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Everything posted by N.O.S.

  1. Would they be Salisbury axles then?
  2. .........and all! Lovely pic, Bernard.
  3. Could be worth looking on American Truck Historical Society's site - http://www.aths.org If they haven't got a thread on this might be worth asking the question.
  4. You know, these diffss could well have been rebuilt at some stage with steel thrust washers. The only info I have to go on is a wartime manual (post 12).
  5. I don't know - wine and women seems like a pretty good dream to me :laugh:
  6. The media and Hollywood have a lot to answer for. How much better it would be if he was allowed to get on with it quietly and one day (just maybe........) surprise us all!
  7. And there was me thinking the outer sheet overlap on the fuel tank ends was a bit excessive :whistle: But now you've added the adapter pieces it ends up spot on! :thumbsup: What thickness tin foil are you using?
  8. Get off your backside and find some more please
  9. You're right, the most important restraints are those preventing forward movement. There are a whole multitude of different ways to secure a vehicle safely - here are just a couple of ideas I find work well for me. Important not to ignore possibility of sideways movement - strike a balance between critical restraint in direction of travel and sideways restraint. I always use similar restraint at the front as the rear, as this keeps even tension all round, thereby minimising any forward/backward oscillation caused by stretching restraints. It also has the advantage of controlling sideways movement better than uneven front/rear tension. Keeping the angle of restraints more horizontal than vertical minimises the load on the restraint under braking -meaning less stretch if using fibre (ratchet straps) and thus less movement. Angle can be reduced by cross-mounting restraints as in diagram. If the load space is long enough I might put the rear restraints to the rear and front to the front - but often where space is tight the angle can be kept low by mounting as per diagram. Whenever possible I attach restraints to the axles, as this allows the chassis/ body to roll on the suspension without affecting the restraints. It is amazing how much a vehicle will roll on its suspension, causing uneven loading on the restraints. For example someone once moved my Bedford MJR by pushing front wheels hard forward against bulkhead of a stepframe trailer (good policy), but then just put a chain and load binder (over-centre tensioner) over the rear NATO tow hook, with chain anchor points slightly forward, thereby holding the truck forward against the bulkhead. Within 2 hours the NATO hook, although softer than the chain, was well on its way to cutting through the chain due to chassis roll!
  10. Not by any chance 2 x Rolls C6 side by side driving through a unit box to one big dynamo?
  11. What chat up line did you use on the grease gun to get such a rejection then? (Please respond without using the words pump, trigger, or lubricant)
  12. Please complete the following phrase: If you think about it, the whole idea of burying aircraft so they could be kept away from enemy eyes, and then dug up and got flying quicker and with less risk of alerting the enemy of your intentions than flying them in from elsewhere, is pretty_________ .
  13. Looks at first sight like an excavation of some sort - ramp down at left, solid line = excavation, dotted line = area to spread spoil. But not a bunker......... EDIT: Just worked out the distance scale - that would be a big hole!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. Here's a nice little bit of music only just up on the tube - appears to be produced by the Local Authority, I take my hat off to them, well done!
  15. I would think 'lucky b****rd' should just about cover it! :-D
  16. Well it's true this thread is going where no thread has gone before
  17. Leaving aside any record of disposal for a moment - if there are records for all aircraft, there should therefore be some records which show some spitfires shipped to far east but not having any "career" so to speak. Or is that being too logical?
  18. Whatever way you look at it, he's a brave man. Hope he finds them.
  19. I could swear I once saw a seagull get sucked into the intake of that engine from 20ft away he was pushing it so hard :cool2:
  20. ​for crying out loud just dig the f*****g hole!!!!!!
  21. If they're too corroded even to salvage parts they'll only be Junkers. Still no doubt they'll carry on Dauntless.
  22. If the cupboard is bare they'll be in a spot of Botha.....
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