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Everything posted by arcot1751

  1. Does anyone here have any recent experience of collecting a vehicle from UK port of arrival ? I have bought a Dodge WC52 from a dealer on MILWEB which arrives from Holland shortly, I want to make certain I have all the documentation needed to collect it so as not to have a wasted trip. Do I have to complete the NOVA form BEFORE I pick it up or anytime within 14 days of arrival ? If anyone here can advise me exactly what I need it would be much appreciated, thank you.
  2. I can understand that not everybody can afford a genuine jeep, a few years ago people were buying Hotchkiss jeeps because they were cheaper and have continued to pass them off as WW2 jeeps do, I agree ? Maybe not but I am sure many of the "WW2 only" parades in Normandy this year will feature Hotchkiss jeeps. Is it right ? who knows but if it is done in the best interest of remembrance then I can live with it. It really depends on whether you view jeeps as classic cars that have to be 100% correct or can be replica's of a time that's past. We all mark jeeps up in markings of our choice when in reality we don't really know where they served so they are all fakes to be honest.
  3. Someone had some at Stoneleigh I believe but I can't remember who sorry, it's an age thing :-D There's Newark coming up so high chance you could get one there, or if you're not going I can either get you one and forward it or the details for you to contact them direct ? :-)
  4. Many thanks for that, I am supposed to be getting yet another letter next week when it arrives I will know what hoops they want me to jump through next, then I will contact complaints and start the ball rolling, at this rate the years insurance I took out at the start of the saga will be up for renewal :shocked:
  5. Thanks Andy, I have jumped through hoops and given them every bit of information I can, they won't tell me what's in the latest letter they have sent so it's any ones guess as to what they want now. When the local offices were there you could keep popping in until they were happy as it is now there's weeks go by before you hear whether or not they are doing anything it's slowly but surely driving me crazy :nut:
  6. Quick update on the continuing DVLA saga regarding getting a V5c for my tractor , after 5 months and several forms I still have no log book, rang them today to be told there is a "discrepancy" and they have written to me with MORE bloody forms ! I have up to now lost 5 months insurance over this and it's needed to do a job. They have my mobile and landline numbers which they insisted on yet couldn't use them to contact me, they say they posted a letter to me yesterday despite having the last form for well over a month :banghead: This tractor has been on the same farm for years and is as far as I can tell all original this will probably turn out to be someone misread the chassis number years ago when registering it yet there is nowhere you can go anymore to get a real human being to come out and look at it as you could when the regional offices were open. This does not inspire me with confidence when I come to register my Dodge WC52 in the next week or two I have sent them pictures, rubbings of the engine and chassis number etc but now they want a list of any modifications since 1968 ! I've only owned it 5 months how the hell do I know ? Looks like the scrap yard and a huge loss of cash :cry:
  7. Welcome in and thanks for the pictures, never seen them before :-)
  8. Welcome to the HMVF, someone on here will know a source of spares I'm sure, good luck.
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