big to recover ! Several of our local MVT members have left Footman James because of the no US vehicle policy, I prefer to insure with someone who a. knows what they are covering and b. whom I trust to pay out SHOULD the unthinkable happen. A company who will not commit in writing is NOT for me. I insure with RH Insurance, very helpful, knows what the vehicles are and unfortunately I did need them on a claim a while back, they did everything for me and I received first class service. We only know how good these companies are when the worst happens. Footman James recent advert has a jeep in it do they know it's American :laugh:
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