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Everything posted by N.O.S.

  1. He who lifts them out of the ground will be the Liberator.
  2. I reckon once the dancing diggers have finished might be a good time to stock up on cola and popcorn before the excitement really starts......
  3. What are you playing at? :rolleyes: Everyone knows the roll should be placed at 90 degrees to that:
  4. :-D Well spotted - or is It a Comic Relief red nose? :cool2:
  5. What's he saying? Taken in Normandy:
  6. Ah - MUSTANG - the old KEYWORD ALERT. Sorry to have disturbed your hibernation :rofl:
  7. A great shame. Not wishing to do down the status of the Spitfire, but after all the hype and suspense for me the finale will be a bit less exciting as a result. How about an aging Bruce Willis for the persistent American who made the discovery in the Hollywood version of the story? Oh and they'd have to be Mustangs..........
  8. Lovely looking truck in sand finish. Magnificent wok there, Adrian! :-D
  9. :idea: Bottling plant - SPITFIRE WATER - ££££££££££££££££££
  10. I remembered to crawl under the Autocar Fuel tank today:
  11. OK OK I underhand that this is all designed to combat fraud and raise legitimate income, but sadly we all get caught up in the net - and get treated as gulity unless we can prove otherwise? There is no help unless you get a sympathetic agent to deal with. Guess we should acknowledge that (up until now at least) we have been EXTREMELY fortunate to have been able to run these old vehicles on the roads. Times they are a changing........
  12. I hope (but am not holding my breath) that this is simply some confusion on the part of the local DVLLA officials. I can't help feeling the are different rules for inspections connected with retaining or transferring registrations as these are often on vehicles which are not on the road and quite possibly not fit to use - compare with a vehicle someone has prepared for road use and wants to get a registration. Certainly it would be good to have a definitive view. It is fact now however that when registering a vehicle not made in the UK for the first time one has to demonstrate that import duty / VAT has been paid or the registration process cannot proceed. Until you pay it I guess! More forms I'm afraid! So now the applicant has to be the agent of HM Customs and Excise, and DVLA are the policing function for HMC&E. Not just that, but in some cases it will be impossible as in the case of vehicles made outside the EU evidence will only be accepted from the manufacturer. I really don't know what is going on in this country. Yes I understand we are bankrupt - although we kept being told we are not (yet) - but why are we suddenly faced with all these extra hurdles? Anyone else agree that we've certainly seen the best years in this hobby? :cool2:
  13. Now see here, FV1609 - how about a decent image for a start? :angry I count around 44 distinct layered colours there, quite a few of which seem to be primer - but some of these colours could be the section of each layer of paint appearing as a different colour to the surface. 44 (including 5 or so primers) seems a few too many to me, even for the Army :nut:
  14. I've not tried Xmas trees, but it's surprising what you can pick up with a Clarkat :-D
  15. Looking fantastic! But I'd be very surprised if you don't get a few oil leaks from that engine :whistle:
  16. Did you see this wonderful comment someone posted below the piece, Steve? :-D Great stuff but if that's the only way to get our air defences up to scratch, so be it.
  17. Open the Clubhouse gates wider - Roy's coming in! Welcome in. Tony
  18. International? I can only see one vehicle in the photo :laugh:
  19. Heck no Lee - I rolled off the production line a good 15 years after my GMC :cool2:
  20. But isn't JB just the name Joris made up for the mainframe server? :??? Oh well, happy birthday anyway! :banana:
  21. One thing that really gets the police wary is the wrong address on documentation. I'd bet if it hadn't been for that you'd have had an easy time of it.
  22. Two very interesting photos, Robert! :thumbsup:
  23. It WILL -'cos he'll never be able to get in tighten those pipe fittings to stop the inevitable air leaks!
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